
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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Besides Rise of the Ronin, I've been co-oping with my daughter in Cat Quest 2. It's a simple rpg that's not too frustrating that my daughter would want to quit. BG3 got her into the RPG games a bit and Im trying to keep it going w/o her losing interest. It's fun to couch coop with her, as an older teenager she generally wants to hang out in her room. Hopefully we keep it going and maybe I'll pick up the 3rd cat quest when it comes out.



What happened to the "latest purchase" thread? 👀

Anyway, I re subbed to PS Plus Extra as I'm slightly drunk and even though I was planning to fully downgrade to regular, the price wasn't too bad in the sale (and letting it run out at this time of year opens up those sale prices, kerching) but I had to act quick amd choose a plan as I had to re sub between fifa club Elite division playoff games 🤣 so Extra it is and if i play one game on it its provably worth it for the year, so happy overall 😅

I suppose FC24 is the game I was currently playing which keeps it on topic 😁 but seriously did the other thread just implode?

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Yeah, I noticed this too. The PS4 latest purchase thread is intact, but I couldn’t find rhe PS5 one.

I finally picked up GoW Ragnarok since I found it on sale for $35 on disc. Since Sony isn’t releasing anything for the foreseeable future and seem hell bent on not putting GoWR on PS+ Extra, I figure I’d just bite the bullet on Ragnarok. Not sure when I’ll get around to it, but into the backlog it goes, available for when the mood hits.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I'm currently playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion (PS5).

After I have platinumed it, I plan to platinum Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade (PS5) and then finally play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5).

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I posted in it Friday talking about my BG III Deluxe edition finally arriving @Ravix & @Th3solution and then Ralizah had tagged me about SMT V Vengeance... The notifications for those tags AND my comments are completely gone in my feed so the thread has definitely been nuked.

Which means someone may've left... Or they just decided to delete the threads for some reason...


Well I remade the thread so it shouldn't be disappearing anytime soon!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


1. Kao the Kangaroo
2. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart




@Th3solution I'll thank you in advance for GoW Ragnarok coming to PS Plus in July/August then 😅

GoW Ragnarok is a weird one, I really enjoyed GoW even though I wanted more more fights and more variation in enemies. But they aren't games I'd replay necessarily, and as I only played the first a couple of years ago I still haven't got the urge to dive in to Ragnarok. I imagine it will be absolutely fantastic though and maybe a one for this winter (if I'm not playing KCDII for 1 million hours)

@HallowMoonshadow yeah, a weird one. I wasn't sure what happened or why. I didn't think it would be moderation, as people aren't hateful in the forums ❤️ unless it got spammed. So maybe those other options.

Oh well 😅

How is BGIII going? 😁😁😁

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Well I don't have a PS5 yet @Ravix and BG III's physical edition is supposed to be a limited time thing so... It was a preemptive purchase while I had the chance. Really adored Larian's previous outing with Divinity Original Sin II (Which I only paid a tenner for) so... It's a worthwhile investment even if it sits unplayed for a few more months.

It looks very pretty... The box and all the feelies at least. I posted some pics in the "tat" thread

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Been playing some Tunic and got to the point where the little fox became a ghost.
Cute game and does a good job of introducing new stuff over time. Not exactly easy tho



I'm not crazy in hunting the trophies so I played the games with my own pace, at least I finished the storyline first then I can finish the optional things.



Had a hard time deciding what I wanted to play now that I've finished Sand Land. Decided to go with Star Ocean The Divine Force while it's available on PlayStation Plus. Seems decent enough so far, but you can definitely tell it's not one of Square-Enix's big budget games.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Voltan i played it recently and lost patience for tunic, for now...I got to a point where I didn't know what to do and didn't want to look it up so I set it aside. One of the best soundtracks though and fun in most parts. Good luck.



Just bought and kompleted Mortal Kombat 1. Working on finishing Terminator: Resistance. Next, either Robocop: Rogue City or Dead Island 2 mayhaps



@Elodin tbf I used the PS+ game help one time - it isn't always very clear about what you gotta do next



I’m currently playing Dragon’s Dogma 2. I’m nearing the end, so I’m mopping up a few remaining side quests I have. This is going to go down as my favorite RPG of all time. I’m already planning my NG+ run.



@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Going well. I posted a small update on the Souls thread the other day after some long grinding sessions. My character is coming around nicely but has turned more into a mage than I had planned. I’m still using the rapier for a lot of the close melee but I’m relying more and more on my soul arrow and dark orb spells.

I’ve got myself a little over-extended with concurrent games I’m also dabbling in and just added Sifu to the mix. The Game Club started it for the June game of the month and so I tried it and it’s quite good. I’m not very adept at fighting games, but it’s fun to try. If there’s one thing that the Souls games have taught me, it’s that difficult games can still be enjoyable if you take the time to learn their mechanics and systems. I’m not sure how I’m going to split my time up between the games I’m juggling, but Dark Souls II is still my main game.

How about you? How’s Rise of the Ronin?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Hey! Haven’t had much time for gaming over the last week unfortunately, so I’m still right at the end of Stellar Blade. The boss I’m at is actually pretty tough and in the moments I’ve had to sit down and play, I haven’t been able to ‘get into the zone.’ How’s 19th century Japan treating you?

@Th3solution I know it’s kind of the black sheep but Dark Souls II is probably my favourite Souls game. Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Th3solution I just defeated a story-related boss that I believe will resurface later. It isn't the same as the Souls games, but I am still enjoying it a lot, the combat is great and anyway, hey ,the Souls games will always be my personal favourites. Glad you are enjoying Dark Souls II and I wish you all the best with it.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic

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