
Topic: Ages of players

Posts 61 to 78 of 78


@Sorteddan Retro stuff seems to be viewed as either junk or priceless these days dependent on how rare it is, so yes, I bet a working Vectrex would be worth a pretty penny in today's market!

Just seen the price for the Hori Vita Slim grip - I bought mine for about £20 from PlayAsia many years ago (not use it much tbh) and CEX are now selling them for £120!

[Edited by sanderson72]



32, my first gaming experience was when I was about 3-4 Super Mario on the NES, I only know this because my Dad loves to bring it up but I've been gaming ever since.



32 in a couple months. I started playing games around 4-5 at my Aunt/Uncle's place who had an Atari system along with NES & SNES with mostly Super Mario. Got a PS1 Christmas of '98 and man oh man the Pizza Hut demo discs that had Crash Bandicoot, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider III, Final Fantasy VIII among others sealed the deal for me as a PlayStation fan and gamer overall.

I currently own a Retron5 for my NES/SNES/Genesis physical gaming, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, PS3, Gamecube, Wii, PS4, Xbox One S, and PS5. Overall, probably a common theme but easily my teens-early 20s were my peak favorite gaming years now that I only have a fraction of time to game for now.



Started gaming heavily when I was young around 10/11 years had operation that rehabilitation took many many years alot of stuck in house and hospitals playing games then as I got older got in to more competitive gaming as online gaming became popular and now 35 a still have that love for gaming. Some people love TV and film and can watch hours on end each week, for me it's gaming.

[Edited by Ssimsim]



idk if you’re still here TC but , i dread reading but at the same time prefer to read gaming-related articles than watch videos myself too ; & i wonder the ages of users sometimes , but it’s pretty much all in the same bracket of (wo)man children , imo , lol . pushsquare is more chilled but it has its moments (& that’s not to say that i’m a saint or anything , hell no , far from it )

to answer your other question though , i’m 25 & started gaming when i was 4 , with my first ever console i ever played being my older brother’s PS1 . my older siblings had sega genesis , N64 , PS1 & SNES , so even though i’m a 00’s kid , i was fortunate enough to have a taste of the 90’s .

my very first own console though , was my nintendo gamecube i got when i was 6 , that i still have to this day , & all my games for it . love the cube , i think it’s nintendo’s best console but & the same time i don’t let personal nostalgia or bias cloud my judgement like it seems a lot of gamers - specifically the older ones do . there’s absolutely no way in hell i can play anything before 6th generation , because while they were good for their time , they didn’t age well & are boring as ***** now with a few exceptions of course ; 6th gen is still tolerable imo because 3D was pretty solidified around that time and it was just an all-around evolution of what was started . some 6th gen games actually hold up better than ps3 games , so no i didn’t contradict myself , lol .

[Edited by nomither6]



39. I started with Pong when I was 4. I remember being amazed that I could make the things on the TV move.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


36. I got into gaming relatively late at the age of 11. I was a typical football child that was out all day and was only thinking about kicking a ball until the sun went down. For Christmas, I got a PS1 as a surprise gift and funnily enough, I was hugely disappointed because I didn't know what to do with it. That same evening I thought to myself I might just try it out, popped in the famous demo disc 1 and the rest is history, lol.



37 next month. I started gaming when I was about 4 or 5 on a Commodore 64 before moving onto the Sega Mega Drive then the PlayStations from 97 onwards.




I’m 40 but I’m just really getting into gaming this year. I played a little Nintendo 64 twenty or so years ago. I’m hooked to my PlayStation 5 every night now. I basically haven’t played anything before so I’m spoilt for choice with games



I am currently 22 and quickly approaching 23. I made my account here back when I was 17. How time flies. I haven't been constantly active throughout that time, but I always keep coming back here! Just a lovely community with lovely people with a lot of the best gaming discussions I've had with anyone. Not surprised to see that I am on the younger side here. Maybe that has something to do with why it's so civil and great discussions can be had. Just give it a blink of the eye and I'll slowly be making my way up the ages as well! The fact that my account here is five years old is already shocking to me.



Playing since Pong console in 1976... took 8 years off to serve in USMC and attend University in California. Sixty years old. Someday I hope to have an article written that says "Meet the 70 year old PS Sniper Nobody wants to face" LOL



Hi everyone.

Today is actually my fiftieth birthday. I don’t feel any different to the way i felt yesterday.
Been gaming since secondary school, about the age of thirteen.

I had an Amstrad CPC, and then the Amiga 500 Plus.

Eventually replaced that with a PlayStation. That I bought myself, with my own wages.

I haven’t looked back since.


PSN: matthewholland


@Matthewnh happy birthday!
Here's to the next 50.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Matthewnh Happy birthday, some great machines there, have you watched Micro Men? One of the lines from the drama has Sir Clive (God rest his soul) saying "I'm not selling to that barrow boy" when forced to sell to Amstrad.



I'm 39 years old, will be 40 in October 2024.
Still keep playing kids games on PlayStation machines.


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