
Topic: Cyberpunk 2077 OT

Posts 281 to 283 of 283


@KilloWertz yeah, the tech changed, maybe, I can't even remember back to how everything worked though tbh, as I was doing a low upgrade nomad run. But that has now turned into a body upgrade but leave the brain alone (bar the customary chip everyone has) run. The only way I could see to really make it possible to do a mostly weapons based run is to also stick a load of upgrades on my body so I'm not just a fleshy death waiting to happen. And as I've relaxed on that more, last time I was on I thought I might as well stick a rocket launcher in my arm 😂 I've specced into cool and tech, so at the very least I've got to make use of pyro stuff and defensive mods, otherwise the tech is an empty upgrade. Yet to test it out yet, but looking forward to it 😁

And to be honest, I'd never try out the rocket arm in a street kid or corpo run, so... when in Rome.

Also did one of those game things where the quest is clearly a set up that only a complete numpty would fall for, but because its in a game I went for it to see it play out. Ended up in a bath tub back where the first gig with Jackie was 😁


[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I only dozed off once or twice while reading about all the tech thoughts that went through your brain. Honestly though, not criticizing, but I haven't put that much thought into my character like I probably could have. That's partially why I bought the brain chip that ended up being useless for my playstyle of using hacks a lot at times, just buying what I thought was the best of everything instead of paying attention to what it does. I did compare ones if they were similar in money and stats, but that was about it at first. It's been a while since I've been at a Ripperdoc, so I should probably go and see about doing even more with my body.

If you have a rocket arm, how can you continue to make these slightly disturbing poses like your character is a model or something though?

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz haha. Fair. I don't always concentrate on what I'm typing if I'm doing other things, so it gets dragged off in random directions 😅

Oh, I'm sure I'll find some weird rocket poses to add to the catalogue, as I live for the weird creepy photoshoots 😁

As far as the tech, I just tend to add a touch of RP to my characters in RPGs anyway, so I can kind of aim in a certain direction for upgrade paths in a way that feels logical to that character. And Nomad V was a reluctant cyberware upgrader as he doesn't really trust tech that isn't running on petrol. But since the change in how Armour works he's now half man half machine, so it's kind of moot 😅

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck

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