
Topic: Death Stranding OT

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@Arugula Yeah, I can see that, and actually I was coming on here to comment after having read IGN’s now infamous 6.8/10 review. I actually quite enjoyed reading it as well as Liam’s, despite the large discrepancy of the scores. The IGN review is well written and pretty humorous in its criticism, with a hint of hyperbole to make fun of the experience, and it has more by way of spoilery information. But after reading IGN’s review I would echo that same sentiment about incongruence of score and written word. Their review reads like at least a 7/10 or 8/10. The 6.8 seems like an overt attempt to get attention and clicks by low-balling the game a little bit (and viola! — looks like it worked in my case). The writer had some glowing praise amongst his criticisms of the game mechanics and ideas. Descriptions like “spectacular”, “tantalizing”, and “fascinating” abound and he seems to admit that he has a bias against games that require inventory management. Yet he seems to have high praise for some sections of the game that are transcendent. 6.8 to me seems to say, “I like this game and recommend it, but if I give it a 7 then this review won’t get noticed.” Kind of like when something goes on sale for $19.99 instead of just being $20. Psychologically the lower whole number negates the fact that it’s only marginally different from a 7/10, which would seem a reasonable consensus amongst all the reviews. We probably have a similar thing with the Push Square review getting the 10 even if it reads like an 8 or 9.
Also, Liams main complaint was the slow middle of the game, yet he states the ending is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. To me a solid ending overshadows weakness of a games middle. In addition it the RDR2 example, for me I also think of NieR Automata — a game that drags in the middle due to a little repetition, but had such a mind blowing, creative, and philosophical conclusion that I can’t help but have it among my favorite games this generation.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@KratosMD The embargo was very strict on not being able to mention any gameplay/story moments past the end of chapter 3. The game consists of 14 main story chapters, and there are some very, very special moments contained within the latter half of them. There's a lot I'm not allowed to talk about that influenced the rating of 10/10.

PSN ID: Liam_Croft


🎵Postman Pat Sam, Postman Sam
Postman Sam and the apocalyptic wasteland
Early in the morning, Just as day is dawning
He picks up all the post bags in his futuristic motorcycle 🎵

I can't get the Postman Pat theme song out my head now thanks to my silly offhand comment in the review comments... Admittedly I'm not the best song writer either 😂

Silliness aside I still have no clue what I make of this really after reading so many reviews during my lunch break.

I look forward to the user impressions that'll no doubt fill this topic soon enough though to hear more details

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@KratosMD Yeah there's a lot of good stuff that hasn't been shown or talked about, it's all good!

PSN ID: Liam_Croft


@Th3solution This is my thinking exactly. If you'd asked me halfway through Red Dead II for a score out of ten, I might have said eight or nine. But then that conclusion and epilogue elevated it for me.

I think a game can still be a ten even if the middle does sag a bit, so long as it sufficiently wins you over with its conclusion, which from the review it sounds like it does, and then some. There will be a lot that @LiamCroft cannot tell us, and I expect Death Stranding to get pretty insane in its closing stages. In fact, I'll be disappointed if it doesn't.

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


I've been dismissive of the game for the most part but I preordered it today at Gamestop. Thankfully with the buy back promo thing I will lost nothing if it doesn't click with me. Going to take Friday off and really dive into it to form a personal opinion.



@LiamCroft The Death Stranding review was fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to write such an amazing review.

I was worried when I first stumbled across your work. Your a great writer, but I questioned your taste.

Not any more. Fully redeemed and I will never ever question the Metal Gear Survive 8/10 again. (apart from now Obvs).

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Over the last few days and more so than for any other game I can remember, I've poured over many reviews both good and bad and watched a few videos including Digital Foundrys but also rewatched that Kojima gameplay video now with the English subtitles. Overall I've got to say I'm now pretty excited to play it, I think I now understand the "strand" gameplay and truly believe it could transform games in the future, we've seen elements of it already in other games but not to this level. I'm also curious as to how the world will evolve as people build upon it or indeed just how pathways form and clearly there are some surprises being hidden from us.

Bring on Friday

[Edited by carlos82]

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



I can’t wait to see this thread after Friday. When the rank-and-file start to share their experiences, that’s when the game’s legacy will start to crystallize, methinks.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well I'm committed now as I have it downloading at the moment, I've not been this excited about a game for some time

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



It's almost here, and at this point, I am at a loss for words to describe my excitement. I've been following this game since the announcement in 2016, I am also going in blind (as in I haven't read any reviews or watched any new footage other than the ones Kojima Productions published on their YouTube channel) and still don't know what to expect, which is very exciting.
I'll see you all trekking across American on Friday people.
If you wanted to add me I'm Homo-Ludens97 (Olaf4501 is the old Username)
Good luck, y'all.

I make deliveries, that's all.

PSN: Homo-Ludens97


I'm interested to read players feedbacks as well. Personally, I'm not interested in the gameplay since the majority of it is you delivering stuff. I'm not a huge fan of simulator type games. I am however interested in the story and the characters which is why I might get it later down line when it's cheaper.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


So I've played a little this morning before coming to work, probably about an hour and a half and a lot of that was cutscenes, I will say that I've not been glued to my TV screen like that in quite some time.

In terms of the actual gameplay almost immediately I was looking at the world differently to any other open world game I've ever played, normally when travelling in these it's a case of where am I going and then heading off in pretty much a straight line, switching your brain off and maybe admiring the scenery. Here I was viewing like I would the real world and thinking about where I am walking, where I'm placing my feet and planning which way to go, for example after picking some extra cargo on the first mission and continuing to my destination I find I'm on the wrong side of what is now a very wide river, so head back upstream for a narrower spot to cross. I'm just at the end of the second delivery quest and its introduced the concept of tools being left behind as I found some useful rope and ladders dotted about and I've really enjoyed these journeys much more than in any other game as just the concept of moving around is much more engaging.

I don't know if I've got my point across but I am loving every second of this game so far

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@carlos82 Sounds good! Just got my copy in the mail. But I won't be able to play it until tonight. But I have the TV for myself, so I'm going to play it all night!



I woke up early and spent a couple hours playing before getting the kids up. Not enough to really comment on game play but my goodness this game looks amazing! Better than both Horizon and GOW quite a feat!



Hey, at least this game defaults to subtitles on, that's at least worth a 4/10.



@Octane I'm sure I turned them off but they were still there on the next cutscene so it's a 3 from me 😉

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



Just played the first 45 mins or so and I'm gripped so far. The cinematography really is on another level to almost any other game.



The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the fact that Kojima wants you to know that he made the game, like, every five minutes. Ay first I thought it would make for a good drinking game, but now I'm afraid one wouldn't survive a single play session.





A universal code for one and all to get the above BB avatars. Dunno if it was already reported on or whatever. Only good til November 10th mind!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"

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