
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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@Judal27 Really solid stats especially as @Shigurui said if it's on the character menu screen which it appears it is from your later comment. ATK is v. high.

You say you don't have luck in domains but that's far better than mine, and most Acheron's i'd wager.
There's always going to be some with better stats. 80+% CR 200%+ CD but there are a lot of whales (some just whale on domains, to increase their relic luck) and the super-lucky who get stupid good relic stats. I kinda hate looking at Hoyoverse for this reason, seeing characters where every relic has at least 2-3 good substats, all CR + CD and many rolls into them. It's not realistic most of the time imho.

What set and LC are you rocking?

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant is the atk a little too much? I read online that sometimes stats have a cap and going beyond that adds nothing. Just wondering if I ever run into a good relic with a lot of crit dmg, I could sacrifice some of that atk. And still be good to go

I really don't lol. It was only about 2 days ago that I finally hit some decent gear for her. And she's about the only one I can confidently say is properly built 😭. All of my other characters I feel like they need major work

I'm using the pioneer set and I thankfully managed to get her LC before the banner ended. It was pure torture grinding companion missions and mini games for a week straight. But so worth it. Her LC is too good. And her stats would be worse off without it



@Judal27 I haven't theory crafted it and I don't know if the ATK stat tails off or stays a good multiplier but I do know Crit is usually more important for total damage, so if you can swap some ATK for crit that may help, there are several HSR calculators online that can give you a more definitive result.

I was going off Prydwen's Recommended endgame stats which are:

  • HP: 2800-3000+
  • DEF: 800+
  • ATK: 2900-3200+
  • CRIT RATE: 80-90%+
  • CRIT DMG: 160-180%+
  • SPD: 101 or 134+

But these are often unrealistically high imo.

Out of interest who are you using as supports? And in normal content what are the largest total damage numbers you see at the end of her Ultimate for example?

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant oof my atk is way above that lol. I'll experiment with a few different pieces if I ever get some. Since I just used atk pieces for all of her relics. I have some speed shoes I'd like to try on her

I have black swan, silver wolf, and gepard with her. And the dmg depends. In groups, it's around 300k. For a solo boss around 150k



@Judal27 Nice. My Acheron is far worse than yours, just starting still farming relics but my supports are pretty strong (Pela, SW & flex 4th slot). I typically hit around 80 - 120k single target. But groups i've seen it get as high as 400k which blows all my other built characters out the water. But that is rare, it varies and more typically can be 150 - 300k. I think the Pela group debuff is elevating that considerably, but at the cost of Black Swan who actually does damage herself.



@Judal27 - Your atk is fine dude, I've yet to see an Acheron that doesn't have around 4k. I currently have 6 in supports and all of them are 4k or more, mine is 4.2 and in combat my entry level CR/CD is 78/156 and I ult for around 250/500k avg in overworld running a Luocha and Kafka E0, Swan E1 comp with E2 S1 Acheron.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@themightyant acheron has got to be the most busted character ever. But I definitely still need to work on my SW. I havent been able to use her bis set because the temp break set I have for her rn has way better substats and still have all of her abilities at 6/10. And im also working on pela. I got her to e5, they say she's perfect for acheron so might as well test her out. Do the Def debuffs between her and SW stack?

@Shigurui ok I just really worry about how good my substats are and how much better they could be 😭. But geez do those dmg numbers come from her e2? Cause 500k is like SU numbers lol. Also btw do you have BS's LC?



@Judal27 - It contributes yeah, I'm not hitting that 500k every time but I do see it on occasion. I don't have Swan's LC, only got s1 Eyes of the Prey on her and s5 Good Night Sleep Well on Kafka.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui ah ok, I really wish I had that eyes of prey lc it seems like her best 4* cone. Is s5 GNSW better than Solitary Healing ? SH is the one i have on her. The 36% increased dot dealt seems pretty good. But I hardly see anyone recommend it for her

I'm also considering giving her SW's cone (if its ideal) which I really just got on a whim. I hadn't intended on playing this in the long run so I just rolled for fun during SW's run and got both her and her cone. I appreciate her i do, but she's really only there now to debuff and build acheron stacks now 😅. Swan is working more like a sub dps while still building stacks so I'm trying to make her as strong as I'm able



@Judal27 - As a damage statstick GNSW is better yeah. I'd use s5 It's Showtime over SH until you get Eyes of the Prey.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui or her sig. Which is what I really want. But seeing as Robin, Firefly, and jade are all coming soon. I'm probably gonna avoid reruns 😂



You guys had a look at the anniversary event site that quiz you on your performance yet? looks like my highest damage is 1,046,753. From the moment I got Luocha looks like he's been my main lol.

[Edited by z0d15g0d]



@z0d15g0d - Not seen it mate, post the link please. Just logged in and got a surprise 1600 jades and 10 fuel bottles, had no idea we were getting those. To quote MC, 'Noice' lol.

What sets are you guys farming for the 300% relic drop event? I've started with the Quantum set for my very neglected Seele. I only ever got absolute trash from there but managed to get some gloves with CR and CD subs, even got some Atk boots with CR and SPD. All the boots I ever got there are either Def or HP, I've got dozens of those bloody things so it's a solid start!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Link is here. FYI It has my wish invite code, so I might get a reward for sharing, I think you can all share yours here too and we can help each other out.

Seems i've played 141 of 142 days since I started. - They really do have me by the balls don't they
Tingyun is my most deployed character generally (maxed out the 999 times in the first month) and Lynx is the last two months (my only decent healer)

My trailblaze power has been spent on

  • 49.44% on Calyx
  • 17.05% on Simulated Universe (1517 SU relics & 56 completions, most used Abundance)
  • 15.92% on Caverns of Corrosion (2560 cavern relics)
  • 13.35% on Stagnant Shadow
  • 4.24% on Echoes of war
    Now I have characters ascended I need to spend more farming relics

My highest damage is 880,082 which was likely in Simulated Universe with some of those silly multipliers. I wish they had this separately.

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui The link is in your in-game inbox so it will show all your stats for your account. I'm farming for jingliu today and managed to get a head piece with CR,CD,SPD & ATK% didn't think i'd ever get that lol



@themightyant - Thanks mate. I have shockingly bad eyesight even with my glasses on and with the miniscule text size on that quiz I wasn't straining my eyes to read everything. Main gist of things..

Jingliu is my most used character.
172/173 days logged in.
1,134,294 highest damage.
99 SU clears.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


z0d15g0d wrote:

managed to get a head piece with CR,CD,SPD & ATK% didn't think i'd ever get that lol

Congratulations. Don't think I will EVER get that. lol. What sub-stats did it roll into?

I've been farming Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters for the last week or so (hopefully for both Acheron and Jingliu) and have got almost nothing. Best piece was a Crit Dmg body but only has ATK% substat and rolled into flat DEF and HP. FML

Fingers crossed the 3x event will net me something, but today I got nada.



Showcase codes for 300 jades




@themightyant it was for Hunter of Glacial Forest. I'll be farming that and Pioneer to see which suits Jingliu best.
Fu Xuan rerun next hope I have enough jades as Robin and Boothill also look like they will be great additions to my roster.


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