
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

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#173 Disgaea 6 Complete (PS5)
I've been playing Disgaea games since the 3rd back on PS3 so am fully aware of the fact they are built around the grind so it came as no surprise that getting the plat required quite some grind. I'm not prepared to disclose how many hours I've spent on this in the last month. Still, can now chuck another shiny on the pile.

Suffice to say I could have spent the time platting Far Cry 3 multiple times instead...

Well done on your latest 😀
And I agree collectable trophies that don't require all of them are much better

Edited on by sorteddan

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Congrats @sorteddan, well hopefully you feel that all of those undisclosed hours 😉 feel worth it buddy… I’m sure you’ll look back on the grind with some satisfaction one day.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@nessisonett I seem to remember the original game had online trophies so I never got the platinum. Great game though and probably my favourite in the series.



@sorteddan Nice work on that grindy plat, you should email the publisher and tell them that grinding isn't good for the environment.
I emailed EA about 'Spend 50 hours on track' in F1 2021, I'm still waiting to hear back from Andrew Wilson.



My latest, a few quick platinums.

Endling (currently "free" on PS+). Story of a fox and her cubs trying to survive. 2 hours. Difficulty 2/10 with guide, 6 without as lots of missables. 7/10 enjoyment....definitely a recommend.

Fast and furious rise of the shifter. I nearly typed something else then because this game was pretty bad, I enjoy a good racing game and this certainly wasn't one.
2/10 difficulty (no missables), 2/10 enjoyment and 2 hours. Lots of number twos there. PS Extra game. Avoid.

The Wild at Heart (PS+ Extra). Delightful and charming pikmen clone (I guess as I've never played Pikmen).
2/10 difficulty (a couple of missables, last page in book and a crystal breaking one...the page is the important one and not mentioned as missable on psnprofiles guide)
15 hours completion time.
7/10 enjoyment. Recommended especially as it seems to have been overlooked, judging by psnprofiles numbers....I would guess this is mostly down to price, £20 is a tad too high.

Edited on by CaptD



Great stuff - congrats.
And happy to hear about Endling, I have it downloaded and intend to get around to it. Your praise may push it up the list a bit. Think I'll do a blind run first and see where I get to if it's that short.

Edited on by sorteddan

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


#174 Infamous Second Son (PS4)
Went back to do the evil run, expert mode and a few miscellaneous trophies . Fairly short and really quite enjoyable, there should be more third person superhero/villain games imo. Just short of six years after my first play through!

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan congrats on cleaning that up. I’m yet to play the two PS4 inFAMOUS games but am a massive fan of the two PS3 games. Hopefully I’ll find time to play Second Son and First Light at some point in the not-too-distant.

Not sure if you ever played Saints Row 4 or not but… while it’s deffo not in the same league as the inFAMOUS games, it’s a decent open world superhero trip… if you’re ever looking for another one 👍

**** DLC!


@sorteddan Congrats on infamous. Another series that could do with a simple remaster, I'm talking of the PS3 ones.



@sorteddan Hey Dan, I'm having some trouble with the Helldivers trophy "Defender of Humanity".
I've logged in every day for a few weeks now and never seen a "Defend the capital" event, I have just logged in and not done anything...if the message DEFEND isn't on the map then I log out.

Now am I right in thinking these are real time 4 hour events, so they could occur at 2am til 6am when I giving it big Zzzzs. It seems a pretty BS trophy.because of that.
Thanks in advance for any help.



Yeah unfortunately like much of the events in the game it's pretty random in occuring. When you see an assault on enemy homeworld, make a note of when it's ending. If it fails I think it moves to an automatic defence (not sure how long these last). But I think you're right, I've been playing every day for a while now and don't recall seeing one either. Guess the community is proving too successful in completing assaults!

However I think that given the amount of time you will have to spend to get all the other trophies ( particularly 100k kills and xp for level 25) you should stumble into one at some point... Hopefully.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Ping ... Sniper Elite 5
Good game although not quite as good as SE4 but I did enjoy strolling around the French countryside
A bit of a grind with the weapon mastering which imo is a step back from the SE4 weapon mastery system.
Thankfully there is a trick and that is to save, kill and then reload so I knocked out about a dozen soldiers, put them all in a row, saved and then popped their heads one by one. I repeated this for nearly 300 pistol rounds and then the assault guns which I hadn't used. I was actually starting to feel a bit bad especially as you would get the odd groan out of soldier.
I feel if I was streaming it I would be on trial in The Hague right about now.

Unfortunately the dlc for this game is a bit of a mess with multiple season passes which I won't support so after five games my Sniper 100 percentages have been broken. My previous 100% are V2 (PS3 and PS4), SE3, SE4 and SE VR.



@CaptD made some pretty short work of that dude fair play. Bit disappointing that it didn’t quite hit the SE4 highs but still sounds like an enjoyable experience.

**** DLC!


That doesn't sound like something an elite sniper would do... Congratulations nonetheless on your, erm... Elite brutal genocide 5 platinum

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@CaptD Not that I need another game or (worse yet) another series to pile onto my backlog, but if I were to try out a Sniper Elite game, would 4 be the best to start with, or would I be overwhelmed by it by jumping into a late entry? And similarly, do you think playing SE4 first would ruin any enjoyment of going backwards to the older games?

I’m really not a shooter guy and especially military shooters are not my thing. But a lot of that is due to my very average hand-eye coordination and reaction time and disdain for multiplayer (mostly because I’m so bad at it)

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Yeah I recommend 4 , 2 (remastered) is pretty good as well but 4 is the most refined and fun. (Note to sniper elite fans, they removed Trip mines from SE5)
I suggest the complete edition as the dlc for SE4 is very good and it is on sale fairly often (£7 seems to be the usual price). Judging by the price history chart it will be on sale next week.
You won't be out of the loop storywise as there really isn't much of story , just a lone soldier plus all the stories seem to be very similar.



@CaptD Nice work on finishing off that SE5 plat in short order. I'm planning on hooking up with @AgentCooper for those online trophies. Haven't managed to play much more besides but interesting to know about the changes from 4. Shame that they are almost a backwards step.



Just got the Astro's Playroom platinum. Now have 102 total. Several told me that should've been my first PS5 plat, but I had long planned for Stray. Well, made it the second one! I really enjoyed it. Wish they would make a full length game with Astro for PS5. He's adorable!



Thanks guys, I suspect the removal of the trip wire from SE5 is possibly down to the invasion mechanic, perhaps they felt it was too OP.

@MidnightDragonDX Nice joyous platinum.


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