
Topic: Playstation Summer Showcase 2024 (Thoughts, Predictions, Discussion)

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Hey folks!

I know it might be premature to start a topic on a summer show for PS when it's still in the rumor mill, but I still thought it would be fun to chat about the community's state of mind for upcoming games going into May! As some of you know, there's been news brewing among a few 'insiders' saying that Sony is prepping a show for the month of May, notably Jeff Grubb. No confirmations yet, and Grubb himself isn't sure what kind of show it is though he is "leaning" towards a showcase. So, assuming we get a show this summer, what would you like to see? What do you think is possible?

For kicks, I'll share a few of my own if a show is in the pipeline....

Very likely:
Concord Reveal with gameplay
Silent Hill 2 trailer and release date
Until Dawn Remake
Helldivers 2 content update/roadmap
At least 1 game reveal/update from Capcom
At least 1 game reveal/update from Square Enix
At least 1 remaster/remake of a PS first party title
A couple PSVR2 games, at least one first party
Elden Ring DLC trailer/update, just a bit more gameplay

Medievil 2 Remake (I really hope that Other Ocean article is true, but still a bit skeptical)
Next Sucker Punch game (likely GoT 2)
Cory Barlog's game
Astro game (PS5/PSVR2)
Wolverine update
New FromSoft game
FF9 Remake (This one I'll get flack for, but I'll own it, I think it could show this summer)
FF Tactics Remake (Same as FF9)
Fairgames gameplay/update
MGS Collection Vol. 2
Anything from Naughty Dog

Bloodborne 2
Medievil 3
Dragon Quest XII
Resident Evil 9 (Edit: the update/tweet by Dusk Golem would move this up to Plausible)
Bluepoint game update (I think it's way too early)
Vagrant Story Remaster

I know there's loads here! And I could have added more like Bend Studio, specific PSVR2 titles, and hardware like the PS5 Pro. I don't think most of these would happen if a show is announced, so take this as a wishlist with what I think is possible on a really basic scale of likelihood. Wouldn't surprise me if only 3-4 showed up.

Finally, for the community, this is meant to be a lighthearted thread. We are having a fun discussion of what we might expect from a summer show, and can share updates together based on various rumors and leaks that come our way in gaming news. Just have a good time as we enter summer gaming season

[Edited by Enriesto]



Ace combat 8 has to be around the corner, and with full psvr 2 support.
Put that Kenny Loggins CD on and get ready to fly into the danger zone.



Need Suikoden Remaster release date.



PS5 Pro. Maybe some random remakes of not very old games (such a weird new trend)

It'd be nice to see what the Wolverine game will actually be like though, maybe have a proper Imsomniac segment, even if it is mostly just talking about how excited they are to be making it. Sven's Larian live streams went a massive way to selling me Baldur's Gate 3 as a concept and a game just by seeing how absolutely genuinely they loved what they were doing. I'd love to see some of that from PlayStation. And I'm hoping Wolverine is one of those games that really gives the devs a chance to push the boundaries rather than just go for the usual super hero guff. There is so much they could do with a Wolverine narrative to make it a proper emotional journey and an exciting tale to tell, but visceral and violent and painful, and... more real, like Naughty Dog did with TLoU.

But overall I just want to see what games the PS studios are working on. They have been shrouded in mystery for a long time, and I think letting people in on some secrets will help make the mid generation refresh feel a little more special than it could be seen as by some. And also make up for the complete dropping of the ball with the live service push. Just give people something to look forward to, to get hyped about and win back a little trust from those who feel a bit let down with the PS5 so far.

But failing any of that, I'll just watch it and chill and not get too disappointed.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix right on. I’m expecting anything, but hoping for what you described - here is what our studios have been cooking. Release dates would be more than welcome too. I think above all though… and I’ve said this for the upcoming Xbox showcase too, and Nintendo’s next event… I’d like to be pleasantly surprised. Out of left field, a jaw-dropper, something compelling and out of nowhere. If they can accomplish that with strong first-party trailers, it’s 10/10 for me.



I think it comes down to whether PS5 Pro is present. If it is, I could see a PS5 Future of Gaming style showcase where the next 1.5 - 2 years is mapped out for 1st party among a bunch of 3rd party stuff.

If no PS5 Pro, I think 1st party stuff would be limited to 2024 releases and perhaps a 2025 tease for Ghost of Tsushima 2 (considering the PC version of the 1st game is coming this month).



I will NOT watch.
I knew it will be filled with rated 18+ games.
I will scoop out the article of kids games only after the showcase.



@Grumblevolcano I think the latter possibility you mention is what some fans are worried about. The Pro model will complement upcoming titles well, especially if the graphical upscaling tech with AI is true from rumours we’ve heard. Just adds to the hype, though the showcase could still come out strong with a first party lineup that exceeds just one or two announcements.



Folks, looks like Sony is, as of this morning, the only major player without a confirmed show this summer. Furukawa from Nintendo stated a Direct will be coming in June, which means probably after the Xbox showcase like last year. Only PS left to share a date for a show, if indeed they’re having one.

My guess at this point is they’ll announce it the way they did last year, a week in advance of the last full week in May. Incidentally this might mean they’ll announce right after their earnings call a week from now, so I’d wager next Wednesday/Thursday is when they’ll drop a date if May is the month for a show.



I just refuse to get excited for these anymore, which isn’t to say it’ll be terrible… only that after feeling massively disappointed after last year’s misfire, I’ll be keeping my powder dry.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Yeah I usually keep expectations fairly low for these events over the last few years.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder @colonelkilgore Ditto. I’ll probably get a little excited when they announce it, but otherwise, there’s a form of Pavlovian learned helplessness going on with these Showcases.

We’ll probably get a load of Concord and Silent Hill 2 updates and then a couple random Foamstars-like announcements. Meanwhile Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Bluepoint, Bend, Media Molecule, Housemarque, and Santa Monica will toil away in the shadows without a peep.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@colonelkilgore @JohnnyShoulder smart and absolutely understandable. It is, after all, just a marketing presentation, a highlight reel of ads. Not to mention last year was underwhelming, although I feel like one of only a few who understood that they didn’t have anything to show and was therefore unsurprised. I wasn’t upset by the lacklustre showcase… actually made sense to me that there wasn’t much to share. That said, I think this year has given PS teams a good space to share what they’re doing after 3+ years for many of their projects. Even a couple CG trailers are fine for some, just an update. I think communicating as much as possible about their main studios (say 4-5 first party projects)
is enough for a lot of fans to make up for last year.

Furthermore, they’re just shows. Like with Directs and other shows in the past that I’ve been disappointed with, I feel bummed for 5 minutes and then carry on with other wonderful things in my life



@Enriesto yeah that’s a fair perspective mate, I guess my disappointment stems from how well the classic Sony 1st Party blockbuster (third person action adventure with ridiculously high production values) matches my wheelhouse. The rebooted God of War games, the Horizon games, The Last of Us games, Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima … not to mention my love for souls-likes so you can include Demons Souls and Bloodborne meant that my expectations were extremely high, particularly when you consider Sony’s E3’s of 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Oh well, this way I’ll be pleasantly surprised when they eventually turn up now, rather than disappointed when they don’t.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I’m with you buddy - my favorite style of game is the big cinematic third person action game and its unnerving to see Sony concede this ground to other developers right now. I mean, I enjoy the Ubisoft, Capcom, Asobo, EA, Square Enix, and Remedy versions of the genre, but it’s just not quite the same. After playing Spider-Man 2 I was reminded of the je ne sais quoi of the Sony teams and how they typically are just doing it at another level.

New developers are doing a great job filling the void with the likes of Stellar Blade, Kena, Lies of P, etc. and so Sony should be on the lookout to stay ahead of the pack, rather than chasing the next Fortnite or Roblox.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


colonelkilgore wrote:

Oh well, this way I’ll be pleasantly surprised when they eventually turn up now, rather than disappointed when they don’t.

That is how I approach... pretty much all forms of media I consume. 😂

I'm so far removed from the latest releases these days, it is almost a moot point what gets announced at these shows for me. I coo at some of the trailers that I watch, and then go back to whatever game I was playing from my backlog.

Apart from the odd smaller game that hits PS Plus, I don't remember the last game I got anywhere near it was released. It might even be Elden Ring. And my next will be Shadow of the Erdtree, which I am excited for.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder funny thing is, this industry uncertainty has actually prompted me to buy far more games at release… even if I don’t actually play them. As stupid as it sounds that my measly £70 will save any jobs, I feel a bit compelled to buy the games that fit my wants at full price in that release window.

I’ll get around to this years epic third party exclusives by PS7 at this rate 🤣

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I'm the opposite, I generally only buy games I'm sure I will be starting soon. I used to buy a lot more games in the sales, but it was doing my head in having all these unplayed games. It felt like I was being too wasteful with my money.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder definitely a more sensible approach. I’ve had an about turn in my perspective on my backlog over the years… I actually found this site as I was stressed out about my backlog increasing and was looking for some advise on how to manage it. Since then though it’s switched up completely, I like the insurance that my backlog gives me that i know that I’ll always have something to play.

As an aside, when I joined in late 2020, my backlog would’ve been around 400 I’m guessing… now it’s more like 1000+ 😅

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!

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