You’d have thought that before Sony shared the PlayStation 4’s final launch day lineup, it would have taken the time to ensure that it was complete. However, it turns out that when it published the platform’s software roster earlier today, it glossed over a handful of essential games. As such, we can’t guarantee that the following is the definitive day one offering – but it’s accurate at the time of writing.
Starting from 15th November in North America, you’ll be able to pick up the following first-party releases: Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Resogun, Sound Shapes, and Flower. These will be accompanied by Angry Birds Star Wars, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Call of Duty: Ghosts, DC Universe Online, FIFA 14, Battlefield 4, Just Dance 2014, Injustice: Gods Among Us, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Madden NFL 25, NBA 2K14, and Skylanders Swap Force. Over in indie land, downloads will include Contrast, the Pinball Arcade, Super Motherload, Tiny Brains, and Warframe. Phew.
It might not look like a whole lot on paper, but it takes time when you’re typing it all out. There are a number of previously confirmed launch games – Blacklight Retribution, for example – that are missing from this list, so we expect it to expand even further over the coming days. In the meantime, though, let us know what you’ll be adding to your launch day shopping cart in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 21
Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Resogun, Sound Shapes, Flower, DC Universe Online, Contrast, the Pinball Arcade, Warframe, and possibly Injustice: Gods Among Us for me. Going to get Need for Speed: Rivals, FIFA 14, and possibly Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag at a later date, too. Not a bad haul at all in my opinion.
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy, i thought now would be as good a time as any to finally register an account on here, i read A LOT of your articles so i consider us brothers aha. It seems everyone is missing out Minecraft from the launch list, i was pretty sure it was scheduled for launch, has that changed? :S
Good line up think;) + i will be playing games on my PS3 still to(like the AMAZING looking GT6) + R&C:Nexus
Actually picked up my copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall today when I went to pay off my pre-order on AC IV. I get to stare at that nice blue case now for 2 weeks as I wait to dive into the next-gen.
This will be much more exciting than PS3's day one when Resistance was really the only good game. In addition to Killzone and AC IV I'll be getting Injustice. Will probably add NBA 2K14 around Christmas and maybe Knack or CoD: Ghosts as well. Will download Warframe and Contrast as well. I'm very interested to see how Warframe is.
@Gamer83 I get my PS4 Cod on the 5th to stare at till the 29th.. my Killzone thankfully is in my Mega bundle so i dont have to stare at it as long.
What's in the mega bundle?
@Savino my country even not listed in Asia region for December release, I opt to import from Hongkong sometime next year when the price not leveling down (grey market I guess)
Going to be getting AC IV. Might pick up Injustice as well and of course I am going to give the f2p games a chance too.
im very happy about the launch,i see a few games id like to play
As of now, just KZ, the free-to-play titles and whatever PS+ brings (contrast right)? Might grab Knack after hopefully a demo. And maybe Lego Marvel if the features warrant the higher price compared to the other versions.
@Gamer83, Mega bundle includes the playstation camera, an extra controller and KZ Shadow Fall. Represents around a £70 pound saving in the Uk if you brought all the extras separate
That's a pretty nice bundle. I don't think we got anything like that here in NA or might've sprung for one. Doesn't matter at this point though, I'm just happy the console is almost out.
"We want to emphasize that it isn't in the interest of Sony Computer Entertainment America to sell PS4 units at this high retail price, as it’s not good for our gamers and it’s not good for the PlayStation brand," he added.
"We will continue to talk with the relevant government agencies to help us reduce the heavy tax burden that gamers, retailers and Sony Computer Entertainment America are paying."
Thay are actually trying to do something about it.
I'm happy to receive my Killzone shadowfall bundle:D<3
The only thing i really miss is something like a JRPG for my Console but Falcom the maker of YS games and legend of heroes series wants to make a ps4 game:D
something for all tastes on that list . personally i'd go for : ac Black Flag , pinball arcade and (maybe) injustice:GAU
@Apocalynx Thanks for registering.
@eliotgballade No DC Universe Online?
thought about that one but injustice pipped it to the post
Just read that planet side is being pushed to 2014 =
ACIV:BF is the only thing that entices me from the whole list. Not huge into indie games or FPSes. Won't be picking up ACIV:BF until a price cut though, and won't get a PS4 this year or even next- nevertheless, judging from what's in the pipeline for 2014, PS4 is going to have a strong start in my library.
@Gamer83 No, we don't get anything comparable to such savings. Full-price and sales tax for Americans. Its because we get it first, though!!!!!!! Haw-haw, Europe : ) having to wait is for chumps.
I'm getting BF, KZ, AC, and a Camera and vertical stand. Stoked!
After watch dogs crashed out the only game I'm interested in playing is Infamous: Second Son.....I'm sure the launch line up are all good games but they don't excite me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not getting a PS4 at launch, by the time I get one there will be more that interests me
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