Looking for all Manor Cape collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy? There are many different types of collectibles to find in the area at the bottom of the World Map. As part of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, we're going to reveal all Manor Cape collectibles.

Note: This page is a work in progress. Keep checking back as we continue to update the guide with all the information you're looking for.

Hogwarts Legacy: All Manor Cape Collectibles

Hogwarts Legacy: All Manor Cape Collectibles

Below you will find a list of all Manor Cape collectibles with links detailing where to find them. They're listed in the same order as you'd find on the World Map.

Collection Chests

  • Collection Chest #1
  • Collection Chest #2
  • Collection Chest #3
  • Collection Chest #4
  • Collection Chest #5
  • Collection Chest #6
  • Collection Chest #7

Merlin Trials

Ancient Magic Hotspots


Demiguise Statues

Astronomy Tables

Landing Platforms

That's where to find all Manor Cape collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy. How many have you found so far? Tell us in the comments section below, then check out our Hogwarts Legacy guide for lots more.