
Topic: Playstation Summer Showcase 2024 (Thoughts, Predictions, Discussion)

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May 23rd.

Why? The "big games, big deals" sale ends 22nd.

Days of Play + a PS Show seems a good bet as they like to tie in engagement and people spending money.

Rumours seem to think it could be next week, though. So maybe this sale evolves half way through šŸ˜…

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


I believe last year summer showcase aired on a Wednesday so it could be the 22nd instead. Either way, that week makes a lot of sense.



@Voltan yeah, I nearly came back to edit that šŸ˜… I always think it's a Thursday, but it's usually a Wednesday. Next week derinitely seems a bit soon (unless they just can't wait to show what they've got cooking, ha ha)

This sale doesn't really include any PS Studio games either, so at some point I'm sure it will all kick off, PS studios offers, maybe PS Plus offers, a show with maybe the odd release date or reveal, and all that funnels us to spend some šŸ’° on the store, subscribe to their services, play their games and engage with the brand, which is what the suits like to see šŸ§šŸ˜

But for us it's just a bit of fun, a good time to buy games, and hopefully we get something to get excited about on top of that.

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


We know they're not announcing anything big for this year (or early 2025) so I guess we should finally hear about some of the things coming from studios that haven't released anything new in a while.
Stressing "new" because I'd like to think that includes Naughty Dog who have technically had several releases on the PS5.
There's also Bluepoint, the Asobi team, Bend, Sucker Punch...



I'm trying to fuel mindless hype that there will indeed be a surprise release this year šŸ˜

But it will be absolutely crazy if they announce the PS5 Pro at some point and then not share what games are coming in the next 1/2 years to play on it. So you'd think the show has to have something to give at least an idea of what is coming up next, bare minimum.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


I started looking at things and most of the studios that Iā€™m really curious about had their last release around 2019-2020, be it Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us Part II, Demonā€™s Souls, Days Gone, Astroā€™s Playroom, Dreams, Death Stranding. So weā€™re at year 4-5 for a lot of these studios. Even with factoring in the pandemic delays, itā€™s about time at least one or two of these studios has something close to being ready to show. Average standard development cycle seems to hover around the five year mark.

Props to Kojima studios who puts most other studios to shame with the ability to have 3 games in development and seems to be making some progress on at least two of them.

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


@Th3solution Some of the games probably being sequels will help with their development too, and as for Kojima he is working with Decima engine, which he absolutely loves to death, right?

I'm intruiged to see what Bend have planned, but expect that to be a game that takes a little longer if it's a New IP. I didn't play Days Gone, but watched someone play a fair bit of it, and checked some out on YouTube. It seemed technically pretty good, they nailed the IP, good atmosphere etc, just a bit cringey at times and maybe a little short sighted in what the IP could become, as there wasn't a lot to expand upon with the same gameplay loop of Biker and Hoards of zombies. You can't just introduce another survivor who happens to be a Biker, and there wasn't much more of a journey for the current protagonists to go on. And a prequel wouldn't work either so I think they painted themselves into a corner a bit with the concept, even though the concept was strong in a lot of ways.

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix Iā€™m the same with Days Gone - watched enough of it to be curious and have it on my backlog, but other more pressing games keep pushing it down. The reception is mostly positive for it so I want to try it eventually. But I think their next project will probably be better if they learned some lessons from DG.

As far as Kojima, it does seem like he is clicking with the Decima engine quite well. Weā€™ll see how OD does for him since I donā€™t think heā€™s using Decima for thatā€¦? Iā€™m not sure. Since itā€™s Xbox exclusive I would think not. But just to have Death Stranding 2 ready to go for a target of 2025 is at least something, which is more than we can say for these other studios. And heā€™s put together a nice trailer and has drip-fed some information to keep the hype up this past year.

I think Naughty Dog and Media Molecule have an excuse for not having anything to show since those two studios wasted a ton of time and resources on failed projects. And in the case of ND, theyā€™ve also spent (wasted..? šŸ˜…) some time the last few years on remasters, remakes, PC ports, and TV shows. So I guess itā€™s a lot to expect them to have made much progress on their new game(s).

ā€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.ā€


I think they'll time the showcase with the May 14th earnings results judging by the comments back in February. Whether that's announce May 8th/9th and air May 15th/16th or announce May 15th and air May 22nd, not sure but showcase usually gets a week's notice.

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]



@Th3solution exactly, which is why I donā€™t think itā€™s some form of ā€œcopeā€ or juvenile predilection to think we could start seeing them in this show. Eventually Sony will reveal them and there are A LOT of games we donā€™t know about from first party studios. More than I think many of us realize, as Jim Ryan indicated a couple years back that there were well over 20 new games in development internally - weā€™ve only seen a couple of them. If they need time to show, all good, but Iā€™ve a sense weā€™ll get to start seeing what they are soon floodgates will open inevitably given these games are years in development, and thatā€™s something for us fans to look forward to.



@Grumblevolcano yep, Iā€™m wondering how much their earnings report would factor into the timing? As in, would they care to show it during the week of their earnings? I suspect theyā€™ll announce next week for the show to appear the following week in the same fashion as last year.

Grubb for the record has commented on how it could happen any time this month, confident itā€™s still planned to go forward.



I expect it will cover the next 18 months or so. Ghost of Tsushima sequel and a new ASTRO game will be announced. The next resident evil game. Updates on concord and SH2R. No PS5 Pro.


PSN: JTPrime93


They may some good points, but could also mean a whole load of nothing. šŸ¤·

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Malaise Not played a Call of Duty games in a few years, but yeah the shooting in Bungie games always feels so good.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Expecting an announcement soon, I think it could be this week. On Wednesday for next Wednesday, or Thursday for next Thursday. More things are lining up like a reported upcoming announcement for Ragnarok going to PC. Iā€™ll never suggest to someone they should hold their breath, but the evidence of an upcoming show is only increasingā€¦ assuming Iā€™m not reading into this too much like other fans.

Edit: they just announced the new CEOs šŸ˜‚ wild. They have to be gearing.

[Edited by Enriesto]



If there's to be a PlayStation showcase soon, I thought I'd look at the probability of each of Sony's studios having something ready to show.
This is based on info I know in terms of rumours and job listings so take with a pinch of salt and all that.

Bend Studio. 10%: While they released Days Gone in 2019 I don't think there close to revealing their next game due to a rather acrimonious split between that game's director and the team, not to mention a lengthy brainstorming period on their next project.

Bluepoint. 60%: Demon's Souls came out late 2020 and with how Bluepoint tend to turnaround projects at a decent pace, they could have something ready, though their president did say that the next game would be "original content" which suggests that it won't be a remake but a new entry in a established IP...If I had to guess I would say Uncharted.

Bungie. 100% if the showcase is before Destiny 2 The Final Shape. 70% If it's after. The reason for that is Marathon is targeting a 2025 release but with the recent reshuffle at the studio, they might fall behind. Nevertheless if done right, it could be a huge game for Sony.

Firesprite. 40%: The percentage would have been higher had the Twisted Metal game not been cancelled. There said to have a "narrative driven horror game" in the works and maybe one other project, not much else is known about these so I'm thinking it'll be awhile yet.

Firewalk. 100%: As late as last week, Sony still insisted that Concord is coming this year. So when the next PlayStation event comes...Concord will be there. Hopefully it has a good gameplay showing.

Guerilla. 80%: While Horizon 3 is years away yet, there's the much rumoured Zero Dawn remake and now the heavily rumoured Lego game said to be shown very soon. Even if there not the primary developers there no doubt supervising those projects. The also long in development Multiplayer spin-off can't be ruled out either.

Haven. 30%: Fairgame$ is currently targeting a 2025 release and since Sony are waiting this long to show Concord gameplay, it doesn't make much more sense to show another live service game that's further away.

Housemarque. 50%: Returnal launched in early 2021 but the Finnish studio only has about 100 people so I think it's too soon for them to have their next AAA ready to show but I can't completely rule it out either.

Insomniac. 80%: In case you didn't find out about the content of the hacks and leaks that hit the studio late last year I'll keep the details vague. Wolverine is still a bit away, but the studio may have a smaller length game ready in 2025. Plus you can't rule out Spider-man 2 DLC whether it'd be new modes, costumes or even expansions.

Media Molecule. 0%: They've just finished support of Dreams and have moved onto a new project with live service elements, so no chance of them showing up.

Naughty Dog. 40%: Obviously the cancellation of The Last of Us Online means ND are unlikely to show up but they have been making a new IP for some time, though they sound like they want to wait till it's much closer to launch so I think the earliest we'll see it is next year.

Neon Koi. 20%: Neon Koi were recently rebranded from Savage Games and are Sony's mobile studio who are rumoured to be making a "AAA mobile game" on one of Sony's IPs. The reason why I think they might show up is because I think there's an outside chance of them been the ones making the Lego Horizon game.

Nixxes. 60%: You can never rule out Sony using their showcases to announce more PC ports (even if I don't like that strategy) I would personally love if they ported some of Sony's PS3 games over, get them out of PS3 cloud jail and all that.

Polyphony Digital. 0%: Gran Turismo 8 is years away and these shows never tend to have GT DLC shown.

San Diego Studio. 10%: MLB just released and far too early to talk about the next one. There are rumours of a new studio forming from the key people from the now closed Deviation Games studio but I'd be shocked if they have anything remotely close to be shown.

Santa Monica Studio. 60:% Outside of some rumours of possibly the first God of War being remade I'd be surprised if something from that IP was shown so soon after Ragnarƶk and Valhalla. Now there is a chance of Cory Barlog's new IP turning up soon and Sony did register trademarks for a Sci-Fi IP that many believe is linked to this game.

Sucker Punch. 90%: Ghost of Tsushima 2 is much rumoured to be the next "flagship" exclusive down the pipeline, I'm expecting at the next showcase to get at least a teaser with gameplay next year. Fun little prediction...I think it'll be called Ghost of Kyoto.

Team Asobi. 90%: The rumours of a new Astro game won't go away and with Sony ruling out new big exclusives for the rest of the year but not smaller ones makes it look all the more likely.

Valkyrie Entertainment. 30%: Largely seen as a support studio but they do have a game in production, said to be Guns Up 2. The original often gets overlooked but it was the only one out of Sony's group of Free to Play games in the mid PS4 era that stuck around while the others died out quickly. Hence why it maybe getting the Helldivers treatment.

Sony XDev. 90%: They've quietly become one of Sony's most important studios is helping the studios that Sony don't own to make exclusives for them, like the recent Stellar Blade. There involved in the Until Dawn Remake and probably many projects that we aren't aware of.

So that's Sony's studios and their likelihood of turning up at the next PlayStation showcase. If you got this far then thanks for reading.

[Edited by AdamNovice]




@AdamNovice Yep, I think this is close as a predictor. I'd actually switch the probability cases between Bend and Bluepoint, as Bend has had enough time to show gameplay for their upcoming project, or at least a teaser, and Bluepoint is working on a new IP if I'm not mistaken and will need more time in my view. Maybe not? They did tweet that Christmas tree present a while back, so maybe they've had enough dev time to show something.

Announcement really is any time at this point if we're getting a show. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it on Friday for a show next week, as it's something they've done for a previous showcase. Who knows at this point! Fingers crossed they share the news in the next few days.



I understand that Bluepoint chatter points towards "new IP" territory... but honestly, I am sincerely hoping they are being put to work on a Bloodborne remake - perhaps likely to be a launch showpiece for PS6.

Considering the reported Bloodborne movie in the works, and how studios like to intertwine concurrent media releases (new/remastered game + TV/movie = revenue... ie TLoU) could it be that Bloodborne remake is planned to be the PS6 'system-seller' and will launch alongside the movie?

I can't understand why a 60FPS Patch/update hasn't been released... maybe they are holding back due to aforementioned? Maybe a pipe dream, but would be awesome if true

*EDIT - to be clear, even if above is true, I am certain it won't be mentioned at this year's summer showcase!

[Edited by CJD87]



@CJD87 thatā€™s the dream game for me too. I look forward to it taking its place alongside my UK PS4 release copy, my GotY edition, my Japanese edition and also my middle-eastern edition (I bought all them before I worked out the various regions and editionsā€™ trophy lists didnā€™t stack šŸ¤£).

currently residing in PS3 Purgatory

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