Quick, glitch into that rock

As sure as night follows day - or day follows night, it's not entirely clear - you can guarantee that someone out there is trying to find a way to glitch and break the newest games on the market.

Being a demo, and therefore a relatively short and potentially unpolished release, Final Fantasy XV's Episode Duscae is the perfect candidate for such tomfoolery. In the video that we've embedded, YouTube user Aceres Red Eyes manages to glitch through the demo's exploration-restricting barriers, and then goes on a bit of an adventure.

Running towards a particularly ominous landmark in the distance, the uploader's able to get further than you'd think, but as you'd expect, it all ends in tragedy as Noctis falls through the map and ends up deep in the bottom of, well, nowhere.

Are you a fan of things like this? Do you purposefully try and break games to see what happens? Clip into the comments section below.

[source youtube.com, via nichegamer.com]