
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@sorteddan I played Slay the Spire for a little while. I liked it more than I thought I would, but after a handful of hours I eventually drifted away from it for more compelling gaming projects. There’s an addictive loop about it, but for whatever reason I couldn’t quite get committed to it. It would be a good game to play on a mobile device.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town.
Keep working on getting Alpaca Wool+ like really hard my butt.



Th3solution wrote:

@bluedex Unfortunately I wasn’t much of a fan of Dishonored, but I’m in the minority. Most people really liked it. I was recently commenting how first-person perspective often ruins games for me and that’s where I’m coming from, so take my experience with a grain of salt. The game’s interactive nature and how your approach to the game changes things about the world is a pretty cool idea. Good luck with them and hopefully you find some fun there!

Thanks for the reply. Yeah I used to be put off by 1st person perspective as I prefer 3rd person, but I enjoyed RE7 so thought I might give a few more games a try.



Thrillho wrote:

@bluedex I always felt the Dishonored games were a bit of a missed opportunity.
The world the games are set in are excellent and one of the best parts of the games. The level design is also really cool so there are normally loads of different ways to approach a level. The Clockwork Mansion in the second game is a particular highlight!

The combat is also great fun with so many abilities to unlock but the biggest problem with the games is that killing people is the “wrong” way to play so the game gives you all these abilities and then essentially punishes you for using them.

The flip side to that is that the non-lethal takedowns of the main enemy in the regions is almost always the more interesting thing to do with some quite clever and twisted ways to do so.

I seem to remember the games being very generous with quick save/load abilities so if you want to try and do completely stealthy runs it’s easy to “rewind” slightly and try again but I’m sure doing so made my run through as about three times longer

Now that sounds like something I'd enjoy, thanks!
I doubt I'll get to it for ages, I'm taking my time in HZD



I’ve just beaten Moss and will be moving onto The Tale of Onogoro. I booted up Moss to check that my PSVR was still working and ended up playing through to the end. It’s a really enjoyable few hours.

I’ll move onto The Tale of Onogoro tomorrow. I saw it in the PSVR2 preview coverage. But since it’s just come out for the original PSVR and I don’t know whether I’m getting the VR2 yet. I’m going to play it on the hardware I already have.

In the two years since getting a PS5, this is the first time I’ve use my VR headset and it definitely makes a nice change of pace.



playing Mortal Kombat 11 for my Playstation 4. doing some Towers to get some outfit stuff for Noob Saibot and Jade



Right so after having completed a first run of the Resident Evil 2 remake on PS5 a few days ago Iam currently into Uncharted 4 which I think is a great game. I like it so much better then the previous games in the franchise. That said I have been thinking for some time to finally getting into the now very popular action rpg genre in a not to distant future (that said there is another action game that Iam bit temped to play again). Guess we will see what happens..

Edited on by oliverp



Did Saejima’s hunting minigame thing in Yakuza 5. Bizarre but pretty fun, wrestling a bear is just crazy too. This game is so wildly ambitious amidst the jank.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I have defeated the first gym leader Ivan.



@nessisonett I did like how the big side stories in Y5 were there own separate thing rather than muddled in with substories etc and they’re all weirdly addictive too.

I’m always a sucker for taxi driving side missions too but wait until you get to the next character’s side story; it’s quite a change!



@Thrillho Hahaha, I’ve already been sucked into the idol stuff, I love rhythm games at the best of times but this is like crack. I’m astounded at how well this whole section is handled actually, it doesn’t shy away from the seedy side of the business and I feel protective of Haruka because she’s been in these games since she was a young girl!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I just wish they introduced a second song for Haruka earlier than they did; I had So Much More stuck in my head for months afterwards.

And now I’ve just watched it again on YouTube..



@Thrillho I think I’ve done that song about 20 times by now 😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Thrillho Finished up that part last night and it really was brilliant. It’s a big departure for sure, but the dynamic between Akiyama and Haruka is bizarrely touching, especially given that they didn’t interact together in 4 but clearly met between games. I still find it hard to separate Haruka at 16 with her as a kid that holds Kiryu’s hand so it was very much appreciated being able to play as Akiyama and kick the crap out of the guys that were threatening her!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


So, um... Metal Gear Survive is kinda, er... really good?

This is said in the context of me having paid five bucks for my copy, and having only played it for four hours thusfar, but still. After wading through its mandatory server checks and terms agreements, there's an engaging introduction sequence that cryptically skips around as you use an expanded version of the MGSV character creator to customise your protagonist, the Captain. You can opt for male or female, which is neat considering that you couldn't before, and the system remains one of the best, most detailed character creators in recent memory, so I really enjoyed taking my time and creating a face I'd be happy staring at for forty-odd hours (although I subsequently discovered that, later on, you can tweak your appearance anytime, which is also a welcome feature after you see your creation fully animated in a few cutscenes and realise that you haven't gotten the cheekbones quite right).


Gameplay is very stilted and basic to begin with, but it's supposed to be, as you're dropped into the mysterious and deadly world of Dite with vague instruction and only an angsty frenemy for company. There's also an A.I. Pod with a split personality around which you begin to build your Base Camp, but they're somewhat annoying, speaking very slowly and often talking over tutorial text with the exact same information you're trying to read, only worded entirely differently. There's potential there, though.

Once you start venturing out to explore your surroundings, Survive reveals itself to be quite a demanding game, with any failure out in the field punished by a harsh "return to Base Camp and start all over again" penalty. I felt very vulnerable at first, to the point where my usual discomfort at having to slaughter wild animals for food was briefly outweighed by a grim determination to save my Captain's hungry butt (and it's here that controlling a customised character pays off, as I reckon you always care more for somebody you've had a hand in creating). Your only gun is quickly taken from you during the prologue, so you're left with a freakin' stick to start with (my copy of the game came with some bonus DLC to give me a head-start, but there's no way I'm gonna run around with a Golden Machete until I feel like I've earned it). As clunky as it is to wield, though, it's oddly satisfying to land hits with, and I found myself using it a little longer than I had to, after I'd crafted a longbow and found a handgun I could keep.

Dite itself is very obviously the Afghanistan map from MGSV, only reshuffled and half-coated in a thick layer of obscuring, oxygen-sapping "dust" which adds yet another meter to monitor alongside your increasing hunger and thirst. Inside the dust, things get proper eerie, with distant noises echoing from sources you can't see and your iDroid's map markers glitching out. It's so easy to get completely turned around, and successfully finding your way back out without dying offers a real sense of relief.


The zombie-esque Wanderers are cool, too. They offer real tension, and have made me jump more than once by playing dead in dark, spooky indoor environments. I was supremely unprepared for my first major defence objective, with thirty of them spilling over a flimsy makeshift fence I'd placed poorly and refusing to burn fast enough in the flames from my single Molotov cocktail. They look and sound really effective, and that's without even mentioning the skyscraper-sized one I saw lumbering in the distance, partially obscured by the dust. They're the kinda threat I look forward to avoiding, if that makes sense.

The overload of tutorial information did threaten to drown my enthusiasm at one point, but by taking a break and systematically re-reading through the archived hints in peace, I think I've been introduced to all of the game's major mechanics now. Outside of an event bulletin board and a tab on my iDroid which I haven't gone anywhere near yet, there's been no sign of the multiplayer, either. I know it's there and know that it's likely where most of the effort's been made, but I'm happy cracking on with the story for now, building up my Base Camp, unlocking better weapons, and exploring Dite through the dust. I didn't expect to like Survive quite as much as I do. There's always the possibility that the novelty will wear thin quick (let's be honest, I'm not exactly a survival game expert) but for now, given everything negative and controversial about the game's very existence, I'm actually impressed.

Alas, it looks like a lot of other folks weren't. Take a look at this trophy data.


Between recruiting the Soldier and the Nurse, there's roughly ninety minutes of easy, straightforward gameplay during which your hand is still held, to the point where it feels like you're still in an extended tutorial. Over 40% of players abandoned Survive in that time. I'm genuinely shocked by that statistic.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Fascinating to see these impressions of MG Survive. I’m glad it’s clicked well for you and I have to admit that it sounds tempting. I’ll still never forget the backlash when Liam gave it an 8/10.

Since my backlog is so deep, I’ll likely never get around to it, but I’ll be open to that possibility depending how it goes as you get into the real meat of the experience.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I always though Survive was supposed to be a decent game but is a slightly niche genre, with MGS fans put off by the fact it’s not Kojima (and with lots of reused MGS5 assets) while the Metal Gear name probably put off others.

Is there much of an online component to it @RogerRoger or can it be pretty much played offline?


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