
Topic: Death Stranding OT

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@LN78 yh, i dont know,,im digital only since a while, but i prefer to buy them still instead of subscribe to services though.

I just found out that when online the game is full of signs from other players, and already made stuff.

If i want to play it offline, i can just switch my ps4 to offline i guess?
No need take out the net cable, as i read in some comments online. Or does the game still update when you're back online and not in the game playing? i mean game is off.



@Jtheripper I honestly don't know - I wouldn't think the game was still heavily populated online at this point in time. I don't think it would make much difference either way. I could easily be wrong, though!



@Jtheripper I think all you need to do is be offline when you’re playing the game. I’m fairly certain that the world will not be populated when you’re online otherwise.
I mean, Kojima is a tricky little rascal, but I don’t think he’s that tricky.

Honestly the online asynchronous multiplayer stuff in the world is some of my favorite aspects of it. You’ll have random structures populate your world from other players, but as you rate and assign other players into your favorite group (I forget what the in-game term for this list of favorites is), then the game will preferentially give you their structures. It’s a neat mechanic and sometimes a real lifesaver if someone built a bridge for you or left a ladder or changing station in a rough spot.

Also, the game does a good job of not giving you online structures until after you’ve made the journey to the next major story point on your own. So it’s mainly useful for tracking back through areas you’ve already done once on your own. Also, you won’t get high level structures and vehicles before certain game points, so it will gatekeep the really overpowered items for you until after you have unlocked them

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution i see, i might try it online 1st then, thanks for the good info, appreciate it.
Im curious to try it out.
I wonder if you just see the online stuff only if you set on some kind of device or setting.

[Edited by Jtheripper]



@Jtheripper The online aspect really makes the game with the tips and structures set up by other players. You can use materials to build roads later in the game to make things way easier and other players contribute to the building costs.

Structures also degrade over time so the world isn’t littered with stuff either.

So the online part is a pretty massive part of the experience but is designed to not be obnoxiously overwhelming.



@Thrillho i see, well usually i really dont like having any online part in games, but will see how it goes i guess.
Seems pretty well thought out though in this game, from replies here, just seems intrusive all the icons, and a little off on immersion of another world if silly names and comments in them.

Plus i dont want make the game easier, with short cuts etc.



@Jtheripper The online help all ties into themes of the game though.

Also, items built by other people don’t turn up the first time you visit a new area but only after you connect to the network as part of the game so it doesn’t really offer shortcuts.

Plus you can’t free text anything so you won’t get stupid signs everywhere; there’s just a selection of things saying “good luck!” or the classic “keep on keeping on” so they’re also not that annoying either.



@Thrillho i see yeah, well ill give it a try for sure and see how it goes, seems not too intrusive.
Intrigued to try it soon.
Thanks for the input.

[Edited by Jtheripper]



@Jtheripper I’m not a fan of online functions in games myself buddy… but trust me that it definitely works to improve Death Stranding. You could enjoy it offline no doubt but as others have mentioned, the online asynchronous nature is inherent to the design.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore yeah, will see, thanks all, but im so adverse to online stuff it makes me consider even waiting for a lower price hehe.
Lots of backlog too. I'll see, depends on new sales on next Wednesday too maybe.



I am thinking of picking up The Director's Cut version of this game after getting killed by BTs during the first long mission in the early game and having my cargo damaged beyond repair. Any tips for avoiding BTs when I have another go?

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic

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