
Topic: Playstation Summer Showcase 2024 (Thoughts, Predictions, Discussion)

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Got a weird feeling they won't announce the show until the day of, or day before for some reason.

Anyway, the latest sale on top of a sale is only a week long and ends next Wednesday. So still potential for a days of play/summer showcase mix if it is next week.

At this point, though, I just want them to get it over with so we can move on 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@colonelkilgore It was something theorised on the WhatCulture gaming podcast a few weeks back, and I absolutely back the theory! Bluepoint would be such an obvious studio to head up a project of this stature, and there is evidently a huge market for this remake.... now moreso than ever with the success of Elden Ring, and how that has been embraced by a more 'casual' demographic.

Just imagine how deadly it would be with PS6 capabilities... would be looking in great company amongst your other 100+ versions of the game!



@CJD87 this has actually been a rumour for far longer than that tbh… the only thing I would say is that if it is Bluepoint making it… and if it is to launch on PS6, then I’d like them to release another game in between that and Demons Souls remake as that is a long old time to develop a remaster/remake.

**** DLC!


I don't think I've seen it yet on this thread... but isn't it the case that Sony often wheel out something from Capcom at these showcases? I'm fairly sure the Resi4 remake was initially pushed during a Sony Showcase, irrespective of being multi-platform, so potentially we could see a release date and/or teaser for Resi 9?!

Allegedly PS2 emulation/porting via "PS+ Premium" is said to be given more impetus moving forward, with the expectation of rewind capability + manual 'any-time' saving added to the library of games (Similar to how Nintendo works with their online offerings)



@CJD87 Yes, RE4 Remake was announced during a State of play I think back in 2022, along with their VR projects. I added RE9 in my previous predictions about the showcase if it happens, as Capcom does have a habit of revealing certain titles during Sony shows. So it's possible but I could see them doing it either in their own show or with something like Geoff's show. As for the emulation, it sounds too far off for a reveal this summer. Trust me, I want this, but I doubt we'll see it soon. I harp on often about wanting a surprise in their next show, so maybe this is what they share or update us on!



@Enriesto The more I think on it, I'd wager quite heavily on RE9 having some kind of announcement... Sony are probably eager for 'big hitter' games, and the remainder of 2024 looks quite sparse (Across the board for Microsoft and Nintendo also in fairness)
PS2 emulation, if done well, could massively bolster PS+ Premium subs... seems like such an open goal for Sony, no idea why this hasn't been prioritised in earnest! We'll see eh...



@CJD87 My expectation is RE9 showing up. It's been in development for a while, and they tend to announce at Playstation events. Might help draw attention away from the dearth of first-party software on Sony's end.

In Nintendo's case, 2024 is clearly a transition year for them. I think they'll probably try to replicate their strategy for the Switch, where their first year saw a blitzkrieg of big first-party releases to push the console. My money's on open world 3D Mario, a new Mario Kart, and probably some weird new IP nobody ends up buying, like ARMS.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah Excited for what Capcom bring to the table with RE9, rumours suggest the return of an older bruised Leon Kennedy? (Would be awesome...) Also curious to see how Capcom handle the sandbox/open elements that have been largely hinted at. Resi7 remains my favorite, but I don't suspect we will see a return to the tight-knit horror elements of the Baker house.

For sure Nintendo is riding the wave of complacency for now, in lieu of firing on all cylinders with the output pertaining to Switch2. Like you, I expect that S2 will launch with some phenomenal 1st party output, alongside some solid ports of popular classics from last few years (Elden Ring? Or even Baldurs?!)



@CJD87 For Nintendo I think we'll see a repeat of last year. Before the June Direct, the only game scheduled for the 2nd half of 2023 was Pikmin 4 but then it turned out to be very packed including a brand new 2D Mario. My guess would be this year is the time for Prime 4.



@CJD87 There's gonna be so many Gen 8 and 9 ports to that console if it's as capable as reports suggest. It's the perfect way to remonetize old AAA titles that aren't selling anymore.

That said, the Steam Deck kinda took the steam (badum-tish!) out of those sorta late ports for me. I can already play them portably.

I'm extremely behind on RE. I replayed RE2R earlier this year as Claire, finally. Plan on playing RE3R as well. Will probably move on to RE7 and RE4R in 2025.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Grumblevolcano I'm so on the fence about what Nintendo plan to do with Prime 4.... I suppose it could be a very fitting 'swan song' for Switch 1? Or equally, a solid launch title for Switch 2? (Or potentially even both, similar to how PS4/5 have cross-over titles?) Switch2 will be a day 1 for me, but it really would be great to see some 1st party bangers on S1 before year-end

@Ralizah Funnily enough I just replayed NG Elden Ring on the deck (prepping for Erdtree) and it runs amazingly well. Basically a pretty decent 30fps on medium/low settings, a few stutters but nothing game-breaking. I really hope Nintendo make waves with 3rd party devs, and maximise the potential in that regards. Will be exciting to see what their next move is



We're definitely in the territory where if a PS event happens in May that it's a State of Play. If it does happen, my guess would be a structure similar to the June 2022 State of Play:

  • Start with RE9
  • End with a Square Enix game, perhaps KH4 (Square Enix aren't at Summer Game Fest so it makes sense that they'd end up in State of Play, Nintendo Direct and/or Xbox Showcase instead)
  • PS Studios presence being GoW Ragnarok PC, Concord, Until Dawn remake, Destiny 2 Final Shape DLC, Astro Bot
  • More info on Silent Hill 2, MGS Delta, Sonic X Shadow Generations, Assassin's Creed Shadows
  • 2 PSVR2 games
  • 3-4 indie games

I feel that Sony's presence at Summer Game Fest itself will be all about Horizon.



@Grumblevolcano agreed and then the next event in September alongside PS5 Pro reveal. Death Stranding 2 demo running on PS5 Pro retail unit.


PSN: JTPrime93


@Grumblevolcano @WebHead I'm starting to think this is the more likely scenario. Save all the big first party reveals for the PS5 Pro launch event around September. Show all their best stuff on the more powerful machine to make it look even more impressive. Maybe even persuade Rockstar to throw in a new GTA 6 trailer in there as well.


PSN: leejon5


@Grumblevolcano yep, this list is just about spot on. I don’t think they’ll show that many indies, but I have noticed a notable presence of them in SOPs lately, so I could be wrong.

I wonder if Sony had some inner dialogue among their Marketing team about their showcases? I can’t actually recall the last time they announced a first party game in a state of play. Astro being there (which seems to be the case) is unconventional for Sony, even doing a follow up on Concord seems out of place for a SOP. I suspect there’s been a major shift in marketing strategy in respect to their presentations on their projects, because this gen has been all over the place for communicating what they’re working on.

I’m not saying this is bad! Could be a great SOP if that’s what’s getting announced this week, but the content that’s been leaked and what we can expect screams to be held in a major showcase. I suppose the times are changing.



@Grumblevolcano I agree that if some kind of event happened this week it'll be a State of Play. I can also see Sony doing some kind of showcase in September alongside the PS5 Pro.




I think unless we hear something tomorrow, I don't anything is happening until September. Maybe a few little bits at Game Fest.


PSN: leejon5


So, days of play has been announced for tomorrow. Are they really leaving it this late for a PS show announcment, or will they just use summer game fest to tell us if they are actually making any games? Haha 👀

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix It's not too late yet for a State of Play announcement considering there have been State of Play announcements around midnight UK time before. However, Konami choosing to do their own Silent Hill event does decrease the chances of that happening.

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]



@Grumblevolcano if they don't, it will be a weird change of strategy and I wonder what would have caused it. If they really, really don't do anything, that is.

I honestly wouldn't mind if they just showed some stuff at the summer games fest, as that will have more eyes on it, and their official channel can still release some videos alongside it.

I just want to see some of what they have cooking, now they don't have to be coy with the Microsoft court case. It'd be weird to let summer be all about how other companies are exciting their fan base and taking a back seat.

But like you say, a small curveball and just dropping a show with no build up also isn't beyond them 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck

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