How do you lose your wanted level and escape the law in Red Dead Redemption 2? Avoiding the law may sound simple enough on paper, but in Red Dead Redemption 2, things can quickly turn ugly if you're not properly prepared to make your escape after committing a crime. Whether you're on your feet or horseback, it's always best to have a plan just in case fleeing becomes your only option. You can also find out how to pay off your bounty and all the ways you can get a bounty through the links.

How Do You Lose Your Wanted Level and Escape the Law in Red Dead Redemption 2?

red dead redemption 2 how to escape the law guide 1

If you're looking to lose your wanted level and escape the law in Red Dead Redemption 2, there are a few factors that you have to consider. Law enforcement happens in stages, and we've listed the process below.

  1. You commit a crime.
  2. There is at least one witness.
  3. The witness is not stopped or killed, and they report the crime to the law.
  4. With your crime reported, the law will come to investigate.
  5. If you don't flee the immediate area (coloured red on your map) before the law arrives, they will shoot on sight.
  6. If you're spotted by the law and then flee, they'll give chase.
  7. You must evade the law by keeping out of their line of sight and staying out of the red area on your map. If the law keeps spotting you, the red area will move to your location and you'll have to escape it again.
  8. Avoid the law until the 'WANTED' bar on your screen turns completely grey and you will escape, but you'll have a bounty on your head. Find out how to pay off your bounty through the link.

Actually losing the law is the problem. Lawmen can be incredibly tenacious, especially if you've committed a serious crime, and they won't stop chasing unless they lose sight of you completely. Naturally, you'll want to be on horseback when running from the law. Horse-riding Lawmen will easily surround you if you're on foot.

Usually, the best way to escape is to avoid main roads and trails. Lawmen will often close in from different roads in an attempt to try and cut you off, so a lot of the time, your safest bet is to ride off into the wilderness. Unless the law sees you leave the road, they're unlikely to follow, and will instead continue along the path. Riding through heavily wooded areas is also a good way to lose your pursuers, although it is risky. Ride too fast through a lot of trees and you might find yourself slamming straight into one.

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