
Topic: Cyberpunk 2077 OT

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I played 45 minutes or so this morning, on an Xbox One X and it looks great on that. Obviously very early days but it looks to be by far the most detailed open world game I've played. I've started as Corporate but sadly have to go to my real work now but I'm excited to continue playing

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



Cyberpunk made me legitimately vomit and I don’t even own the game. I saw some footage streamed which included the whole braindance light show and it gave me a sorta vertigo feeling, which I only get extremely rarely. Felt really nauseous and ended up being sick. It’s worth noting that I have mentioned in the past on here that games like Control gave me a splitting headache and a bit of nausea but I’ve never had this sort of reaction before and this was just a stream. It does actually explain a lot though, certain scenes on TV also make my brain extremely uncomfortable to the point that I’ll actively look away but I could never pinpoint a connection. Something to look into anyway, especially considering I use computers so much for uni.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Interesting early comparison here. Xbox One/PS4 versions are both blurry as hell. PS4 hovers around the low-to-mid 20s framerate-wise, and the Xbone S can barely crack 20fps most of the time, apparently.

This is running significantly worse on PS4 than TW3 runs on Nintendo Switch.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


I played a good 4 hours last but didn't get very far because I done the classic 'I'm not happy with my created character so I'll start again' a couple of times. I know it's first person and you don't see your character but it was bugging whenever I saw her in the menu or photo mode. Plus I was a bit gutted that it didn't have the original female V as a preset so I spent a while trying to create her.

I chose the Streetkid life and started off in a neon lit, smoke filled bar which I instantly thought looked fantastic. Exited that into a back alley and was buzzing when I saw how big the surrounding buildings of Night City were. There were plenty of npcs about just in those two locations and the atmospheric sound is so so good. Not witnessed any bugs so far and had some occasional choppy framerate but all in all I think it looks soooooo much better than I though it would on an original PS4.

Another hour kip then I'm back to smashing this all day!




So, you don't think it looks that bad on the base PS4? I saw a comparison video and the PS4 version didn't look that great. Honestly I kind of thought it looked a bit awful, but I could be wrong. I was thinking about buying the game, but now I think I'm just gonna wait until the game gets discounted.


PSN: DiditAllByMySelf


@TheOtherEden No mate, I think it looks great. It's moody, got some gorgeous lighting and looks the part for the tone of the game. I play with HDR on but it still looks great without it. Playing it yourself is totally different to watching people pick apart graphical differences and go bug hunting in YouTube videos.



@ApostateMage I'm playing it on One X and think it looks great, ironically it feels more like a next gen game then any other I've played. Its clear that it's a scaled back version graphically to get it running but the amount of detail in the brief part of the world I've seen is staggering

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@nessisonett damn that's awefull.

hope you are feeling ok again!

and you find a solution.



@ApostateMage Thanks for sharing your initial thoughts on the game. Sounds promising and not a total car crash that some are making it out to be. Just waiting on Amazon Prime delivery person for mine. It is not out for delivery yet, so won't get it until this afternoon at the earliest by the looks of it.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Mega-Gazz the more I see of this online, the more I think they should just have abandoned the current gen versions. Actually if it wasn't for the One X and Pro I suspect they probably would have

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@Thrillho I guess I was unlucky with day 1 W3. I got constant crashes and stuttering. Also, the inventory size issue drove me crazy.

Eat the path.

PSN: batwing47


These look cute.

@Ralizah "This is running significantly worse on PS4 than TW3 runs on Nintendo Switch."
To be fair, TW3 came out 2 years before the Switch whereas Cyberpunk 2077 came out 7 years, nearly 8, after the PS4 and XB1. It's like comparing the PS1 running a SNES game to the PS1 trying to run a PS2 game in terms of the time period between them.

[Edited by Matroska]


PSN: Matroska_


@nessisonett I know how that feels. I got the same thing with FFXV and The Last Guardian on a base PS4. It felt like I drank a drink someone had spiked. And my friend had to have a lie down while fighting off nausea after playing Skyrim VR, but that's VR itself more than the game.


PSN: Matroska_


@Matroska The Switch is handheld though. It’s more like comparing the GBA running an N64 game to a 3DS running Spider-Man. Both of which are improbable in their own way.

Yep, had to go have a lie down as it just wasn’t shifting. VR does wreck me but that’s more motion sickness than anything.

[Edited by nessisonett]

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett The handheld defense doesn't work that well when it's marketed as both, though. I don't think it'd matter if it was a pure home console; Nintendo have released very underpowered hardware from the Wii onwards. Imagine PS3 games like TLOU running on a Wii. I'd say it's more like a PS1 game running at sub 30fps with dramatically reduced graphics on a PSP.


PSN: Matroska_


@Matroska I dunno, as much as Switch games get boosted for TV, it’s a handheld at the base level, same way as Cyberpunk had to run on the original PS4.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Matroska I don't really see that as being particularly relevant for a few reasons.

  • PS4 vs Switch is comparing home console technology to mobile/handheld technology. Regardless of what Nintendo markets it as, it's a device designed to play games on a battery in your hands like a 3DS or GBA SP.
  • In the age of multiplatform game development, the best optimized and running games often release later in the life-cycle of a console. Compare something like Fallout 4 and its trials on home consoles vs Ghost of Tsushima or any of the newish Ubisoft open world games that run fairly well on PS4. Heck, even The Witcher 3, which you make sound like a potato of a game, struggled to run well on PS4 until it was patched a few times.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 isn't a game that only started development a few years ago. Its first teaser trailer was literally uploaded almost a year before the launch of the PS4.

Anyway, regardless of all that, my point wasn't: "TW3 Switch Good; Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Bad!" Rather, the Switch port of the TW3 sits on the bleeding edge of what many people, myself included, would consider acceptable standards of performance. It's just fascinating to see an ostensibly current-gen release on home consoles fall well short of that. This is, as far as I can tell, easily the most poorly optimized major release on PS4/Xbox One.

It's also going to be interesting to see how many people rush to CDPR's defense, when they would have savaged another company for releasing a game on PS4 in this state.

@carlos82 Looking back, CDPR described performance on the base current gen consoles as "surprisingly good” fairly recently. They had to have known that was an outright lie, but I'm guessing they didn't want to lose sales by telling people that the experience would be severely compromised on anything weaker than a PS4 Pro.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah 8 million pre-orders means CDPR will ‘please understand’ their way to the bank. Wonder what the Steam refund numbers are like.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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