David Cage Reckons He Can Better The Kind Of Visuals Seen In Heavy Rain.

But Quantic Dream honcho David Cage reckons there's still more to get from the PS3. He reckons his company can go even further.

Asked by VideoGamer.com if Heavy Rain was pushing the PS3 as far as it could go, Cage responded:
"Well, you need to keep in mind that Heavy Rain is our first title on PS3. It's not the second or third generation of games on the same platform. We've just discovered the platform right now. So yeah, there's plenty of room for improvement I'm sure.

"At Quantic Dream we know we can do much better than what we do here."</blockquote>

Heavy Rain already pushes photo-realism. It's insane to imagine something more than that. However, if Cage is behind it, we believe.