
Topic: Push Square Game Club Spooktacular: Resident Evil 4

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@Ralizah Wow, that really is a coincidence!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Kidfried @RogerRoger @ralphdibny I don’t remember the motion controls being a large problem and I played on the PS4. Maybe I’ve blocked it from my memory. Perhaps I need to read my review and see if I mentioned it.

And I should have warned you about the photo mode Rog. 😄 It’s a fantastic addition since the game’s real strength (imo) is the interesting visuals.

I do think the ‘after school special’ feeling of the whole narrative does make the game more of a niche product. I can relate to bullying, as I’m sure many of us can, so it does keep things pertinent to my former experiences, even if it’s not necessarily a deep dive into the subject.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Kidfried When I first launched the game and it introduced the motion controls I was like "yeeeeah, this will take some getting used to", and then guess what... I got used to them
Not a problem at all, just maybe not immediately 100% intuitive (also playing with the DualSense if that matters). Not always super precise but the game's not really about that.



@Voltan There's not really a penalty for undoing stuff if they're not to your liking anyway, so I'm mashing that button anytime something doesn't turn out the way I want it.

Definitely got used to the motion sensor quick enough. The thing I'm still the most disappointed by is the lack of possibilities you have during creation. A lot of the brushes aren't brushes at all, but mere stamps. I'm baffled by the fact that I still haven't got anything similar to graffiti spray cans. Also, you're really limited with a lot of the brushes that are there, they often won't let you make them curve, but instead they'll just draw a straight line from the place you started to the place you ended.

The game often feels like it has two halves, and the dev decided to split their time, resulting in both halves being average. I'd rather have seen they doubled down on either one (action/adventure or painintg) and making that aspect really sing.



Well, whatdoyaknow, I guess I did comment on the motion controls in my review :

“A small comment on the motion controls — I typically dislike motion controls, yet I left the painting on this default control setting despite having the ability to change the movement of the brush to the analog stick. I never really was annoyed at the motion aspect of the control set even though I thought I’d eventually go in and switch to the alternate controls but I never felt the need.“

Certainly it’s nice to have the option to switch since there is definitely a lot left to personal preference with motion controls.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Kidfried Following your comment at the bottom of the last page, I re-activated motion controls when I returned to the game, and gave them a second shot. Maybe it's me, maybe it's your DualSense, or maybe it's a combination of both factors, but I still felt as though I was trying to hug a hyperactive cat the entire time. I can't remember the last game I played with dedicated motion controls, though, so there's a strong possibility that my personal preferences are responsible for my intransigence.

@Th3solution Yeah, I was gonna go back and check your review for motion control comments, so thanks for saving me the clicks! Interesting that you always thought you'd deactivate them later, and then never did. I guess if I was really struggling with the analogue stick, I'd go back and eventually end up adapting, but I'm finding it a more-than-adequate input.

As for the Photo Mode, well...





Don't worry, I won't spam the topic; these were just my first few!

I do agree with @Kidfried about the artistic limitations of the painting mechanic, though. Fumbling through to my first Masterpiece wall, I tried my hand at some patient painting but also, in some areas, ended up randomly attacking a surface with whatever was selected by default; the results were kinda indistinguishable from one another. Stuff just looks pretty, no matter what you splodge where. I think it helps that the neon colour scheme and lighting engine is gorgeous regardless. It's like some kind of Joel Schumacher fever dream, but it means anybody can create something worth keeping.

I'd love to see what talented artists have come up with. I'm sure it'd be breathtaking.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I put a fair few hours into this today, I found it's a nice game to lose myself in, just wondering around an abandoned city fixing stuff by painting walls everywhere and solving some very light puzzles.

The message the game endeavours to deliver to the player is a nice positive one as well, I feel. While it feels like the narrative is fairly predictable, I'm still enjoying watching things unfold. Great little game so far.



Finished it yesterday. Overall it's a charming little game and I'm glad I played it.



Started this earlier and I love the art style, reminds me of studio Laika. Everything pops in 4K too especially when you've finished a painting. Not keen on the motion controls either so switched to using the right stick as soon as I could, which I found so much better. But I've never really liked motion controls whenever I've used them before, so I just think they are not for me.

Got a bit into Chapter 2 in the Fish Market so not that far at all, but will sink a few more hours into it this week.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@RogerRoger lovely screenshots! You’re correct that the relative limitations of drawing do make it nearly “foolproof” as far as creating something beautiful. There’s advantages to this approach in making it accessible, but the truly creative and talented artistic minds will probably feel a little hamstring by lack of freedoms to create what their mind’s eye envisions.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I don't have a creative bone in body, so I'm thankful that part of the game has been made accessible. I suppose it would have been good to have a more advanced mode for the ones who are more creative, but I can assume that the devs decided for whatever reason to not to put it in the game. It is quite a small dev team compared to other Sony first party teams, and that does happens a lot during development.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Oh no @RogerRoger... You just had to find out there was a photo mode didn't you? Now I'll have to keep my eyes peeled on this thread AND the screenshot topic to make sure I don't miss any

The second and fourth shots are both rather lovely but all of them look rather nice!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@RogerRoger what great screenshots!! I very much enjoyed some of the scenes I created, particularly the larger drawings that are in each area. They absolutely nailed that part of the game. I was always very sad this game didn't have hdr, some of the genies and scenes would have looked amazing with it!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy one of the trophies requires to enter the photo mode so it's kinda hard not to notice
Also: awesome pics indeed!



Was going to play this for a while yesterday, but the power went out, so I stuck to my Switch.

On chapter... 2... I think? It's a very pretty game, although there's not a lot to love in the gameplay or story overall. Feels very style over substance. We'll see what happens.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)

PSN: Ralizah


@RogerRoger Wow! Really cool screenshots. 👏🏽 I must say it feels refreshing to play as a protagonist with a magic paintbrush, instead of a gun or a sword.. The motion controls are fine for me, but traversal feels a bit cluncky. I restarted Pixel Opus previous game Entwined (also on ps plus) and although they are very different games the overall vibe feels similar. I even found an Entwined easter egg in zone 1 of the Hydro electrical plant


PSN: Mr_B021


@Ralizah I don't think it's too much of a spoiler when I say the game basically turns into a different game in its latter part. It's also not very long, I got the platinum in just 2 evenings.



@Voltan Yeah, I remember liking the latter part where things change a little bit as far as abilities. It was probably not elaborated on enough and was over a little too quickly before you really got to try out and have fun with the new powers. So as a result the end part overall felt more shallow than the first 2/3 of the game where your brush is just for drawing and the focus on creation.. But that’s me trying to recall from a year ago.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Spent about twenty minutes perfecting a huge wall in the sewers. Wasn't a special story moment or anything, I just found a corner I liked and got into it. Had three genies nearby and was setting everything up for a few Photo Mode snapshots before moving on...

...and the moment I stopped painting, the game crashed me back to my PS4 dashboard. Booted it back up and was greeted by a blank wall. Much rage.


@Th3solution @JohnnyShoulder On the accessibility note, I agree with Johnny, and think that the developers definitely fell on the right side of the artistic freedom fence. Given that all the paintings are animated, with many interactive items for the genies to play with, and that all the various layers are smart (trees will invariably slot behind foreground items like logs and mushrooms, even if you add them last) it tends to feel like anything more complicated might've melted the average PS4's innards. Random crash aside (which could've been anything) I've been very impressed with its technical wizardry.

@Mr_B021 Am in total agreement with your point about how refreshing this game feels. I've come to it from a couple of superhero sandbox adventures, and the prospect of running around another open-ended map should've made me recoil slightly, but there really is no comparison.

@Th3solution @Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy @R1spam @Voltan @Mr_B021 Collective thanks for the screenshot praise, folks! Will share any further snapshots over in the dedicated topic, as and when.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@Th3solution As I said elsewhere, the combat mechanic felt a bit tacked on and also was mostly button bashing. The skating type movement was neat for using post game to find collectibles though.


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