Republished on Monday, 31st October 2016: We're bringing this article back from the archives to celebrate Hallowe'en today. The original text follows.
Originally published on Thursday, 30th October 2014: Why do I love horror games? Well, I can tell you right now that the love didn't start with games – it started with films. More specifically, it started with John Carpenter's masterpiece (I will fight you to the death that this is better than Halloween), The Thing. The flick has some of the best effects to ever grace a projector – as I learned when I first watched it...at the age of six.
Suffice to say my younger self was absolutely petrified, and I may or may not have been able to sleep that night. However, I found something about being scared exhilarating, and so I wanted to find other movies and games that made me feel the same way. Fast-forward 16 or so years and I haven't been able to hit those same highs – but I have come close.
And, incredibly, it's the video game sequel to John Carpenter's film that hit me the hardest. Named simply The Thing, it released in 2002 on the PlayStation 2 – when I was just 10-years-old. By that time, I was able to handle horror a little better, but it still took me nearly a year to finish the game's first level – not because it was hard, but because I was scared.
At the tender age of 11, I plucked up the courage to give it another go, and discovered that the game was, well, great. Sure, its shooting mechanics were merely okay at best, but its atmosphere and environments set it apart. It also had some clever ideas, such as a fear system for your squadmates, which is something that I've never really seen explored since.

This essentially saw your comrades get more or less suspicious of you depending on your actions, to the point where they would attempt to kill you if they lost trust in your humanity. Incredibly, there are even blood hypos (like the amazing blood test scene in the film) that you can use in front of them in order to gain their trust back. It's a really neat idea, and it worked wonderfully.
The plot also slots perfectly in directly after the film. It takes away from some of the mystery of the original's ending, but unlike a lot of tie-ins, it doesn't hurt the fiction at all. It even introduces the whole 'evil corporation wants to make a bioweapon' cliché, but rather than make the narrative feel tired, it uses this as an opportunity to introduce some of the game's more interesting environments.
Looking back at the title today, it creates a film-inspired setting that's comparable to more contemporary games like Alien: Isolation, which is saying something. Sure, now that I think about it, the game probably wasn't as scary as it seemed through my pre-teen eyes, but it still created a horrifying atmosphere, which was accentuated by the constant fear of being surrounded by 'the things', up to (and including) your squaddies.
Yes, it's looking dated, but I'll be damned if this isn't my number one game for Sony to bring to its cloud streaming PlayStation Now service. Ultimately, one of my favourite films of all time spawned one of my favourite games of all time – and that's a sentence that you don't get to say very often.
Are there any other horror movie tie-ins that you think hold up like The Thing? Cower behind the couch in the comments section below.
Comments 27
Amazing game & slotted in perfectly to the aftermath of the movie. As a franchise its still going strong as I thought the prequel movie was decent too. I do have my PC version of the game packed away somewhere, might dig it out & see if 1080p60 makes it any better
Great article, Graham. I've never played this, but you've definitely piqued my interest. Eager to give it a go now.
They should reboot this hole game for the nxt gen I really feel like playing this myself
The hole game must be itself different characters same monsters (pimped out) an same storyline.
I've still got my copy upstairs Sammy, if you ever want it you can snag it on Amazon for chump change!
Classic, loved this game !
It's just a game based movie,you need to watch it first.
This is my absolute #1 game I want to replay if Sony brings it to PlayStation Now. In fact, I would kill for an HD version.
I am a HUGE, gigantic, massive fan of the movie. I still use lines from the movie in real life......"You've got to be fu#%@ing kidding me." & "Back off! Way off!", etc. & was shocked how good this game was when it came out. Such an underrated classic.
Great article!
Graham, what did you think of The Thing (2011)?
@RaymanFan2 I thought it was okay. It had the right tone, the right environments. But I can't for the life of me fathom why they thought replacing all the ALREADY DONE practical effect work for CGI was a good move. The original (well, the 2nd one, but let's call Carpenter's for the sake of this) had some of, if not the very best practical effects I've ever seen. And the CGI, sort of unsurprisingly really haha, was the weakest aspect of the new one. The credit sequence blending in directly to opening sequence of the original was a brilliant stroke though!
Although, the company that was set to do at least some of the practical work for the new Thing went and kickstarted a movie that I'm super hopeful about. Not sure if you already know about it?
Glad to see I'm not the only one who remembered and loved this game!
@gbanas92 I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you up on your offer re: The Thing being better than Halloween. As much as I love that Morricone score, Michael Meyers is the King.
At the very least, I think we can all agree that Escape From New York is his best film.
@k_andersen I can't say that Halloween is bad (cuz I'd be lying), but there's just something about The Thing that elevates it well above Halloween for me. I think at least a part of it is the fact that Halloween spawned sooooo many slasher films, many of which are just really not good (including in the Halloween canon itself), whereas The Thing doesn't cover as much of an area. Granted, it's not like it's the first Ten Little Indians type film, but it was just handled so well. Plus the fact that it only spawned one extra film and one game makes it feel less tired to me.
"...if you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter, TIED TO THIS F**KING COUCH!!"
Language - get2sammyb
Yep was a great game.
The film is my fav horror film of all time, never mind fav of Carpenter! Would love a HD remake of this game! I also think there is a fantastic multi player concept in the Thing concept!! Imagine one getting randomly selected as the Thing and the rest has to figure out who it is and destroy it before it takes over them, and it's premise is to A) turn the rest of the team B) stay alive till helicopter/help arrives! Just think there's a great idea in there somewhere
I've never heard of a video game that was a sequel to a movie....now that is interesting. I'll check out a let's play on youtube.
@jonny_aces Actually, someone made an unofficial card game with, more or less, that premise. I have a copy, and it's pretty fun. If that interests you, check it out at https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/75828/thing.
@Rockman55 cheers mate will check it out!!
I absolutely love the movie. And the game is definitely an underrated classic.
@Dordrid best line ever!!
The moment I feel like I can't love push square community more, you go and pull a thing like this. Brilliant !!!! Keep it coming!
Wait, they made a game based on John Carpenter's The Thing?
Wow, I never knew that. I wish they would show the movie on TV once in a while. Always liked how unique it was.
Yeah I was under the impression your team mates would either turn or die at a predetermined point in the game regardless of your actions. Either way, it was worth trying to keep them alive just for backup because that game was tough..!
Never played this but would love the opportunity if they put it on PSNow. The Thing is right up there with the all time greats for me. Watched it last night in fact, as I do every halloween (I agree it beats Carpenter's Halloween, great though that is). MacReady's final line is still cinema's best closer. I don't think anyone will beat it.
I saw The Thing back in '82, when I was maybe 10-11 years old. Seeing that alien-infested dog split open at the mouth like a banana is a something I'll never forget. The severed-head-with-legs is iconic as well. Childhood trauma aside, this is a great movie and far, far beyond the recent remake.
@Loki7T1 The recent one was actually a prequel. Literally days before we see the U.S. camp and the final scene is the helicopter chasing the dog. The prequel took place in the Norwegian camp. John Carpenter may not have had anything to do with it but he gave the thumbs up.
Who is here in 2024, checking this article out, from Graham's remake review? ;D
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