SCEA's David Coombes Will Present A Talk On NGP At GDC Next Month.

SCEA's platform manager David Coombes will head the talk, entitled "Next Generation Portable Platform". It'll be the first public discussion of the device outside of last month's unveiling.

The lecture synopsis notes: “In this presentation we will introduce a new handheld console. We will talk about the devices broad range of input and connectivity options and how these create exciting new opportunities for game designers. David Coombes has worked at Sony Computer Entertainment since 1995. He started as a developer support engineer in London. After a stint in first party development he returned to developer support in Foster City to work on the PS2. Since then he has worked on launching the PSP and PS3 platforms. Currently he splits his time between making training materials and researching future technology.”

Don't expect Sony to drop any major new details during the talk, but we imagine there will be something for the press to latch onto. When isn't there?