
Topic: ps4 not turning on

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Hi, ive been having this problem for a while When i turn on my ps4, this happens: i hear a single beep, no light comes out, the fan moves for like a fraction of second and then it 'dies'. A couple days ago i checked a video ( and it helped on booting up. But the day after, same issue happened. It felt like it suddenly dies. That time, i made it work by changing the power wire (i used the one i had on my ps2) and it worked. Today, none of the solutions that previously worked are working anymore.
Im getting annoying cause all the stuff ive read from googling report a blue light coming out while turning on, but it isnt the case for me. Im pretty sure this is a power supply issue but i want to know if there is any other fix for this.

This is a flat ps4 (model CUH-1116A)



Move the console. If your PlayStation 4 is overheating, it may not have enough room to move the hot air it generates away from its interior. If it's inside an entertainment center, for example, move it out of the cubby and to a place where it has a few inches on each size to keep itself cool.

Check for a software update. If your system is turning off after you've been using it for a while and not immediately after starting it up, check to see if it needs an update by going to Settings > System Software Update > Update Now.

It's also possible that the firmware you're currently running is corrupt, and you may need to install a new one with an external drive. Use Sony's step-by-step instructions to do this.

For this and later steps, it's a good idea to back up your PS4 data before you try them.

Reset the PlayStation 4. This operation involves completely deleting the hard drive and restoring the system to the state it was in when you first set it up. Perform this on the console by going to Settings > Initialization > Initialize PS4 and follow the prompts.

Start the PS4 in Safe Mode. If the system won't stay on long enough for you to try some of these fixes, you should give Safe Mode a try. It's a state that only runs the most necessary functions the PS4 needs to run, so it might avoid whatever's causing it to malfunction.

Edited on by GoodGame

Current Level - 55

PSN: wR_sixtee6


@GoodGame the problem is that it directly wont turn on. It looks like it completely 'died', only thing that gives a sign of life is the turn on beep. But it does nothing after that



@catharsys I don't understand why you hear the 'beep'. If it's totally dead, you shouldn't hear it.

Current Level - 55

PSN: wR_sixtee6

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