
Topic: Honkai Star Rail

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@Shigurui Yes please that would be very helpful. Also if you have a built up Asta too.



@z0d15g0d - Sure thing, I'll put them both in before next daily reset. My Lynx is E3 running s5 Hey Over Here LC which is a great cone on her if she's with Blade and my Asta is E6 running Dance Dance Dance which I think is s3 or maybe s4.

Sorry for late reply dude, haven't logged in here for a few days so only just saw your post.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Thanks mate I'll try them both out. I think I've got both those LC's but haven't run them on either so this would be great to compare effects.

Haha no worries and no rush either.



Finally back from backpacking, had an incredible time, and somehow managed to keep the HSR run going. I think I only slipped into reserve trailblaze power a couple of times for just a few points each time. I'm both proud and disappointed in that. On the one hand a shame a game can make us so needy, but on the other I never had to go too far out of my way to do it, only weekly SU runs seemed like an unneeded time sink, the early levels really are a tedious waste of time, I missed one weeks SU rewards somewhere I think.

Having been away there's plenty to catch up on. Long post alert!

My 5-star luck continues to be shockingly bad, I lost the 50:50 AGAIN - I think for the third or fourth time straight - and got Clara. Not the worst, though I now have all the standard banner 5 stars except Gepard... and of course Bronya, but am getting nearer to guaranteeing her at 243 wishes, a couple more months hopefully! I also get E1 Himeko on the standard banner.

But I did get my first early 5-star just 15 wishes after Clara finally securing Jingliu who I had pre-farmed for and was willing to spend it all on, this turned my initial frustration around quickly. Along with Acheron my account is finally starting to look almost rounded. I just need another sustain really, either Adventurine or Fu Xuan but I'm undecided which to go for, I should have enough for one of them... if I win the 50:50. (ffs / lol)

Meanwhile my 4-star luck continues to be great. I didn't have Pela at all a month or two ago, she was the last 4-star I didn't have, now I have E6 off Acheron's banner, just in time! I also got E5 Lynx (tempted to push Aventurine's banner to get E6). I now have E4-E6 on all the 4-stars I use often.

I also got quite a few useful 4-star lightcones like S3 Resolutions Shines as Pearls of Sweat for Pela (great with building Acheron's stacks), S2 Good Night and Sleep Well for Acheron (I might go for her Signature on rerun as it's such a jump), S2 Trend of the Universal Market (also great with a Preservation unit supporting Acheron building stacks) and S3 Landau's Choice.

I guess my 4-star luck slightly offset's my awful 5-star luck... a little bit anyway.

But I am now almost all out of credits, upgrade materials etc. and will have to buy the battlepass, or wait.

And of course the real end-game - farming of relics - now has to begin, neither Acheron or Jingliu's are great yet. Thankfully they both want Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters and a triple relic drop event is coming next week.

How are you all getting on? I haven't played the latest content yet other than the anniversary game, but will likely play the story quest this weekend.

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui Bailu was great early game but is almost useless in endgame imo, especailly as they make it harder with more Crowd Control debuffs. As @z0d15g0d said not having a cleanse is a huge omission AND getting CC stunned then not being able to use her useful revive mechanic makes her worse than most 4-star healers. I'd honestly build Lynx, E2+ Gallagher or higher Eidolon Natasha over Bailu.

There are a few teams where another character can cleanse where Bailu can work, or content that doesn't require it, but it's becoming more niche. But really any 5-star preservation or Abundance units like Fu Xuan, Adventurine, Huo-Huo or Luocha dump all over her. Despite building her to Lv 70 and carrying my through the early game's tougher battles Bailu's just about the only character I regret building.

Asta on the other hand while out of favour by many I'm still a big fan of in the right situation. Her skill decimates shields, her 1000+ ATK boost to ALL allies is nothing to sniff at and her +50 SPD to all allies is unique. There are better, more universal, Harmony supports no doubt but I still think she has a place in many situations/teams.

[Edited by themightyant]



@Shigurui @z0d15g0d Oh and 4 more codes

  • BTKBH6P47B77

Only 50 Jades and mostly materials but better than nothing.

Edit: re: Acheron's Light cone there is a rumoured new 4-star lightcone coming that will be better than the current options in 2.2. Though the odds of getting it will obviously be low even if it's rate up boosted on a banner. Spoilers below

Boundless Choreo grants the user 8%/10%/12%/14%/16% more CRIT Rate and sees that they deal 24%/30%/36%/42%/48% more CRIT DMG to enemies that are DEF-reduced or Slowed.

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant - Hey, welcome back man. Congrats on the early Jingliu and the haul of 4* eidolons and LC's, some good stuff there. GNSW is really decent on Acheron, I would definitely try for her signature next time it's available though that Boundless Choreo looks nuts for a Pela/Welt comp.

Definitely get your Aventurine or Fu Xuan dilemma, I really like Aventurine (minor spoiler) you get to use him a lot in the new content and I really enjoyed having him on my team but I feel she's better for my account overall. Regarding Asta I totally agree, she's awesome, I run her with Swan and Kafka and she absolutely makes that team, she's a proper force in the right comp.

Anyway bro, glad you're back safe and thanks for the codes. Enjoy the new Penacony stuff!

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@themightyant Welcome back. Glad to hear your trip was incredible. Something you'd do again or plan to explore a different continent? At least you've gotten Acheron and Jingliu so your luck came through for that and if you didn't get Argenti, Clara is the next best for Physical especially if you got her E1. Those are some might fine LC's you acquired and Pela E6 is pretty good just need to make sure she survives the battles.
I'm thinking Fu Xuan might be better for my team comps too as one of the new modes lets you use her trial version and I was very pleased with the results a little be more than with Aventurine but I'll try for them both lol.

Thanks for the codes dude hope you enjoy the new content and get them jades before events are over



@z0d15g0d Thanks. I'd definitely do Central America again, I only just touched Mexico and only saw a small corner of Costa Rica so i'd love to see more of those places. Both Belize and Guatemala I saw a lot of so would likely pick somewhere else next, though of course there was plenty I didn't see, but though both were spectacular I feel i've ticked both those boxes to some extent.

@Shigurui Like both of you I am leaning towards Fu Xuan. I think she suits my account more. Plus Adventurine will likely have a rerun in a few months if I really feel the need. I also did one more 10-pull on Adventurine's banner and got E6 Lynx so I don't really want anything else on that banner. (bizarre my 4-star is so good but 5-star so god awful!)

For now it's back to waiting for resources and farming relics for the next month or so while I tackle the content I missed.



@themightyant - I dropped 30 pulls on the banner to try for E4 Lynx and got nothing but Luka and Herta dupes, both are already E6 so got nothing of value. I'm now sat on 76 pity and I feel a loss coming on.

I'll probably have 50 pulls tops for Fu Xuan so I'm really tempted to push on for Aventurine, maybe take a loss and hope for an early on Fu Xuan. Or get the 50/50 win and just see where my 50 pulls take me. Decisions, decisions! I have Gepard's LC maxed and it's a quality cone for both of them, really unsure which way to go.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui Decisions, decisions indeed. The eternal life of a F2P or low spend player. Both characters are excellent you can’t really go too wrong either way. But wishing you continued 5-star luck! Your luck gives us hope

I’m still a little split but staying strong waiting for Fu Xuan for now, not least I have no resources to upgrade yet another character having recently picked Acheron, Jingliu and Clara. I really need to farm relic domains for them not character materials for yet another character. Clara upgrades will have to wait for now..

[Edited by themightyant]



I also finished the 2.1 penacony trailblaze mission. On the whole I really enjoyed it though was a bit annoyed by the ”to be continued” again, just as the story was hotting up.

Anyone want to discuss the story?

The final scene with Sunday and Gallagher was a bit of a head f**k. Everyone online seems to be suggesting Sunday got stabbed /killed in the dreamscape (i.e. not dead) but I’m not 100% convinced. The video seemed deliberately vague and the shadow of the “death meme” seemed to come FROM Sunday and head towards Gallagher in my book. Then it stabs someone in white (they both wear white, so could be either, OR could be someone else, a third party entering the room) I think they’ve deliberately kept it vague to have another twist in the tale. What do you both think?

Not a big fan of all the filler content. Drink making, pretty lame movie mini games, etc. but it’s all good stellar jade so has to be played.

[Edited by themightyant]



@themightyant - So I pushed on and lost the 50/50, I kind of knew I would as I got 3x Acheron and one Luocha after my last loss so it was due. Bright side, I got Bronya so she's now E1 which is a big win really and I'm on a guarantee for Fu Xuan if I can raise the pulls.

I'm really not sure what went on but I was left with the impression that the meme was returning back to Gallagher after it had done Sunday in. He controls it somehow. Probably way off the mark but that's what came to mind, total headfk of a scene lol.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


I used most of my jades in an attempt to get Acheron to E2 so now I'm on the daily crawl to get Jingliu. Hopefully there's some jade reward events in the next week to get some or else its back to chest hunting and G&G

Also how do I do spoiler tags again? it's been a while



Hey there, just wanted to ask if you guys think 4k atk, 55.6% crit rate, 167% crit dmg hits close enough to where acherons stats should be for now, as someone that has abysmal luck in the relic mines



@Judal27 - Assuming those are base stats on the character idle screen they're fine. Your actual numbers, set buff, team buff, enemy debuff count etc will push up your CR/CD during battles. I've seen way worse. Looks like a solid enough Acheron to me mate. Just click L3 during a fight when everything is applied to see your real time stats.

@z0d15g0d - Use [ spoiler* ] [ /spoiler* ] without the spaces and * symbol.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Judal27 Those are really good stats. The ideal for her is 70% CR but you can get that with support buffs. Relic mining sucks for us all lol



@Shigurui Thanks pal If I recall correctly from what Sunday says Gallagher isn't a real person. He's an amalgamation of all the suspects Sunday had in his list. From the way Gallagher responded it seems he did not want that information getting out so he might have ended Sunday with the meme



@Shigurui wow I was wondering if you could check your stats after every little buff was applied. Thanks for that, I just saw it go up to like 72 crit rate. I guess I'll prioritize crit dmg a little more instead

@z0d15g0d lol idk man, I've seen some people rocking crit dmg bodies and their crit rate was the same if not higher than my base cr. The numbers some people achieve is insane 😂



@Judal27 Yea you should always have CritDmg body whenever possible. I was saying get your over all Crit Rate to at least 70% then buffs can get you beyond that.


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