Alex Evans Cites That A LittleBigPlanet Sequel Will Be Fully Backwards Compatible.

In fact, he'd "love there to be a sequel". And he wants it to be backwards compatible.
"If you look at online distribution for LBP, when the sequel comes along, what do we do with all that content? We can give [consumers] backwards compatibility with those levels."</blockquote>

For now though, Evans can confirm that Media Molecule are still working on improving the already excellent core LittleBigPlanet experience. There's a demo on the way according to Evans, aswell as new object sharing functionality.

With LittleBigPlanet retailing so cheaply and making a majority of its money through digital distribution methods, we wouldn't be surprised to see Sony bundle every future Playstation 3 with a copy of the game. It makes buying the console seem more attractive and it widens that install base for microtransactions.

We just want to state right here, right now that we will always buy Media Molecule designed levels.