
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

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@CaptD @sorteddan Good to know I'm not the only one that baulked at the difficulty of the game. It starts off really fun to play and in essence is the perfect arcade title as I can see how if I was playing it in the arcade I'd happily feed it one more pound just to continue. At some points in the game there's almost too much going on to be able to use skill to outwit it, I'd need to learn each level and the order to take things down in to be at all proficient.

While my first thought was to totally discount the platinum I might just keep in on the boil to see if I can put in an hour here and there like I did with Sackboy. At least then I feel like I'm not committing all my time to something completely futile.



Ping...Chicory (on Extra, leaving soon).
Installed this nearly a year ago and earnt a trophy so it took me 10 months to complete.
Delightful underrated game, didn't know what to expect from this and I didn't really fancy just going around painting by numbers but it really isn't that.
Unfortunately the game is let down by quite regular crashes so upload your saved data fairly often although I never experienced data corruption but you never know.
Also a minus is the iffy platforming, a few times I would go YouTube as I was stuck, only to find I was right but I should be a couple of pixels to the left for example.
3/10 difficulty and 25 hours for me, 5 hours was waiting for a random Npc to do various things, be on the lookout for Pistachio ... I left it to the end and it cost me 5 hours of just wandering around trying to get the Npc to act (no kidding). Soul destroying And because of that and the collectathon I do not recommend going for the platinum....if you do/did then please tell me what you think/thought.
Definitely worth playing, underrated gem.

[Edited by CaptD]



Congrats on the plat and glad to hear you enjoyed the experience (mostly). It's one I've had my eye on a few times as I do like me some little indie gems. Surprised to hear about its length as I assumed it would be a smaller few hour type effort.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Cheers. It was probably 10 hours gameplay, 10 hours collectathon, 5 hours waiting for the Npc. On PS trophies only 4 people have voted (as I say underrated game), one said 11-15 (the guide author I imagine), two said 16-20 and one said 21-25.

And I didn't leave all the collectathon till the end, if I saw an item during gameplay then I would try and get it if I could (abilities can dictate what you can get).



Congrats @CaptD, I’m surprised myself by the hours you had to put in… having always assumed it’d be a 5-10 hour thang. Still, sounds like you enjoyed it for the most part and that’s the most important thing 👍

**** DLC!


Just started Call of Cthulhu played for about 10 minutes and arrived at my private investigators office, on the table there is a glass of Whiskey so I thought why not.
Thought I better take a quick look at the trophy guide to see if there are any gotchas that I need to be aware of, and .... "do not take a drink the whole game"

My journey into madness has started well.



Because I just had to play a match of A.I. Darts to get my daily tasks completed I'll announce it thusly...

One Hundred and Eighty!

#180 Arcade Paradise (PS5)

I really really enjoyed this game. Think it may have been designed with someone like me in mind.
Started it a couple of weeks back and played almost nothing else since - PS5 tracker says 43 hours which seems about right. The start is a bit so-so but once you realise you can mostly ignore the laundry stuff and focus on the games and getting all the goals completed for each (or most) machines it's really great. Well thought out trophy list that probably enhances what you get from the game and mostly quite easily achievable.
Also loved the fact that one of the games has a set of playable arcade machines inside it.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Great stuff, you managed to earn your bus fare home.
That game is on my radar, being an old git some of the arcade machines appeal to me (I must also buy the Atari 50 at some point). Having said that, picking up litter and washing smalls doesn't sound too great.



@sorteddan congrats buddy… and cheers for the info on hours played etc as there doesn’t seem to be much useful info out there in relation to the plat-journey 👍

**** DLC!


Two more to add. 104 was Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, 105 was Sonic Origins. Both on PS5. I played the Plus DLC on the latter, so did all the games as Amy. Haven't been able to earn any more yet...though I've wanted to.



@CaptD Good work on the Chicory plat!

My biggest problem was trying to find all the collectibles as there was no way of knowing which ones you had so you essentially had to use a guide to go through pretty much every area again with a guide to find them all. Horrendous!

A wonderful little game though, even if it gets a little twee at times.



Slight spoiler warning: at some point after the first week I wondered what would happen if I stopped doing the laundering etc. It turned out nothing, you are free to ignore it as you wish and focus on the games. However if you don't clean up and do the maintenance stuff then the popularity rating drops so you make less money.
I also picked up the Atari 50 thing couple of weeks back when I saw how cheap pre-owned ones were in CEX.

Happy to be of service. Did raise a smile when I looked at the 'friends who play this' bit on the PS5 home screen and you were the only one there!

Congrats on your recent double. How was Puyo Puyo Tetris to do? I've always been curious when I've seen them on sale as I've enjoyed each franchise separately but curious as to how they combine together.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan It’s fun. The Puyo Puyo requirements aren’t too difficult thankfully. A couple online trophies, but it’s dead enough you’ll have no trouble matching with a friend. PS4 and PS5 can play each other online. I used my PS5 while my friend used his PS4.

Right now, Astro is the only strict PS5 plat I’ve earned.



#181 Sagebrush (PS4)
Walking sim type experience with notes to read, audio tapes to collect and simple puzzling to open up the next building etc. Fairly sombre grim story about a suicide cult. Took less than a couple of hours - could probably do it all in 30mins or so using a guide. Cost me about 50p in a sale sometime in the past.
Interesting change of pace.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan another well done mate, haven’t heard of this but added it to the wishlist for some sale in the future 👍

**** DLC!


@sorteddan 50p well spent, actually it doesn't sound like it was.




I wasn’t originally going to go for the plat, but I liked exploring enough that it wasn’t a chore to find every collectible.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Bentleyma congrats dude. Only really heard negativity about this since it released, so it’s refreshing to hear a bit of positivity. How many hours did the plat take out of interest?

**** DLC!

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