Sniper Elite 5: All Hidden Items Locations Guide 1

Where do you find all Hidden Items locations in Sniper Elite 5? Hidden Items are a type of collectible in Sniper Elite 5, usually found on desks and tables around each of the game's eight maps. Hidden Items rarely have additional intel or information, but are generally relevant to the mission you're undertaking. As part of our Sniper Elite 5 guide, we're going to reveal all Hidden Items locations.

Sniper Elite 5: All Hidden Items Locations

This Sniper Elite 5 guide includes all Hidden Items locations. Across the game's eight main missions, there are 24 Hidden Items to find. Discovering all of them will unlock the Souvenir Hunter Trophy. Please note that all Hidden Items locations have been captured from the PS5 and PS4 versions of the game, but apply to all releases.

Mission 1: The Atlantic Wall

Mission 2: Occupied Residence

Mission 3: Spy Academy

Mission 4: War Factory

Mission 5: Festung Guernsey

Mission 6: Libération

Mission 7: Secret Weapons

Mission 8: Rubble and Ruin

Mission 9: Loose Ends

  • There are no collectibles in Mission 9: Loose Ends

Mission 10: Wolf Mountain (DLC)

Did you find all Hidden Items locations in Sniper Elite 5? Have a browse of our Sniper Elite 5 guide, and let us know in the comments section below.