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This week we brought you news of Gwent, a leaked card game based upon The Witcher's universe. While our very own gravel chopped editor Robert Ramsey maintained hope that it may end up on consoles, this author assumed that it would be a smartphone thing. Whichever of us turns out to be correct, it seems that the game's going to be a big deal, as CD Projekt Red's bought the advertising slot on the Fig Hotel.

If you're new to this E3 lark, then know that the three-pronged mural has played host to many a major title, including Grand Theft Auto V. The advertisement's not quite complete yet, but it looks exceedingly Witcher-esque to us – perhaps with a subtle cartoon spin. Maybe the Polish developer's got money to burn following the success of The Witcher III: Wild Hunt – or perhaps this card game's going to be a big deal after all.
