
Topic: The Movie Thread

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@LN78 the missus has seen Halloween and wanted to watch something she hadn’t seen before… we’ll circle back though 😉

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Good shout. I was very amused by your "BTiLC" exchange earlier. Such a quotable movie - "you can run off and rule the universe from beyond the grave...or check into a psycho ward,whichever comes first."

[Edited by LN78]



@colonelkilgore One of my favourite films there... got it on 4K blu ray. Love the practical effects, love the soundtrack, love how tense it is in some scenes. Hopefully the upcoming remaster of the game, which is an official sequel to the film still holds up today.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Last night watched In a Violent Nature and it was probably my favourite horror film of the year so far. It changed up the slasher formula by following the antagonist third person over the shoulder style rather than focussing on the group of victims. Some really nice slow paced nature shots of outdoor Canadian countryside and some gruesome deaths.
Recommended 👍

Yeah The Thing is still great. Amazing how well some of the practical effects still hold up after all these years.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Good reminder guys. I got the 4k of The Thing for Christmas and I’ve realised I still haven’t checked it out.
Need to stop falling back on the lazy option of going to Netflix and Prime and start watching stuff I haven’t touched from my physical collection.


PSN: leejon5


Just got home from seeing A Quiet Place: Day One and I quite liked it! It doesn't do anything particularly new, but what it does it does well and both Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn deliver very good performances. The movie has the expected amount of jump scares (a couple very cheap ones as well), but it is also good at building a proper amount of tension at times, so I can forgive the worst offenders in this one (and they are by no means the cheapest jump scares I've seen in the theatre this year).



@BearsEatBeets It’s a deep trap mate. I bought three blu-rays on Saturday and we ended up watching The Bear 🤦‍♂️

@colonelkilgore Enjoy mate, love love The Thing. Surely you’ll be watching the all time classic, Ghosts of Mars? 😜

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


Anyone have any thoughts on that Hellboy trailer? I love the characters but I’m just not feeling the excitement this time. I was day dreaming the other day about Del Toro doing a sequel but in stop motion animation.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@AgentCooper It's funny, because I was about to ask the same thing. I'm curious as to what "proper" Hellboy fans think. I actually thought it looked like a potentially cool supernatural horror flick with images of Hellboy spliced in For all I know, this is the kind of tone the comics set, but I really couldn't say.
I loved the first Del Toro movie, didn't care all that much for the second and skipped the new non-Del Toro version completely, so I don't have all that much experience with the character.
And Hellboy looked a bit "off" to me, but that is probably because Perlman inhabited that character so well that it just feels weird when it's someone else



Annual rewatch of "Jaws". Still brilliant. Go backwards and forwards on whether Robert Shaw as Quint or Rutger Hauer as Batty is my favourite movie performance of all time.



@AgentCooper @FuriousMachine I first got into the comics because of Del Toro's movie's. I do really like those movies, but they are nothing like the comics.

The last movie was plagued with lots of stuff behind the scenes and had lots of unfinished looking FX shots. But it was pretty faithful to the comic, just a strange point in HB's life to adapt as it's quite a lengthy story in the comics so squeezing it into one film definitely didn't help.

As for the new one. It's taken from a fantastic story drawn by the excellent Richard Corben. Apart from not having yellow eyes, the design of HB looks great. The sloping shoulders, the coat all look spot on. In the comics big red is never consistently the same colour. Depending on lighting and what his situation is he will be different shades of red, he's even been greys and other dull colours.

This is one of the stories where Hellboy just happens to be thrown into investigate and doesn't really explore his background. It's more of the horror vibe from the comics rather than the fantasy that Del Toro went with for his outings, especially The Golden Army!



@AgentCooper @MightyDemon82 I watched the trailer again just now and I must say I'm liking the full on horror vibes it gives off and hope that's the tone in the movie as well. I'll definitely keep an eye out for this one. Probably won't come to the theatres over here, but here's hoping!



@FuriousMachine The thing is that Hellboy is a quiet comic for the most part. People want a blockbuster but in reality, the lower budget horror dripping in atmosphere is where Hellboy will fit very well. I've been a fan of Hellboy and Mike Mignola's art/ storytelling for 20 years. Always happy to check out adaptations but nothing can beat the comics especially when Mike is behind both the story and the art.



@MightyDemon82 Love to hear that! If this new movie pulls off the "horror dripping in atmosphere" thing it will so be my jam
Read up on the movie over at and the fact that Mignola and Christopher Golden are writing it fills me with promise. Brian Taylor as a director takes away some of that promise again, though (apart from "Crank", his movies have been... not very good, in my opinion)



@FuriousMachine @MightyDemon82 I haven’t gotten round to reading the comics I’m ashamed to say, I loved Del Toro and just went along for the ride. I’m going to remain open minded about the new film especially following your comments MD 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Malaise You can't really go wrong. If physical media is your thing, the most recent 4K release is reference quality and it usually shows up in the 2 for 1 deals these days.



@Malaise I gave a whole ton of DVDs to a charity shop when I got a PS4. Since then I've tried to only only buy films on disc that I know I like and will rewatch, especially on 4K as they are bit more expensive. My collection is now mainly films I grew up with like Alien, Aliens, Predator, The Thing to more recent films like Sicario, Get Out, The Batman.

Used be much more a scattergun approach with DVDs. Ended up with a wholemload films I only watched the once and didn't like. Much like PlayStation games with all the sales on the store, I've accumulated way too many games I know what to do with. Which is why I almost never buy any games these days, and either play something that is in my backlog or whatever is on PS Plus.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder @Malaise I'm just now getting used to NOT buying the latest version of every movie that I want for my collection. If it's on blu-ray then I've stopped buying a 4K upgrade in most instances. I don't have Prime or Netflix subscriptions and just binge watch everything I want to see on those services when I do my yearly stint housesitting for my brother. I love having a beautfully curated movie collection sitting in my AV room but I'll cry in unlikely event that 8K discs ever become a thing. There's only so many times a person should have to buy "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

[Edited by LN78]


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