Dq Heroes

To say that we're desperate for Dragon Quest Heroes to make it overseas is an understatement. The Warriors and Dragon Quest mash-up looks rather striking, and it features a bunch of old school characters to get your nostalgia flowing, too.

As with many titles slated for release this year, the hack and slasher is slicing onto PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, and refreshingly, publisher Square Enix has been pretty straightforward when it comes to talking about the differences between the two versions.

Translated by Gematsu, the company's official website states that the PS4 edition will run at a silky smooth 60 frames-per-second, while the last-gen version will run at 30 frames-per-second. On top of that, the PS3 release will display less enemies on screen, which, as far as we're concerned, is quite a significant handicap when it comes to a being a successful Warriors-style game.

Largely expected differences, then, but we reckon when it comes to slaughtering entire armies of colourful monsters, Sony's newest console will definitely be the way to go. Are you still holding out for news of a Western launch? Pop into the comments section below.

[source gematsu.com]