
Topic: What PS3 game(s) are you currently playing?

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@trev666 Maybe it's a good thing I don't usually care about getting a platinum for a game. I loved Enslaved when I finally played it for the first time last year. A mess technically, but the game still shined through the mess.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


I go back and forth on trophy hunting. Some games I base my opinions on completionism, some i base on casual playthroughs.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@colonelkilgore And I'll nudge back as it's not happening.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@colonelkilgore He remembered... But my decision still stands to never ruin my experience of that game and go for the platinum.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz it wasn’t that bad a collect-a-thon in the end I suppose, just had to mop them up on chapter-select. Glad I finally played it even if it didn’t quite hit in the way I hoped.

@Fritz167 up there with the best first posts ever fair play 🤣

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I think at least a big part for me was I was able to highly enjoy the characters, story, and voice work in spite of the massive technical issues the game has. Obviously I thought the gameplay was fine, but it was those that were the driving force for me if I remember correctly.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Playing Call of Duty Classic. Over 20 years old and still stands up as a brilliant game. But man alive, some of it is infuriatingly hard, even on the medium difficulty level. I remember now why I used to get through so many controllers......I am this close to slinging my precious PS3 controller out the window!



@KilloWertz yeah I agree, those aspects were really well done, particularly for the time. As I’ve said previously though, I think I just went in expecting to love it… and it didn’t quite hit the way I hoped. Still a good game though no doubt.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Fair enough. I've had games where I went into them with too high expectations and they didn't quite live up to them, maybe partially because the expectations were too high. There's obviously the exception when they do actually live up to expectations, like Horizon Forbidden West for me, but then there's games like The Outer Worlds where I enjoyed it but didn't love it like some others might have because of expectations.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Just about to start The Saboteur. I’ve wanted to play this game for ages and reckon it’ll be exactly my type of game. The only concern I have right now is that I’m expecting to love it and that kinda expectation can sometimes work against a game for me… 🤞 that’s not the case here though.

**** DLC!


Oooh enjoy, it's a great game but even if it should feel a bit dated gameplay wise the aesthetic will carry it.



@CaptD really enjoying it so far, it’s like a combination of the old Mafia games and the old Assassins Creed games with a touch of Just Cause. Such a shame that it didn’t connect with the masses.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore interesting combination, as all of those are series I’ve given an honest try but could never get into. I’m gonna out myself by saying I’m not a huge fan of “GTA-style” games despite the actual namesake of the term being my other favorite franchise after musous. Heck, I can even describe in excruciating detail how every GTA entry you could probably name has provided me with some of the best gaming memories of my entire lifetime and helped defined my tastes in other mediums like movies (helped me discover Donnie Brasco, my favorite movie) and music (helped me get into hiphop) but I’m getting so apologies for that, do hope you enjoy The Saboteur, looks a lot of fun based on screenshots I’ve seen.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@Yousef- yeah the GTA games are not only the progenitor but also the pinnacle… but that’s not to say there isn’t fun to be had with the products of its influence. Similarly with Souls-likes for a comparison… nothing else really offers that From Soft magic but that hasn’t stopped there being some very good non-From offerings in the genre.

**** DLC!


Sleeping dogs is a GTA clone which is better than GTA, there I said it.



@CaptD great game, for me I’d still rate it below the GTA games of its time (GTAIV & GTAV) but a great open-world crime game all the same and I can understand why some people would rate it as better.

**** DLC!

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