
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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@Shigurui Awesome damage stats. Shame it doesn't say which team we used to achieve it. I'd like to know if it was just my guys and who or if it was with a support character.



@z0d15g0d What a day for free Stellar Jade. 1600 free in the mail (+ 10 fuel), 300 from the showcase, 180 from the anniversary event quiz. 2080 extra free.

Robin's Ultimate allows ALL allies to immediately take action as well as buffs all allies ATK. Off the top that seems incredibly OP. But they then limit her actions for a while. Going to be interesting to see how they balance this out or if she just power creeps older characters.



@themightyant lol my thoughts exactly. They're making Robin into a harmony beast. when she uses her skill and ult every time an ally attacks she gains energy so she may be able to spam ults with energy regen rope.

From the showcase it looks like the 2.2 boss will have imaginary weakness so now I'm tempted to pull for Aventurine as the boss minions focus on a single ally and knowing my luck it will be supports as always.



We need a new abundance with revive as Bailu is useless



@z0d15g0d So I went on Honey hunter world to look at Robin's leaked kit. Spoilers below. (Though I wish I hadn't as I saw another spoiler I wished I hadn't!) I don't think she can spam ults, see below.

Her Talent increases all Allies CD by 20% (at Lv 10) and when allies attack enemies she regains 2 energy. (Her Ult is expensive at 160)

Her skill increases all allies DMG by 62.5% lasing 3 of Robin's turns. Her A6 Trace regains her 5 energy when she uses her skill.

When she enters her ultimate (as well as allowing all allies to act) she enters the "Concerto" state whish (at Lv 10) will increase all allies ATK by 22.8% of Robin's ATK + 200 (she's an ATK scaling character with ATK% on her Traces). Moveover after every attack by allies Robin will deal additional Physical DMG equal to 120% of her ATK 1 time, the CR is set at 100% and CD at 150%.

Additionally when in Concerto state robin is immune to crowd control debuffs but she cannot enter her turn or take action. Instead a concerto countdown appears on the Action Order bar with a FIXED speed of 90, once the countdown ends she can act again.

Her A4 Trace adds 25% CD to allies launching follow up attacks while she is in the Concerto state. This combined with her energy restore on allies attacks probably means she is best with follow up attackers.

For whales they've also added some pretty great Eidolons.

E1 - While in Concerto state all allie All-type RES Pen is up by 24% when they attack
E2 - Increases her talents CD boost by 16% (36% total at Lv 10) and adds 1 more Energy for every ally attack (3 energy per attack)
E4 - When she uses her Ult dispels all CC Debuffs from all allies (this seems broken) AND increases the Effect Res of all allies by 50% when in Concerto state.
E6 - While in Concerto the fixed CD of her additional Physical damage attacks increases to 450% (from fixed 150%) this can be triggered up to 8 times per ult.

So they seem to have deliberately limited how often she can use her Ult, we will have to see if it's broken or not in game.

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant Lmao E6 is insane. They defo appealing to their whales. You're right looks like they took extra measures to ensure her ult can't be spammed. We will see what Tingyun has to say about that lol. Does concerto fully prevent her from taking action or is it just a delay? And how long is the countdown? Can in be disrupted with Bronya or Sparkle?



@z0d15g0d As far as I can see she can't act at all while in Concerto (but is buffing the whole team and adding additional Physical DMG). Her turn is added to the turn order like Lightning Lord or Abundance perk in SU. As far as I understand it can't be disrupted or sped up, and things like Sparkle and Bronya won't work with her during it, but we'll have to wait and see.

I'm sure she will work best with a select group of DPS characters, just as Sparkle, Bronya, Ruan Mei, Tingyun and even Asta all have their niches.

Eidolons like E6, Signature light cones (especially superimpositions) and even paying to run more domains just remind me that even though this is a single player game it is still Pay 2 Win. I've seen some crazy one/zero cycle MoC clears but then I see the builds, relics & fully 5-star team all with Signature light cones and know that they have had to dig deep in their pockets to get it.



@themightyant Yea it's defo pay to win. I recall in the early days when I first started playing all these utubers showing off on MoC with 0 cycle completions but never stating that they paid to get to that level. I grinded corrosion like an idiot hoping to get relics that could achieve that lol. I think at some point I'll have "enough" characters and just save my jades to max out characters on reruns.



z0d15g0d wrote:

@Shigurui Awesome damage stats. Shame it doesn't say which team we used to achieve it. I'd like to know if it was just my guys and who or if it was with a support character.

Thanks man, I hit that in MoC against Svarog. It stuck in my head as it was the first time I hit for 1mil+. I was using the Holy Trinity of Acheron, Swan and Kafka with a little help from Bronya lol.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


Very happy as just 36 starred the MoC for the first time, mostly with Seele and Acheron.

My Pioneer relic farming hasn’t been great, only really have one really good piece with 3 good substats (hands - ATK%, CR, CD) most pieces only have just ONE good substat.

BUT like my 4-star luck I’ve been quite lucky in rolling into those 1 or 2 substats. So my Acheron now hits up to 450,000 in groups and Jingliu is 2700 ATK, 136 speed, 42% CR (92% in spectral state) & 193% CD. Relics could still be much stronger though. How is everyone’s relic farming going? Especially with this 3 x rate boost?

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant - Congrats on the 36* MoC clear mate! I've mainly been hitting the Quantum set for Seele, few decent pieces, nothing amazing but all better than I had. Ran Pioneer today and got a nice EHR chest for Welt. Not sure I'll do any more as I'm pre-farming for Fu Xuan starting tomorrow. Already have relics and Gepards LC for her so its full steam ahead on ascension/trace mats, xp books and credits. I'm on a guarantee so I want her up and running straight off the bat!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui always nice to get a few pieces and EHR is the rarest of all in my book. Well done. (Edit: silly me, getting confused with ERR. Which almost doesn’t exist! Doh!)

Re: Fu Xuan. Do you have enough jades to guarantee her? I’m always cautious of pre-farming unless guaranteed. I’m almost at the point where I can guarantee her. I’ve saved almost 100 wishes and am about 30 pity in. But knowing my luck I’ll lose the 50:50 for the 5th time straight.

Talking of wishes I just used my 5 monthly shop wishes on the standard banner and got Himeko again… that’s third time, E2 now. On the one hand that’s annoying though on the other it was early only 29 wishes after my last Himeko. In frustration at not getting Bronya I used a few jades to wish a couple more times to get closer to guaranteed Bronya and literally pulled a 5-star 4 wishes later…

But it was Gepard who I don’t have. That leaves only Bronya as the only standard 5-star I don’t have. So both lucky (for the early pulls) and unlucky at the same time. I dared to dream for a moment… twice! lol.

265/300 wishes now.

[Edited by themightyant]



@Judal27 @z0d15g0d @themightyant

So we all should be in or around the 300+ pull point on standard banner give or take a few. How have you guys fared with it so far? I just hit pull 321 and got my last 5* for what will be a very long time. My history is...

Beginner Standard - Himeko.
Regular Standard - Gepard LC, Welt, Gepard, Bailu LC, Bronya (300 pick) pull 321 got Welt E1.

Not too bad at all. Would have liked a Clara in there as I have her LC from Acheron's LC banner but really can't complain at all, I know I'll get her at some point.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@themightyant - I lost my 50/50 on Aventurine so Fu Xuan is guaranteed. By the time her banner is live I'll have enough to get her no worries, that's why I'm pre-farming.

Nice early Gepard there, he's a quality unit for your Acheron comp with the Trend LC. Solid addition to your roster.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


As I said above I’m 265/300 now, so getting closer to guaranteeing Bronya, but still a few months away I think.

My history is: Beginner standard: Bailu (all 50 wishes)

Regular standard: Welt, Sleep like the dead, Himeko, Himeko, Gepard

Character banner: Seele, Himeko, Silver Wolf, Ruan Mei, Yanqing, Acheron, Clara, Jingliu… (manifesting Fu Xuan)

50:50: Won, lost, won, lost, lost. So it’s only 2 in a row I lost.

Light cone banner: never wished on it.

@Shigurui Nice to have the guarantee.

EDIT: as an aside I just got C5 Qiqi in Genshin… MiHoYo trolling me today… though I actually want C6 now as it’s OP and revives ALL allies once. Useful in Spiral Abyss for one hit kills

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant - Huh, won, lost, lost. How did you lose back to back 50/50? Loss = Guaranteed next.

Oof, congrats on the Qiqi I guess lol.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@themightyant @Shigurui I wasted my standard guarantee on Bailu a while back haven't got another 5* on standard since. I'm still missing Welt even though I have his LC at S3. I've got about 65 pulls so only a few more till another 5* drops.
Is anyone going for Robin? I'm pretty tempted as her kit suits my DPS heavy play style but don't want another harmony seeing as Fu Xuan is in the 2nd half.

Will the new update be the conclusion to the Penacony story? I hope so and hopefully we get a TB 3rd path as their destruction path is pretty much useless now.



@themightyant I got 2 5* on a 10 pull for Jingliu. My Himeko is also at S2 now. I'm thinking of saving my undying starlights from now so I can get Bronya or Clara's LC. I suspect I will end up getting another Welt LC if I leave it to rng.



@Shigurui I'm around 253 rn. I got gepard from beginner. My first ever 5*. And in standard iirc, I got: 2 Something Irreplaceable, either gepard e1 or yanKING, and 2 bailus

Out of the standards, I really just wanted himeko. Would be ok with bronya for meta reasons but the desire sensor will never give me them. So yea... as soon as I hit 300 I'm snagging himeko lol. And apparently Robin gives a boost to fua teams so could be a fun team



Shigurui wrote:

Huh, won, lost, lost. How did you lose back to back 50/50? Loss = Guaranteed next

I'm ignoring the guaranteed and only mentioning the ones that were in fact 50:50 not 100% guaranteed in which case i've lost 3 and won 2 so far. (You can't "win" a 100% guaranteed event)

@z0d15g0d Also saving my undying starlight's for light cones, I have enough for Bronya's already which I will probably get as soon as I get her guaranteed. But i'm kinda hoping they add some more lightcones to both this and the Herta shop. Been saving my herta tokens there too.

All in all I can't complain too much about my luck. My 5-star 50:50 luck is awful, but my 4 star character and light cone luck is pretty great. At the end of the day you can guarantee the 5-stars with enough wishes and I have all the standard 5-star's except Bronya who will be guaranteed soon enough and I want for my new Jingliu team.

[Edited by themightyant]


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