
Topic: American Sports

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@Th3solution Completely forgot about the eagles at moment lol ; i’m also surrounded by cowboys garbage on a day-to-day basis and hear about them way more .

The personification of the eagles fanbase is EDP445

is that taking it too far ? 😂💀😂



@Pizzamorg especially if mahomes injury comes back . rather the eagles win anyway

i fly with the birds (even tho my birds are out)



@nomither6 Oooof, yeah that dude is a case-in-point of my impression of the Eagles fanbase. I wouldn’t normally judge a group of people by just one vocal clown but there’s a heavy body of evidence that a lot of their fans are just dregs. The town of Philadelphia is an armpit too, if you’ve ever been there. It has a lot of cool history and the Rocky statue, but my experience with the people there wasn’t very good.

I think the luck is about to run out for this Purdy kid. He struggled much of the day today and relied on Dallas imploding and having their best running back get hurt in the first half. His Cinderella story is about to end next week.

As for the AFC, neither team gives me much confidence, mainly because of the Mahomes injury. I still like KC’s chances, even though Cinn knocked off the lauded Bills. I also feel like I can’t trust the Bengals team and they’ve largely had some luck at the right moments.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I also wasn't really convinced by the Bengals during the regular season, or even their playoff run last year. I was tired of people telling me how good this team was, because I'd put on one of their games and they'd be terrible and barely scrape a win.

But my mind was changed so completely by that Bills game. I feel like I've seen few truly dominant, complete games this season in general to be honest, but that performances from the Bengals was one of them. The offence was about as crisp as it could have been in those conditions, and they clearly designed a scheme to take account for the Oline issues and mitigate it as much as they could, and the defensive scheme was clearly tailor made to force Allen to panic and dip into his worst tendencies.

If they can build unique schemes like that every game, I don't see why they can't go all the way, as there is already a written blueprint for Mahomes, especially if he's playing hurt. And I feel like they'd have a field day if they got Purdy, and have enough film to design something to stop Hurts if they make it to the SB.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Th3solution philly never struck me as a clean or hospitality city , an “armpit” was the best word to describe it lol , tho you can say i live in an armpit too but we have that southern charm , philly is more like an underdog compared to other cities on the east coast , even chicago .

it’s kinda surprising you don’t have as much faith with the bengals , joe burrow is really good and one of the top QBs in the league with health on his side , some would argue that he’s the best right now



@nomither6 I think @Pizzamorg said it best there. The Bills game showed a consistent and dominant performance as opposed to some of their other games this year. Honestly I haven’t actually watched many of their games, just seen highlights and such. So I’m just speaking out of thin air, but it’s just a gut instinct. They have beat KC earlier this year, so we’ll see.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


i think the bengals have a great chance



Joe Montana isn't in the stadium is he? 49er's need a QB.


PSN: leejon5


While it is always brutal to be knocked out of the playoffs, and if you looked at it on paper, all the favourites really went through in every round, I feel like almost every team has gone out in absolutely brutal fashion this year. No heroic step ups to go out with all you can give swinging, it just feels like a chain of collapses.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


I saw this coming. Whatever comes out of the AFC, it will be the same outcome. No one is even getting close to the Eagles this season. And their core is pretty young, so I’m afraid they’ll be around for a long time. They’ve done some genius drafting. Really good team management.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


The Eagles have had the easiest path to the SB this year and have avoided any truly killer injuries in the playoffs so far. So whether it be Bengals or Chiefs, I think this will really be the Eagles first proper test, if they win - amazing, but I kinda think they are heading to the biggest stage to get humbled.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg You’re right in that they had a bye in the first week due to being the #1 seed (which is the whole point to reward a strong regular season) but that Giants team they embarrassed was a pretty good team. And San Fran is good too, but I know their weakness was already QB and then the injuries got them for this game, but even with Purdy, they weren’t going hang with Philly.

I could be wrong, but I just don’t see either CIN or KC getting within 10 points, at best. Both CIN and KC have more experience, to be sure (especially KC) so you might have a point there about Philly getting overcome by the big stage, but I’ve not seen a chink in the armor of the Eagles yet — unless Hurts goes down with injury. That’s the only way they’ve lost this year is when he was out for a while. I think 2 of their 3 losses were while he was injured.

And it’s a good point though, because being healthy at the right time is key to winning a championship. And Eagles have been lucky in that regard.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I mean The Giants weren't a good team, though, they were really carried by great coaching and just absolutely collapsed in that game. Sure some of that has to come from the Eagles, but I don't think the Eagles deserve flowers for that win, when you compare it to say Cinci's victory over Buffalo that same weekend. You saw a complete team there, dismantle a team whose game it was to win. It wasn't the same as that Eagles win, even if it looks more dominant by box score.

And the Niners honestly were just in hell, the loss of Purdy kinda spiralled everything in that game. It didn't just hurt them offensively, it hurt them defensively, too, as Philly were getting Johnson off the field so quickly, the Niners defence looked gassed by half time. Again, some of that has to be the Eagles, but it is another win which I don't think exactly deserves any flowers. Had Purdy not gotten hurt and set off the domino effect, maybe the Eagles would have still won, but I think it would have been down to a field goal or something.

And even if you go back to the regular season, the Eagles had a really easy schedule and very few convincing wins, and multiple wins that were very close to being losses. I dunno, I ain't seen anything yet to give me any genuine confidence, I dunno.

[Edited by Pizzamorg]

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Deffo gonna be one of those games where everyone focuses on the bad officiating - and it was bad, no doubt - but I wouldn't say the Bengals looked like the obvious winners who just got ***** by the refs. The Oline was stopping nothing, the offence had a few stunning plays, but like it seems to always with the Bengals there were long stretches where the offence just seemed to stall complete, the defence was generally playing well, but they gave up so many big plays and unnecessary penalty yardage. Just all together I thought the Bengals played a super sloppy game and the better team won. And such an odd follow up to that Bills game, where the Bengals looked so complete on both sides of the ball.

With all the injuries the Chiefs picked up though and with Mahomes really running that ankle into the ground, who knows what they will be like in two weeks time come the SB.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg Hmm.. I think you’re selling the Giants a little short, who beat Cincinnati, Jacksonville, and Baltimore this year. They had some bad losses too, so it was just a consistency issue.

And I guess I must be in the minority and Vegas agrees with you since the opening line for the SB is just Eagles by 1 point. I’ll take that bet any day. There’s no way it’s that close. Eagles by 10+.

I do agree that everything fell into place for Philly though, and this year there just wasn’t a lot of consistent good teams except Philly. When they won their superbowl few years ago with Nick Foles & Co. I would argue that was a much much luckier year for them though. They had no business winning the championship that year and it just all fell into place. This year though they deserve it.

I’ll be eating crow if KC wins though. Incidentally I’m rooting for KC despite there being little hope.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Last chance to get your Super Bowl prediction in. I’m still going Eagles win 31-21.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I hope you’re wrong but I do think that the Eagles are going to be hard to beat. Not going to make a prediction but hope it’s an exciting game.
I just want it to get going. The build up has felt like ages.


PSN: leejon5


I'm picking KC, I always bet against Mahomes and I am always wrong.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Oh man this is going downhill fast. I’m not feeling overly confident about the second half.
KC needs to do a better job of getting the Eagles off the field, especially cutting out the penalties giving 1st downs.

I hope Mahomes is okay.


PSN: leejon5


Now I wish I’d put a bet on the Eagles.

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