Yes, it finally happened: the Switch 2 has been officially revealed.
After months of frankly obnoxious rumours and leaks, Nintendo's next console has been confirmed for a 2025 release. We'll hear more about it on the 2nd April, which gives us three months of additional speculation to endure. Yay!
Snark aside, we're obviously looking at this from a PlayStation perspective. For generations now, it's felt like Nintendo hasn't set out to compete directly with PlayStation and Xbox. The Japanese juggernaut has been happy to set out its own stall, uninterested in chasing the same high-end trends as Sony and Microsoft.
It goes without saying that this stance has worked out brilliantly for Nintendo as a whole. The Switch has enjoyed close to a decade of seriously impressive success — but what does the future hold for the hybrid console's successor?
Supposedly, the Switch 2 is going to be much more powerful — as you'd expect — but does that mean Nintendo will become more of a direct competitor to PlayStation? Or will it just try to replicate what it's managed to do with the original Switch, sticking to a tried and tested formula?
We want to know what you make of the Switch 2, as PlayStation enthusiasts. So vote in our poll, and then share your honest opinion in the comments section below.
Do you think the Switch 2 will compete directly with the PS5? (2,929 votes)
- Yes, it'll be powerful enough to muscle in on the PS5's market
- Yeah, I think Nintendo will push in the PS5's direction
- Honestly, it's still too early to tell
- Nah, Nintendo will try, but it'll end up being its own thing
- No, I don't think Nintendo has any interest in competing directly with the PS5
Comments 159
They won’t attempt to be as powerful. In fact it’s not even possible in a mobile form factor. But will they be competition? Of course. They’ll probably sell more consoles than Sony.
It will not. Different audiences. There will be tons of people owning both systems. Exclusives still matter - especially console exclusives. Have you seen God of War Ragnarok? The Switch 2 will never be able to come close to that level of visual fidelity.
PlayStation can’t do what Nintendont
Two different platforms, therefore no competion. What I mean is they both can coexist, I'm also over the whole console war debate if I'm honest.
Edit: To me Nintendo will always be my Secondary console.
No chance that this new system will compete directly with PS5.
Best case scenario it will have the PS4 or mayyyybe and I think this would be too much, the PS4 Pro power.
Nintendo has done it's own thing and will continue doing so at least for the next generation.
PS5 and Switch 2 will coexist together. There's really no competition here.
They both play videogames and can be hooked up to a TV - of course they are in competition.
Like if I park a Switch 2 beside my PS5 (which I more than likely will), it will mean I have less time and money to spend on PS5 games.
What a question. By very definition, yes, they will be competing.
Compete in what regard? We already know the Switch 2 won't be close power wise to the PS5, so what else are we comparing here?
@Oram77 ? Maybe I didn't catch your point.
I know they won't compete as stated in my first comment, but not because they are different platforms.
Even if there was a clear winner or not in each gen, these surely tried to compete and win market from the other, and were considered as competition in the eyes of consumers too. Therefore the term console wars.
Compete in what sense? in terms of power it looks to be in and around a PS4, albeit with newer architecture and potentially DLSS. Ultimately though this will forge it's own path away from Playstation as Nintendo have done for a very long time.
And let's be honest, that new Mario Kart will easily outsell anything Sony puts out on PS5
Competing for gamers' time and attention? Obviously yes. Competing in terms of power and performance? Obviously not.
That second statement isn't even worth considering, the form factor speaks for itself. As the name suggests, it's the Switch 2 in every imaginable way.
Nintendo and PlayStation have been doing their own things for a while now. I imagine we will see games that release on both the PS5 and PS4 on it, but apart from that, it's just going to be the same as it is now with the current Switch. PlayStation and Nintendo selling well in their own areas.
I see no signs of a switch in their business model. Nintendo is still a toy company, and that’s super alright with me. They exist together but separate. Personally, I’m pumped.
PS5? No
PS4? Maybe
That was my fastest poll answer ever.
I think Switch 2 can be compared between PS4 and PS4 Pro (power).
@MrPeanutbutterz well yes, you summarized it better than anyone and I can agree.
I still think Nintendo doesn't intend to compete directly and want to do their own thing. But there will be months when I will have to choose between a Nintendo and a Sony game and because one takes market from the other, it is a competition. Some times the competition will be even more direct when 3rd party multiplatform games are released for both platforms and push the hardware sales forward.
But the competition is less direct than against Xbox for sure. I can have both PS and Nintendo. But it is either Xbox or PS in my case at least.
Isn't this the first time that Nintendo have released a home console that's identical to the previous one just with a few upgrades?
This seems more like the Switch Pro regardless I'm sure it will sell like crazy, Japan will probably have to have a state of emergency and shut down the country.
I don’t think they are trying to compete with PlayStation. I think Nintendo is staying in their lane and working on doing what they do best. Family entertainment in the living room or on the go. Could it take away from PlayStation? I don’t think it would. You may get the occasional person here or there that will choose Switch 2 over PlayStation and vice versa, but in the grand scheme of things, I think there’s enough room and space for both to exist and thrive.
Compete in a business sense? Yes. They occupy the same entertainment space and will try to get as many people to choose their console/games as possible, and that's an either/or rather than both for a lot of people. Compete in specs/power? No, but they don't want to and haven't worked with this as a target for a long time.
Like others have said, and I myself also do, a lot of people will own and enjoy both.
Im betting it will sell more then a PS5 but it won't sell as much compared to the first switch.
@Juanalf Maybe this is the one that at first sight (We still have to see the official specs) has the least changes from the previous gen. But going from NES to SNES and from Wii to WiiU at first sight was not that much of a change either imo.
I think Switch 2, much like the Switch, will be some people's primary console and most people's secondary console.
Nintendo has never had interest in competing with Xbox or PlayStation, and never needed to. The fact that they have now consolidated their handheld and home console ecosystems as well as effectively own the game cartridge business (the manufacturers for the cartridges are all either wholly or mostly owned by Nintendo) means they have their own market. Out of all the Sony leaders over the years, unless I’m missing someone, Jim Ryan was the only one to ever really throw a little shade at Nintendo or to make any notion of competing with them. Even then, they had market analysis that showed PlayStation is often paired with a switch in households, next to PCs. So long as PlayStation continues the upwards trend of their recent decisions (2025 will be a good year for them as well) I see no reason Sony or Nintendo should be struggling.
Both will coexists and many people will buy both ( I have a switch and a ps4 and ps5 and will get a switch2). They will compete on gamers time and imho in casual players attention.
As for comparing graphics… comparing a switch and ps graphics performance is like comparing a ps and gaming pc performance: both comparisons are irrelevant.
If you’re talking about technology, Nintendo stopped chasing cutting-edge graphics and processing power a long time ago. But if you’re talking entertainment market, then yes, of course Nintendo will compete with PS5.
We all have a limited time to play games after all.
As for games, I’ve been playing more and more on Switch compared to PS5 since Switch games are so fun and diverse. Switch 2 only needs to get new Resident Evil, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games for me to ignore PS going forward. My opinion is probably not what most people think though, so PS should be fine.
Competition is more than just a question of specs. They will look to entice the middle ground of gamers, those inbetween the casual COD players who prioritise graphics and performance, and the serious gamers who are seeking quality experiences but aren't hardcore enough to shell out for a Pro
I think it’ll compete to the same extent the switch 1 did and just be in its own bubble.
@Berzep when I think of what Sony were able to do on the PS4 it makes me look forward to seeing what Nintendo will manage to achieve on a console with similar power. God of War looks amazing still. I'd love to see a Zelda game with that fidelity.
I don't think they are competing. We are getting nintendo consoles mainly for the first party exclusives. Switch + Ps is a great combo. You can play pretty much everything.
I do think it’s not Nintendo’s goal to eat up at PlayStation market share but it will end up being competition one way or another, if the price is lower than the digital PS5 you can expect the Switch 2 to outsell the PS5 from launch onwards (until GTA 6 launches).
Plus if it does get major third-party support as rumored it might convince more casuals to only buy a Switch 2 as they do like handhelds a lot, and honestly this is all a good thing, with Xbox dying we need more competition in the console market and it really can’t get better than a strong Nintendo against a strong PlayStation.
Yes and No. Define "compete". No it's not going to be powerful enough to compete directly on graphics. But Yes it will play many of the same games and will compete in the same market making some players choose a Switch 2 over a PS5. Though I expect a smaller niche will have both.
@Diowine Yeah wasn't it Iwata (RIP) or Miyamoto who said that everything is in competition with their products because people have finite free time and money?
Like I bought a new drum kit recently. That's the probably twice my initial Switch 2 budget up in smoke. And the PS5 has barely been turned on since my time is for the drums. And the weather has been okay this last week, so I'm out cycling again.
Then, when you focus these things into more like-for-like products (in this case videogames on one box vs. videogames on another box), the competition becomes more obvious. Like this Saturday coming, I'll be out for a cycle, get some time on the drums, and will be playing my buddy online in some Tekken 8. If I had a Switch 2, I wouldn't be inclined to do that instead of exercising or practicing music. If anything got the chop there for Switch 2 time, it'd be Tekken 8.
Ninty consoles are always companion machines, they exist alongside which ever other console you have... for me it has always been PC+PS+Ninty... and with XBs stuff almost entirely being PC and PS now it works out even better
Power wise it's going to compete with PS4 not PS5 as Nintendo always seem to be one generation behind. Sales wise it's competing with other handhelds, Playstation/Xbox both go after power and the best visuals and get the big third party releases whereas Nintendo heavily rely on first party with weaker specs.
The Switch 2 will be the perfect companion console to go with the PS5/PS6.
They will be competing for your time and gaming budgets but not on the power front. Same as the Switch vs PS4.
Power wise it won't compete with ps5 or series x but I think a lot more "AAA" games will target the switch 2. Games will likely plateau a bit as switch 2 and other handhelds become a major focus.
Nintendo been do they're own thing since the n64.its why final fantasy 7 didn't release on the n64.word up son
No, but I don't think they are trying to compete with the PS5. It seems more about enhancing the experience for their already established player base. I've always seen Sony and Nintendo as peacefully coexisting side by side and I buy each companies games without ever thinking about any kind of rivalry. It's a completely different feeling than when I play something on Game Pass. Nintendo fans deserve a performance boost and I'm happy to see them get it.
I, for one, am not looking forward to the outrage over the price. This is going to be at least 399 US. That's the rumour, at least,, but when it's officially announced at more than that, the world will burn, just like over the price of the PS5 Pro.
No need for the Switch 2 to try and compete with the PS5.
Given what devs are still pushing out of the PS4, that level of power in a handheld will likely be a resounding success. Looking forward to see what it can do.
The real question is: "Is it going to compete with the Nintendo Switch?"
It just looks like an upgraded Switch without any new considerable features. A lot of people that bought the Switch are casual gamers who will see no reason to upgrade to a newer version of the same console.
It's also a market much more saturated with powerful portable devices.
I wouldn't be surprised if it sells less than the PS5.
One console will have GTA VI (the most important game of all time) and the other will not.
I also find it very funny how some people here believe that the Switch 2 will sell better than the PS5. although a price isn't even known yet. and I expect a lot of casuals will just stick with the Switch 1.
Compete? Depends how you view compete, there will definitely be households that opt for a switch 2 over a ps5 when it comes to choosing a video game system. It’s far more family friendly in terms of online safety and it also doesn’t require a separate screen to play.
It will be interesting to see how Nintendo decide to price it and the launch software. Switch was a run away success, this could be a repeat. Also, Nintendo left the hardware arms race decades ago, their business is far more sustainable than PlayStation or Xbox. They make money on their hardware from day one and their development costs are a fraction of their competitors.
@Pat_trick Agreed. The Switch 2 is already the most boring console Nintendo's ever made, and the Switch 1's install base is too big to overlook. I don't think we're going to see a mass shift like we did in 2017.
As units wear out and more and more Switch 2 exclusives come out (Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Metroid, Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing need I go on) this will be a repeat of what the Switch is doing right now—great sales in NA and Europe but DOMINATION in Japan.
@KawakiisaFraud @Pat_trick A lot of it depends on the price and what exclusives are going to be Switch 2 only. I suspect Mario Kart 9 will be Switch 2 only and will be a system seller.
Given that the PS5 is expected to fall short of the PS4 numbers, I can see Switch 2 selling better overall but again it's down to exclusive games, something that the PS5 is only just starting to be supported by, and the price of the system.
Honestly, if it manages to be comparable to the Series S, I'll be surprised. It won't come anywhere close to the big boy consoles. And it frankly doesn't need to.
There's nothing new or exciting about the concept now, so they'll be relying solely on the exclusive games to sell this thing. No wonder they delayed the launch to make sure their launch lineup was ready in time.
I mainly want to know price, launch games, and potential improvements to how Switch 1 games play.
@NorrinRadd God of War: Ragnarok, the PS4 game that runs on Steam Deck just fine? It would run perfectly well on Switch 2 lol.
Switch 2 having DLSS opens up a lot of possibilities for what the console can do, which is exciting.
Bruh it's getting the 3rd party exclusives from playstation 1st party titles from xbox and its being rumored now from credible sourced that sony is looking to put horizon zero dawn on switch 2
Good luck ninty but I ain’t going out and replacing the kids switch’s just because
Of course, it does. Only an idiot would say otherwise.
All gaming platform compete with each other, in one way or the other.
If one console manufacturer convinces a gamer to spend his/her time on its platform, he/she spends less time on any other. That alone is competing over consumers time.
@sanderson72 I understand that point of view, but I assume a lot of people, especially children and parents, don't differentiate that much between Mario Kart 8 or 9. It's just Mario Kart.
Everyone here is a video game enthusiast and understands games more than the average consumer.
But if it happens the way you said it, I wouldn't be surprised either.
The graphical leap from PS4 to PS5 was so minor, that just competing on the level of the PS4 will change the game when it comes to the type of third-party titles that Nintendo can make available.
The original Switch already crushed the competition sales-wise, so it seems like a slam dunk for this system to match or exceed the success of its predecessor.
All the PS5 needs is GTA VI. I don't understand where the belief comes from that the PS5 will be behind the PS4.
especially since the PS5 will be supported for a long time after the PS6 is released.
@Troubbble I dunno, the PS4 version of Black Ops 6 isn't great and we all remember Cyberpunk. I think it'll be a similar situation to what we have now with the current Switch. It'll get some heavily compromised ports, but you'll want it mostly for Nintendo's games.
Nintendo is Nintendo, it’s got its audience and it does what it does very well. It’s not a threat to PlayStation, it’s an accompaniment.
I doubt it. Commercially, I'm sure will be massive, particularly in Japan.
But these are two consoles which generally appeal to different audiences.
It won't be as powerful as even PS4 Pro but with DLSS & a 1080p Portable screen, it doesn't need to. With the dock there could be some resolution issues but with high image clarity honestly technology is at a point where they are not losing out on anything by not being as powerful as PS5.
It's all about profits. Nintendo proved that they can use lower end hardware and still charge a good amount for their system. They don't want to change that formula
Huh? Nintendo never attempted to compete with PlayStation ever, and not that ever need to.
They're doing well with their own games and market share.
Nintendo excels at screwing up after a major commercial succes. So let's just wait and see if they can break that cycle.
I think people have been fooling themselves into thinking they don't compete. But they 100% do.
For example, i just decided to skip on the PS5Pro and get a switch 2 instead. 🤷♂️
As the graphical upgrades become less pronounced the more obvious it becomes.
I think people often forget that the GameCube was more powerful than the PS2(and obviously the N64 was more powerful than the PS1), and the GameCube even tried with the big third party timed exclusives(Resident Evil 4 was once a GameCube Exlcusive, I doubt most people would even remember that) But it never worked out well. The Nintendo audience is quite separate, and for the more hardcore playerbase the Switch is very much a second console.
The Switch is one of the best second consoles ever, but it’s still not a great primary console(for the majority of people) and the same will most likely apply to a switch 2.
Upscaling technology, especially the king of it right now Nvidia DLSS, could bring much high fidelity to Nintendo hardware. Less is more in this case and could be an exciting time for those who want better graphics on Nintendo hardware. Not to mention more 3rd party titles that can actually run equally on Nintendo hardware for the first time since the GameCube.
Pretty exciting
The view from the tech experts, @NorrinRadd, is that Nintendo is always a generation behind; so the Switch had comparable power to the PS3 (not the Pro version) and therefore that the Switch 2 will be comparable to the PS4 (not the Pro version). Thus it follows that the Switch 2 will in fact be capable of playing GoW 2 as that game did release on the basic PS4...
Removed - offensive remarks; user is banned
@ChrisDeku Resident evil as franchise was an Nintendo exclusise, RE0, RE1 remake & RE4 basically the golden age of Resident evil.
I've put yes but more for the fact it's Nintendo, the switch was amazing at the beginning.
I have no doubts about how good the switch 2 will be.
Honestly probably the best secondary console, there is.
A fantastic reveal. We had no specs, no games, no price, no release date. Seems that they planned to do the reveal later when all of the above were finalized and the leakers forced their hand.
I personally have no interest in the Switch 2. It will probably be an overpriced and underpowered piece of uncomfortable to use hardware, like the Switch and the 3DS. Also, even though I love the Game Boy / DS line I mostly played 3rd party games (that are now a thing of the past) and I have no personal connection with any Nintendo franchise.
They won't be competing on hardware, but for user time its a bit more debatable. The switch is seen as a companion machine currently due to the amount of games that never reach the platform. If your big hitters target Switch 2 then maybe it will appeal more as a main machine, but a lot of that will depend on how the games look on the big screen when docked.
Price is also going to be interesting as the original Switch had a period shortly after launch where you could grab them cheap because of good offers. This led families to get 1 per child, rather than the traditional PS4 / Xbox to share between you. If Switch 2 is sitting arounf the £400+ mark its going to be a harder sell to get those people to upgrade multiple machines.
Nah. With the arms race between xbox and ps often paying off with better puddle reflections, now would be a silly time for nintendo to switch gears and look to "compete"
“ which gives us three months of additional speculation to endure. Yay! “
Well it’s really only about 10 weeks, 2 1/2 months, not 3 months, if that makes you feel any better. Still about 2 months too long though, should have been Feb 4, not April 2. 😝
As for Switch 2 competing with PS5, well honestly I think that’s down to 1 thing, gatcha games.
Look at Pushsquare over the past year or so, feels like there have been as many articles about Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero, Infinity Nikki, as anything first party. And now maybe Marvel Rivals is catching on. I have no idea if these games can’t run on Switch or if Nintendo is just keeping them off but if Switch 2 gets most of them then yes, Switch 2 will be in direct competition with PS5 b/c sadly that’s what it feels like a lot of PS5 games are these days.
Nintendo is supposedly getting CoD for 10 years. That’s big if Microsoft doesn’t lawyer their way out of it.
Now I seriously doubt Switch 2 gets GTA 6 but as big as that game is going to be it’s still just 1 game. Mario Kart 8 sold over 70 million copies, so if MK9 can drop at the same time I’m calling that a tie. 😂
Switch 2 will outsell PS5, almost a given. PS5 is way more powerful, also a given. I think the only real “competition” does come down to the 3rd party free to start stuff. Nintendo probably won’t have a Concorde, but Switch 2 could get Marvel Rivals.
Basically PS5 is for home play, Switch 2 for on the go. And since PS5 won’t get most Switch 2 first party exclusives but Switch 2 may get a lot of PS5 3rd party games then Switch 2 wins. Gatcha for the win I guess.🤷🏻♂️
Excellent news, it will never replace my Playstation as said above they will coexist and hopefully both are extremely successful, I will be getting one and I am sure from the trailer that was a new Mario Kart game at last!!
I don't think Nintendo has any interest in competing directly but of course they still compete with Playstation to a certain extent.
One thing is for sure though, Xbox is about to be squeezed out of the hardware market.
"Switch 2 will outsell PS5, almost a given."
LOL I really can't wait if all the casuals don't upgrade and the Switch 2 ends up staying under 50 million. Not unlikely given the current economic situation. and then we have to see what else Trump, who has already announced tariffs, plans to do.
Y'all forget that most Switch consoles were sold during the covid lockdown.
Only ones who care about console wars is the editors at Push Square! That's right, I see you Ben Kerry!
I'm shocked at those poll results, lol. You guys are delusional if you think the Switch 2 isn't gonna take a large piece of PS5's market. And that's only from the "Nintendo doing its own thing" perspective. Because even doing its own thing it will sell better than the PS5 in the long run
@KawakiisaFraud Sony's own sales forecasts which had to be adjusted down.
Nintendo doesn't have competition
The switch 2 will sell a ton of consoles so it's competitive in that regard but when it comes to power ect, I think it's going to be closer to the ps4 (maybe). Now give me a luigis mansion 4 and a new Mario game.
I don't think it'll compete with either of the big boys and it doesn't need to. Switch does enough different to the PS5 to be a perfect complement to it and vice versa.
What everyone is forgetting is that Nintendo has a track record of following up a great console with a poor one. I think naming this console the Switch 2 will help it to avoid the problems that the Wii U saw, but I don't forsee the Switch 2 being quite as big of a mega hit as the current Switch.
@Oram77 Not sure what you mean exactly, Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 were all Playstation games first, and Code Veronica launched first on the Dreamcast. Only one mainline game launched first on the Gamecube(roughly a 6 month timed exclusive) and it sold poorly.
My question is: Will 'Switch 2' even come anywhere near to being a rival to the Switch itself? Switch players aren't exactly hardcore gamers overall, so will adding power really inspire them to move on from their Switches?
I think it will be interesting to see who they do target with the console.
One look at that new Mario Kart game tells you it will be sharper 4k visuals but much of the same that came before. It is its own animal in the console space and will probably sell a tonne of units even without the gold rush of having GTA6 on its system.
@ChrisDeku you’re forgetting RE Revelations which was a 3d exclusive
@ChrisDeku re-read the games I listed.
The graphics debate never meant much to me, and especially now with graphical fidelity heading down a bit of a cul-de-sac.
For me this year the winner between PS5 and NS2 will be the one with the most fun games to play, and PlayStation has been pretty poor up to now with a few exceptions. The question is will Nintendo have the sort of lineup they had for the original Switch?
I don't think it is direct competition at this stage other than in the same way that we all have limited time and money and so everything is broadly competing.
Nintendo will likely maintain their exclusive software position and so Nintendo fans will buy one as always and everyone else will want one as a portable and their second console - the perfect spot for Nintendo to be.
the question should be can switch 2 technically compete with the ps6 that should come out in a few years the answer will be a resounding no..
switch 2 will last 7 or 8 years it will be seriously outdated by 2028 when ps6 comes out..and sony has zero competition from xbox . since most xbox gamers are pc gamers these days..it ha sgotten so bad xbox not even bothering to stock stores with consoles..
Not a chance. But it looks like a good second console.
we will have to wait and see how good third party games that avoided switch 1 will run and play on switch 2 will elden ring look and play good will rebirth do the same if it does then i will be very impressed with switch 2..
Lots of generalizations being thrown around. I don’t understand why a Switch owner can’t be a hardcore gamer. I dropped PlayStation after PS4 because none of the first party games interested me. Owning a Switch has been a blast - creative first party games and so much rpg nostalgia. Did buy a PS5 for Rebirth and Silent Hill 2, but have yet to be intrigued by anything else. Switch 2 doesn’t have to be super powerful, it will ultimately be games that matter.
For me the convenient option that lets me play when and where I want always wins. I rather play than count pixels and frames. Something lots of Sony and pc diehards have forgotten about. I sure hope ps6 goes hybrid as well.
If digital foundry is right and they are often spot on, they already said it's not going to compete with current gen consoles as it uses lots of older tech to power it up.
In all honest I'm completely happy with ps4 level power on a handheld. I was actually happy just having 360 level power on the go. Lots of fun games to be had.
Nintendo has done their own thing for years. Don’t see them changing course now.
PushSquare again trying to drum up console wars. Shocker. Let people enjoy games on any platform they choose.
I think PS5 and Switch 2 are going to share a lot of their libraries.
With the extended cross-gen period and game visuals hitting diminishing returns, I do think it’s going to be a real competitor to PS5.
But we need to know a lot more, like hardware performance and most importantly price.
Nintendo is not immune to all the tech price hikes that have occurred recently.
@RZ-Atom A big new console was announced. No one is warring — of course there’ll be discussions about how PlayStation fits in with a potential new rival.
It will be it's own thing, pretty much like the Switch was. Personally I haven't touched my OLED since getting the Portal, and I've got no desire to play any Nintendo games.
They won't be competing in the sense of chasing the exact same market. But they will be competing over the multi billions of dollars spent in the games industry every year.
Can't wait to get my hands on one! N being slooow as usual. 😋
As for them being a competitor for PS5, I don't care in the slightest. I'm a basic man, I just want great games.
I play PS5 on the big screen while I play Switch on the go. Getting a Switch 2 for sure to continue that habit.
It will dominate the market in japan but it isn't the same type of product as the PS5
@Bentleyma For people who also own a PS5, it's unlikely that you would choose the Switch 2 version of a multi-platform release over the PS5 version. But getting CLOSER to current-gen graphical capabilities means gamers, especially more casual ones, have less of a reason than ever to own any non-Nintendo console.
If you can play a version of Call of Duty or Madden that is not as polished, but still looks decent and is playable, that's a leap forward from the original Switch--and the original was already a massive success. That's all I'm saying.
Nah, it won’t. And honestly it doesn’t need to.
Does everyone really see the Switch as a “secondary console”? My brother far and beyond plays the Switch way WAY more than PS4/5 or even XONE. I think Switch 2 will do rather well, and while not directly competing with PS5, might possibly outsell it if done properly. But the whole topic of “casuals buying the Switch” does have a lot of merit as well.
I think the incremental improvements of Switch 2 and PS5 will bring them closer as competitors. I don't think they want that discourse seeing as they are "number 1" in their respective fields and eco systems.
As publisher, PlayStation can encroach on Nintendo's fan base but let's wait and see how well the games crossing over are received. It won't happen the other way around though, I think (Nintendo is still keeping its IPs exclusive).
PlayStation have also offered their own brand of handhelds that maybe could combat the allure of Switch portability.
Powerful as PS5? No
More powerful than PS4? Yes
Sell more than PS5? Yes
Have more exclusives than PS5? Yes
They can be complement devices too.
Nothing else matters.
Very different use cases, first-party games, and ecosystems.
Doubt it, nintendo can see the mess ps & xbox are making of this gen with their hundreds of millions of dollar development costs and understand their model is more profitable and sustainable
Switch 2 is ready for Body Harvest 2, and so am I!
A man can dream. Day one!
Why not get a Steam deck instead i only really like nintendo for there 1st party games.
Different demographics. It's true that the PS5 is a superior machine that caters to the more dedicated gamers. With bigger and better graphics and is unquestionably more powerful...Clearly, Sony is the champ when you take this gamer demographic into account and raw technological power but, at the same time, Nintendo has IP that is loved world wide that dusts everyone. Take Mario Kart 8, for example. That game (which was a Wii U port with a paid expansion) sold almost 63 million copies alone. For perspective, that's the same number you get when you tally total sales of God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarök, Ghost of Tsushima, and Hell Divers 2...mind you, that includes PC sales numbers lol
it’s just another handheld, it won’t compete with a console
Why would Nintendo be that stupid? Nintendo does their own thing and it seems to work great. If they get to PS4 graphics or above it a little they will be fine.
@LavenderShroud Isnt that something personal? I dont even own a Switch. Why because its bad no its because i like a different set of games and i like a bigger screen.
All signs point to it being maybe as good as a PS4 Pro. SONY and Nintendo will stay in their lanes as they always have.
Compete in what way excatly? The majority of the gaming audience knows full well already, that Nintendo are known for their individuality in the gaming market. They make a wide variety of fun games and are clearly not prioritising photo realistic experiences. While I don't consider myself a Nintendo fan by any means, I do respect them for always doing their own thing.
It's a bit too late to be competing against PS5 as the PS5 is half way through its lifecycle. The switch would most likely be competing with other handhelds tho.
This is a dumb question to ask. Probably just to get people to click the post anyway, but no. There is no competition with Nintendo. If the question was will the new xbox compete with the new PS5 then we have an actual topic to discuss. Quite frankly, nothing compares to the switch but a steam deck, which is very niche anyway so....
There is always competition for playtime, attention and software sales. I can only spend an hour once, same with an Euro. Weird question.
Sony is like the kid who declares a competition after running like crazy when Nintendo didn't even know Sony was around. Then Sony cheats declaring it sold more PS2 than it actually did when Nintendo, still oblivious of Sony's ridiculous existence, has it's 3rd console in the top 5 best selling consoles of all time, about to dethrone the allegedly best selling console with approximate sales numbers (we're talking million-ish sales that can magically grow 5 million 20 years after death, compared to the 10k accurate sales from Nintendo, even back in the days of the NES/Famicom)
what a strange title for an article. 'Will the Switch 2 Compete with PS5? '
The obvious answer is yes.
All companies are battling it out for users engagement and spending time on their platforms so they will keep buying more software and dlc packs.
Some of the people in the comment section saying a handheld cant compete with a console are wearing Fanboy glasses. Guys.. the switch is a hybrid that can be played on the go and be hooked to a tv. where have some of you been for the past 8yrs ?
If its true the switch is capable of performing ps4 pro graphics, then its going to get a overwhelming support from 3rd party devs. heck its 2025, and still current gen games are still getting ps4 ports.
Given the switch is already the best selling platform in Japan, means the switch 2 will be the main platform of choice for devs instead of Playstation.
also if sony releases the ps6 at the same price like the ps5 pro did, then Nintendo is going to have even a greater reach in countries Sony normally dominates.
Playstation only fans will not be tempted to switch (pardon the pun). Similarly Nintendo only fans are not and did not move to playstation en mass. The there are the dual owner who will remain dual owners and get a switch 2.
The main competition for Switch 2 is the Switch and can they get people to Switch (pardon the pun) to the presumably much more expensive Switch?
From a power perspective - of course not. That's not what Nintendo is interested in. From a sales perspective - of course. I own all three consoles and Nintendo (in my opinion) is always the King. They do their own thing and when they put out a game, everyone buys it. When the Switch 2 comes out, my PS5 Pro and Series X will be taking a long break.
@Pat_trick own your puns, damn it
@Troubbble Calling the graphical difference between PS4 and PS5 minor is sheer lunacy. Demon's Souls Remake on PS5 launch day was leagues ahead of anything on PS4. Horizon Forbidden West on PS5 is a clear generational leap over the PS4 version. Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart's graphical fidelity is in an entirely different league to the PS4's R&C game.
@LavenderShroud "My brother" means squat in terms of statistical significance.
I don't think the Switch 2 will compete directly with the PS5.
Why would they? Nintendo does their own thing, they've never cared about graphics or performance.
They focus on making video games with good story and gameplay, all that matters to them.
@MrPeanutbutterz I agree that the jump between PS4 and PS5 is a lot more than a minor one, but if you read his reply to me several posts below that one then you're proving his point by mentioning Horizon Forbidden West. Yes the PS5 version looks a lot better than the PS4 version, but the PS4 version still looks pretty good and plays well. He's saying we'll see the same difference between PS5 and Switch 2 games.
Switch 2 is *****. Not gonna get excited over a plasticky console that probably won't even be as powerful as a more than decade old PS4.
Switch 2 will be on the same table of my PS5 machine when I able to buy Switch 2 in the future.
Two different machines that complementing each others.
Depends what you mean by compete.
If a family can only afford one console for their child then yes they are both competing for sales.
As a graphical power house then no it probably won't compete.
Majority of people will probably have a Switch 2 and a PS5 (or an Xbox)
Removed - unconstructive feedback
Nintendo lives in their own universe.
It doesn't matter than they are consoles of different power levels. These companies are competing for players' time and attention spans, and on that regard they are very much competitors, whether we like it or not.
Competition is more diverse, it's no longer the 90s battles with exclusive games and power comparisons. Now with PS and Xbox games on PC, the handheld PCs and Microsoft developing a handheld interface (and console) for Windows, consoles and PCs are becoming more similar and choices are not as evident as in the past, affecting PS and Xbox. The only one still doing exclusives is Nintendo, but I don't expect Switch 2 to reach the level of success and engagement that Switch achieved, because the circumstances were way more favourable back then: no handheld PCs, recycled Wii U content, marketing hit, pandemic...
@KidRyan Bar the fact that the NES was more power than the Master System, the SNES was more powerful than the Megadrive, the N64 was more powerful than the PS1, and the GameCube was more powerful than the PS2.
And Nintendo don't care about story much at all.
@MrPeanutbutterz Thanks for the corrections! I didn't know they used to care about graphics/performance.
I will own both systems. Nintendo has always been for first party games and console exclusives. The Switch always felt anemic, but I loved Zelda and Xenoblade games. PlayStation is for multi platform games and everything that can’t be played on Switch.
@Juanalf just like ps1 ps2 ps3 ps4 ps5 then, just uprgrades
Nintendo won't compete, but Nintendo is going to absolutely floor the competition with their game releases with the Switch 2 generation. Sony was in first place in every regard with the PS4 generation, and now they cannot seem to stop pooping the bed at every single possible chance they can get.
Nintendo does great things! I don't do Nintendo but my wife and kids do. They stopped competing directly since game cube. Wii was different and great as was switch. I have a steam deck pc and ps5, wife and daughters have switch. They feed a different gamer market in my mind.
@Eduard_Brenton You mean PlayStation CAN do what Nitendont!
The thing is that games on Switch really pushed the hardware with deep optimization. Look at Dying Lights for example. On PS5 the games barely use the hardware and looks like PS4, or look better but at 20 fps. So in overall the Switch 2 could appear a better deal than the PS5. Not even mentioning all the exclusives to Nintendo... So yeah, strong competition in perspective.
Short answer is yes.
Long answer, I expect the Switch 2 to outsell PS5 across its lifetime for 3 reasons
Nintendo has a far stronger 1st party line up that sell in some instances 2-3 times the amount than a PS5 generation bestseller
Most console gamers aren't obsessed with graphics, just good games
The updated power will bring over more AAA's and there a big cross over on JRPG's, with the ones not on the system now to be ported over (thus making me play my Switch 2 more than my PS5).
Nintendo won't try to compete with Sony or outsell them, but it probably will if the price point is the same or lower.
@AnVold Switch 2 and PS5 are like apples and oranges. Have different target audiences.
boring name
the same outdated concept, not as fresh as back in 2017.
hardware limitations
storage limitations, consumer a slave to the nintendo online shop, forced to buy 1tb sd cards.
How in the hell can this console exceed the same sales as the nintendo switch, when games look not much better, stronger get graphical more behind next gen graphics, and programmers realy struggle to make things possible. lets not forget that switch games such as witcher and doom where not ps5 titles, but early ps4 games.
we get a wider gap between switch 2 and ps5 pro, while the ps6 is maybe within 4 years available, and nintendo targets 8 year
a hybrid is just a stupid decission, it was great in 2017.
i am less intrested in the switch 2 then i was for switch. will probably not buy it
@DipperMisterioPines nah, they’re both good for me. Sony doesn’t have their own handheld console.
As someone who doesn’t own a PlayStation, I don’t see any direct competition between them, although I could own one if I wanted to.
The switch 2 seems to be, as was already said, more a switch pro than something new. If "console gamers" are not interested in graphical fidelity, what would be the incentives to upgrade to a switch 2, to play mario kart 9, which looks slightly better than mario kart 8? Or because of additional ports from xbox, ps, pc which nintendo gamers, in principle do not care about since the market is different, but somehow would feel inclined to shell out for an option they are not going to use ?
I could imagine a very slow adoption rate. But maybe there are enough exclusives, which albeit only minor graphical improvements, convince a large fraction of the fan base to move over.
Anyway I see the same problem with the ps6. I have a hard time to believe that the ps6 will be so ground breaking different that people would upgrade quickly.
@KawakiisaFraud " Y'all forget that most Switch consoles were sold during the covid lockdown. "
Here's a chart of lifetime Switch sales. See that big bump in 2020 during covid when "most Switch consoles were sold"? Here's a hint, you don't see it, b/c there is none.
If you do notice a bump there at the end, that's the Switch OLED, long after the covid shutdown was over. 🤷♂️
" if all the casuals don't upgrade "
Are you talking about the Wii to Wii U generation 8 years ago? Casuals didn't buy the Switch, the Zelda, Pokemon and Mario Kart fans bought the Switch. Mario Kart has sold over 60 million copies on Switch. There's a reason that was the only game Nintendo showed in their 2 minute Switch 2 reveal.
Anything can happen. Nuclear war. Comet. Supervolcano. Another pandemic, maybe bird flu this time. Who knows. But based on 150 million Switch sales, and no new Mario Kart game in 10 years, or 3D Mario in 8 years, Switch 2 is ready to go. And if it is too expensive that it puts some people off, that's where the Switch 2 Lite comes in.
Guess, most Switch consoles sold in 2020 was because it was readily available, unlike the Xbox Series and PS5. Come April 2, we'll know what the specs of the system is, but doubt it will be similar to PS5 or Xbox Series.
I don't think Nintendo will or needs to compete with anyone. They know they make solid (if underpowered) hardware with unique games only they can make and they know that most people buy the Switch (and now the Switch 2) as a companion to their main gaming console.
@SingleStooge There were sayings on Switch 2 being close to base PS4/Xbox One power in handheld/tabletop mode and close to PS4 Pro/Xbox Series S power when docked.
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