There's a big debate happening in the PlayStation community right now, and it's all about The Last of Us: Part I. The upcoming PS5 remake of Naughty Dog's landmark 2013 release has already attracted a lot of criticism from some onlookers, many of whom claim that the project is simply a "cash grab", or something to that effect.
The bottom line here is that this is a remake of a game that's not even ten years old — a rarity not just in games, but in almost any form of entertainment. And let's not forget that The Last of Us was already remastered in 2014 for PS4. Add the fact that The Last of Us: Part I has a full retail price tag, and you can see why some people might be cynical.
But at the same time, let's not pretend that Naughty Dog has simply slapped a new coat of paint on one of its most celebrated titles and called it a day. This is a ground-up remake, complete with new character models, remade environments, and even gameplay additions and adjustments taken from The Last of Us: Part II.
Again, though, the internet arguments have been so heated that developers have spoken out on social media, assuring everyone that the remake is not a "cash grab". And for what it's worth, we did a video in defence of Part I that we think raises some good points.
Anyway, as you'd expect, the debate flares up whenever the title makes headlines, like when news broke that the game has gone gold. It's fair to assume that these arguments are going to carry on all the way to launch, and probably beyond.
And so we have to ask, as blunt as the question may be: do you think that The Last of Us: Part I is a "cash grab"? Or is its existence justified? Vote in our poll, and then explain your stance in the comments section below.
Comments 266
Popcorn at the ready 🍿
Until they show gameplay and all the new changes, I say cash grab, but we'll see.
It is not, but don't tell the internet.
(expensive? Sure. Cash-grab? Not even close)
I think it's going to be worth it. If someone gets a PS5 as their first Playstation console, having Part 1 and Part 2 available as a more congruent, cohesive package is a good thing. Obviously the story of TLOU is excellent, but the gameplay feels dated, and the models look rough by modern standards. Makes the jump from 1 to 2 very jarring. This will make that a smooth transition for newcomers to the franchise. Plus it'll let people play it on PC, cause no one on Steam was gonna buy it if it still looked like a PS3 game.
Full AAA price for this is a ripoff
I can’t wait to play this. I loved the original game
So any remaster or remake must be a cash grab?
Where's the poll asking if we think the multiple skyrim's were cash grabs? Then again no point in a poll if we already know its 100% yes
"Do you think The Last of Us: Part I is a "cash grab"?
Yes, it's unnecessary"
Wait, does being arguably unnecessary automatically make it a "cash grab"? Maybe it's because I'm not a native speaker, but that's not what a cash grab refers to, to my knowledge.
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I know it doesn't make any sense to do this and I don't actually fall in the camp of it being a cash grab but see how it can definitely be viewed that way, but what they should have done as a good will jester and let be honest good PR , they should have just made this game free for the month of ps plus. Amd I'm not talking just the premium tear I'm talking right from the bass version of plus.
The other option which I don't know is even possible was they should include the ps5 update to 2 as well and done it as a complete bundle. If they had done that the argument about it being a cash grab wouldn't hold as much water. People could still claim its a cash grab but if your being offered 2.5 worth of games in one package those people complaing are fewer in numbers .
Is this game going to still sell millions no matter what people online say? Yes
The developers speaking out in response to claims it's a cash crab is kind of like a casino owner speaking out against claims that say the craps table is stacked in favor of the house. Who thinks the owner's going to say "yeah...yeah it is...but we know you're gullible and will give it some bets anyway."
But people are getting hung up on their own version of what "cash grab" must mean. Bottom line is it's a "remake" that recreates an 8 year old remaster of a 9 year old game almost certainly for the purpose of a PC release and to coincide with merchandising interest from a film adaptation, at a higher retail price than the game went for previously. Some will call that a "cash grab" some will take a bizarrely literal translation of the phrase to parse the meaning of the word "the".
If you don't want to call it a cash grab, call it a very cynical exploitative, manipulative lowest common denominator abuse of a market made up of many with poor impulse control in one of the most egregious examples of media industry gouging in recent memory.
"Cash grab" is just easier to say.
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80 euros is a lot, sony got greedy on this one sorry, it should be 40 euros at most
@NEStalgia "If you don't want to call it a cash grab, call it a very cynical exploitative, manipulative lowest common denominator abuse of a market made up of many with poor impulse control in one of the most egregious examples of media industry gouging in recent memory."
This is a great way to put it.
Why a cashgrab? You don't want it? Don't buy it. Neither Naughty dog nor Sony demand that you buy it. I don't need it either, but definitely worth it for new Playstation owners.
Gr8 B8 M8
In all seriousness it seems cool but the 70 dollar price tag is beyond egregious.
It's not needed and it's a joke they are charging $70
As others have said, not sure I would call it a cash grab but they are definitely looking to make some more cash with the TV series out later this year they want a game to go with it! I think if there was no TV series there would be no re-release or maybe one at a later date.
Isn’t anything that we buy today considered a “cash grab?” Value is in the eye of the beholder and after thinking about both sides of the argument for this game, I couldn’t be more excited for it. TLOU 2 combat in TLOU 1 is going to be epic!
If it’s been ‘crafted from the ground up’ & ‘not just a coat of paint’, why not make The Last of Us Part 3 instead of remastering a game that’s been remastered already? Cash grab.
At £/$70 I would yes, it is a cash grab. If it was more reasonably priced then probably not. I’ll probably end up playing it when it comes to PS+ extra/premium.
I feel like it’s a cash grab. I feel like Sony signed off on the project (along with the Director’s Cut games) due to the amount of delays 2020-2022 was receiving in regards to first and third party content. I don’t think it’s wrong that they decided to do this, but I’m not buying it unless there’s a big surprise addition to content to lure me in.
I wish it was for nothing, rather than the £70 it's priced at.
But yeah, it's a total cash grab. Just a completely unnecessary remake of a game that's still fresh in everyone's mind. This could also be the start of a worrying trend too as we see successful games that came out less than ten years ago get remade just because it's the easiest money ever.
PushSquare I like y’all, but man it really feels like you guys are fueling this discourse. Irrelevant to my thoughts on the game, I don’t want discussion around this franchise to be miserable.
While I voted (cash grab), honestly I want to wait to see what's actually released. I never preorder any more - stung way too often on that - and six months after release the price will be more reasonable.
For me it all depends on what they deliver. How much will be new and different - no, not different, BETTER - and feel like I'm not playing the PS4 remake but something even more enjoyable? It's still going to be the same story, the same characters, the same locations...and honestly, the new player models don't always scream "better" to me, at least not in the screenshots released so far.
From the company's perspective, it's probably a way to keep their staff employed between titles, so they don't lose talent while they ramp up production on whatever's next. Any profit they get from that to help them keep the lights on and keep their talent from fleeing is worth it. Does that make it a cash grab? Yeah, it kind of does - but there are people who argue that EVERY game is a cash grab and they ought to be making this stuff for free out of the goodness of their hearts (though how the developers are supposed to put food on the table seems to be ignored).
I'm beginning to think push square like to see ppl arguing on these forums ,cause it always turns into one
All video games are products designed to make money. This is a product designed to make money. Buy it, or don't (I certainly won't), but it's ridiculous to saddle projects you're not personally interested in with labels like this. Especially ones that don't utilize predatory monetization schemes.
If enough people agree it's unnecessary, they won't buy it, and it'll fail. But I'm willing to bet a lot of people WILL buy it, because they are interested in a remake of the original game.
As usual, vote with your wallet.
Interesting that the vote is basically split. I expected it to be far more one way than the other.
Yes but there are ways, porting the same game it's way different than committing time to remake 3d models. If you are going to do it at least do it the way people who are buying deserve. And Sony is doing it the right way.
I've made my feelings about it known a few times now in previous articles so I'll stop beating that dead horse. Instead I'll just say thankfully it's out soon so Naughty Dog and fans on both sides of the debate can move on to hopefully more exciting projects.
Edit: But yeah I voted Cash Grab.🤣
Yes, but all AAA games are cash grabs. The execs who approve their development only care about money.
Vote with your wallet. If you'd like more of this, by all means, buy away. I sure won't.
Depends, the PS5 version seems kind of pointless (a PS5 patch for TLoU Remastered would've done the trick instead) but the fact this is coming to PC changes things a lot. PC version will likely be cheaper too given the nature of PC gaming and Steam sales.
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@Grumblevolcano True. On PC it's fine, but full price again on PS5 ...That's not cool, man.
It will comes down to what your definition of a "cash grab" is.
Wiktionary states "A product designed primarily or solely with the intent of generating profits or money." among other definitions. I don't like this definition as you could call 90% of games (or music, films, art) a product primarily designed with the intent of generating money, thus a cash grab. That's not helpful.
Your Dictionary says "An activity engaged in with the intention of making money quickly." Slightly better but again you could easily argue almost all games or films where Day 1 sales are so important fall into this category.
For me a cash grab is specifically a low budget offering trying to make an easy profit. So for me NO this isn't a cash grab. It isn't a low budget quickly made asset flip or remaster that deserved better. In fact it's the complete opposite of a cash grab, it's a high production value remake/remaster (depending who you believe) that is taking away money and resources that could have been better spent on other projects. That doesn't mean it isn't unnecessary and it doesn't mean it isn't designed to make money (hint: most games are)
I’m in the middle here…
For those who haven’t played the original, and are not too clued up regarding the narrative threads, this is probably a great introduction to the franchise. I’ll probably buy this as I’ve played neither P1 or 2…
But for long-standing PS fans, especially those who played the PS4 remaster, this surely must seem somewhat not needed?
For me, the ‘issue’ is more about how ND chose to allocate resources here. How great would it have been to have this team kick off an exciting new IP, with a new story and mechanics etc?
Honestly @ShogunRok that's one of the most leading set of questions and answers i've seen. Hardly covers a fair range. Entirely possible to think it ISN'T a cash grab but it IS completely unnecessary.
I didn’t vote because the wording ‘cash grab’ is unnecessary and meant to be insulting. I’m appalled that Push is forcing it in a vote.
The game IS unnecessary and pointless. However it definitely has a public. I consider it a non needed luxury that some gamers may be interested in. Just like those pricey collector and crappy statues costing a fortune.
To people not happy I say PLEASE don’t buy it. Don’t be just annoying big mouth and let this flop 🤷🏼♂️
(It’s not like you couldn’t wait for a better time down the line for something unnecessary or which is it?)
The problem the ignorance and the reliance on buzz words. It's not a cash grab, and it's completely optional. You can still play the ps4 version on ps5. And if you feel it's a cash grab, just don't by it. Most people calling it a cash grab don't even want to play the game again anyways.
@themightyant Very well put. Cash grab for me is closer to that last point. I don't see it as harshly, instead as a simple word describing an increasing problem in the industry, with companies just looking to make quick profits instead of taking as many risks as in the past.
The price is the reason it's a cash grab. It's the same opportunism that perpetuates through FIFA Ultimate Team and mobile gaming. Charge way above what's necessary knowing a select few will pay the price no matter what you end up charging.
Regardless of the work that's gone into the game, they are asking for the same fee as Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok. Two brand new games built from scratch.
I'm not saying this remaster is worthless but any sense of perspective at all shows that this is a really dodgy practice on this release.
This is the only comment I will read and I agree. I’m not interested in the game. Some people pretend not to be interested but moan about the price. Doing so they are telling ND that they want the game day 1 and that they were right to (re)make it.
Very difficult tbh, but I'm with many here, I don't think this version is completely necessary, but it will have a target audience for sure. And some changes they are making will definitely make this version define their original ideology of the game they wanted to make. It can be perceived as a "cash grab" but in all honesty, this isnt a GTA5 treatment, this is a complete remake, so it does warrant some cost.. (just not £70)
I don't think it's a cash grab but the price is a rip off for those of us that already own a copy. For starters it's not brand new game and it's missing the multiplayer. So even though it's a remake, it should be cheaper than a brand new game. That's how remakes in the past have been priced and it's Sony that's putting it at full price this gen. The price is the problem, not the game itself.
Wouldn't go as far as calling it a cash grab as I save them words for games that are designed to make us spend money to make progress, re-release the same game without any changes or improvemnets while not making something new, and for rubbish games for a quick buck.
The game is unnecessary but we need to remember that most people here that already played it are not the intended audience for it. If you're the kind of person that buys your movies in DVD and you're happy with that, then there is nothing wrong with sticking with the original. Or perhaps you like upgrading to Blu Ray so enjoy the remaster. But perhaps you love the game enough so you want the better version then feel free to upgrade to 4k Ultra HD. There's nothing wrong with the original or the remaster so if you don't like this remake or want it, then don't buy it.
I don't have a problem with remakes happening as long as it gives developers a job to do while other parts of the team are working on something new until it their turn to work on it. Personally I don't think TLoU needed one, and that there are better options they could have done instead. But that's what they wanted to do and we should accept that. There are other games we can buy if this isn't for us.
@Cutmastavictory While I agree with your point in general, it will be interesting to see if they keep TLOU PS3 and TLOU Remastered on sale and or subscription services. Or if they just make the £70 version the only one available.
Its £69.99. Never mind the Americans whinging its 70 dollars, we are getting charged 84 dollars in comparison. Its a rip off plain and simple. Should be £39.99 max.
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@naruball an assertion made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
@themightyant Totally understand, but we wanted to keep it as simple as possible for this one. There'll be more polls (like our usual "did you buy" and "what review score would you give...") that go into greater detail once the release is upon us.
Is Push Square abuse of this topic necessary? I know it's dry season for gaming news but this is just too much. It's probably the 3rd or 4th thread about it already and you guys are doing it for the clicks at this point. You are surely aware what the community thinks about this remake already.
It's all subjective to the individual. No one is forcing anyone to buy this. Making this doesn't take away from over projects and ventures. If gta v or mario kart 8 or skyrim can do it, why not tlou?
They should remake Uncharted 1-3 and charge £70 for each of those too.
Really test people's willingness to pay top dollar for spruced up content.
@themightyant Good point, I have never thought of that possibility.
It is, but don't tell the shells.
(expensive? Sure. Cash-grab? Even more so)
But copying dumb comments aside, ND has said they wanna familiarize themselves with the ps5, they wanna change up gameplay and this should then supposedly be a low cost entry to do so. Charging $70 for it however does define it as a cashgrab for me, on pc it'd make sense, but a third release for a premium really just shouts current age sony.
@ShogunRok No worries mate. It's not a big deal, just neither matched close to my position and suspect many others were in the same boat but still clicked to see the results, skewing the data further. Good for comment engagement though
I just think that the drakes original trilogy would've made more sense at 70quid ,I could much more justify the price then ,but we'll see ,its gonna have to be pretty damn great to justify the price ,I love part 1 and 2 but of course passionate gamers are going to be discussing this from now until launch on the 2nd Sept and why not ,it'll be very Interesting to see how this remake pans put on the ps5 ,it has potential to be fantastic I have no doubts ,just that we won't know really until Sept, but some of us are rightly spectical and it's normal to be as game remaster on ps4 is very gd if abit old with game mechanics etc,all will be revealed
JJ2 wrote:
You give us all too much power and credit. Everyone that talks about games online could boycott this and it could still be a success. We are the vocal minority.
Whereas the vast hordes of gamers that don't ever visit a gaming website comments sections, Twitter or Reddit could lap this up. Though they probably won't at £70 I still think it will do just fine.
My opinion on a cash grab would probably be no but calling it a cash grab is abit subjective I feel.
I won’t buy it for a full price.
First of all curious to see what kind of visual improvements they were able to achieve with their engine on a native ps5 game compared to the ps4 the last of us 2.
I don't know about "Cash Grab", but "Unnecessary" definitely suits this one.
It is in my eyes. I mean even if you just bought a PS5 as your first playstation console, then just get the $15 PS4 version that I am sure is backwards compatible with the system and save yourself $55.
They are clearly doing it for financial reasons. But there’s gone a lot of work into it. GTA Trilogy was cash grab. Many remasters are. But doesn’t feel like one.
Still, I think it’s too pricey to get at launch. I’ll wait. But for those who haven’t played it at all, are all in for a treat.
I'll reserve my judgment for when we actually see what they did with it
Got a feeling it's more than most people expect
I think for me I’d rather the resources that’s going into this be used for making something new but I’m sure this’ll make a lot of sense financially.
As is everything related to Sony, communication is the big problem with this. It feels like a cash-grab because communication has been horrible, not showing what are the gameplay changes, the improvements made on the engine compared to part II, and they should always compare it to the remaster, not to the ps3 original, since the ps4 remaster is what is available for everyone.
I'm not convinced that, even with the visual upgrades and gameplay tweaks, this should be $70.
No it’s not! I want this version of TLOU1. And I am happy they are making it. If you don’t want to buy it just don’t. That simple. This is a remake not a remaster. If you don’t understand the difference maybe you are just not smart enough to play games.
This is another product that they've made that we can either buy, or not buy. 🤷♂️ Sales numbers will tell us how the wider community feels about it.
Is it's necessary? Nope.
Do I want it? Yep.
Personally I wouldn't complain if all of my favourite games were remade for current gen. I'm very excited to play through this again with current gen standards.
The only reason this debate is even happening is because they're going to charge the full $70 for it.
This is a game that still plays very well on PS4 and PS5; it's absurd to charge $70 for something that can be bought right now for $17 on Amazon.
@BadPlayerOne Why would this being a remake command a full $70 price point?
This game is not being redone from scratch, whether it was a remaster or remake.
The IP already exists, all the scripts have already been written, all the voice acting has already been recorded, the general world layout has already been created, etc.
No remake should ever cost the full $70 for these reasons alone.
Cash grab feels a bit harsh, but I certainly don't feel this remake is justified. When technology makes leaps to where the original version feels seriously dated, then a remake feels justified.
Remaking Ocarina of Time or Mario 64 or Metal Gear Solid or Shadow of the Colossus. Those seem reasonable. But the update here seems only "yeah I can squint and tell the difference."
Cash grab, especially at £70. No need for it and only being remastered because there’s a tv show on the way imo.
Well they can have my cash. This is better than the nothing we would have gotten instead.
@Ambassador_Kong fair enough.
As I mention in my other post, as far as I know a "cash grab" is something different, i.e. something that requires very little to no effort or money to be made, yet it costs a lot of money to be purchased. E.g. Ninty releasing a collection of a few old games with close to zero changes and asking for the price of a new game.
This one is indeed too expensive (that's how much you charge for a completely new game that was made from scratch), but it doesn't seem to fit the other criterion of requiring limited effort/funds to be made. We'll see. But making such an accusation when we haven't even seen the gameplay is silly, imo, and a typical internet overreaction.
Anyone who doesn’t know that it is, they’re the problem with gaming
The reason this is made is simple, it's for the pc version. The tv show gets released and a new version matching tlou2 technically needs to be released. Because the current PS5 and pc are technically really close it was simple to produce a PS5 version. It's easy money you would say (and it is) but if they wouldn't have done it everyone would ***** on ND for making the pc version more beautiful.
So whatever ND would do, people would find a way to whine.
Will I buy it for 70 euro, hell no, I played the game many times on PS3 and PS4 but if I would be new to the platform or it will release on Plus Extra I would be happy to play it again for sure.
@GreatAuk My thoughts exactly.
Absolute cash grab. With sony consoles, studios barely scratch the capabilities of their potential when they are first released. It's usually towards the end of the consoles life span that we see the best quality games(gameplay/ story aside). This remake should be left till then if it wasn't a cash grab. Every company is feeling the effects of the pandemic. They are just milking a successful franchise to gauze the financial wound.
If there was some sort of cheaper upgrade path for those who bought the original(s) that would be fair enough. As it stands it's an absurd price.
Great for PC players (will they be charged £70?) and for the small number of ps5 owners who have never played it.
It’s quite simple really
1 if your happy with the PS4 remaster don’t buy it
2 if it costs too much wait for a sale which it drops to a price your willing to pay
3 buy it at £70
I myself would prefer Naughty Dog make a new game but I’m waiting to see the new gameplay before I make my decision
@NEStalgia bingo
For those that defend this practice or make claims such as "if you don't like it, don't buy it," you have missed the point.
We aren't merely stating our dissatisfaction with this re-release of old content. We are watching in real time this becoming the norm gaming industry wide. The implications for the future of an art form we love, are bleak and seem to consist of re-releases, live service garbage, micro transactions, and copy and pasting assets from one iteration to the next.
This is such an embarrassing waste of talent in the name of further profiting off old content utilizing a generation change, and TV show as an impetus to rake in revenue at an even higher price than that of the original content. Cash grab
@naruball You're absolutely right. It can be both unnecessary and not a cash grab. They are not mutually exclusive.
That is exactly where I sit on this debate; it cannot be a cash grab due to the amount of effort which has clearly been put into it. However, it's an unnecessary remake as the original is not old enough to warrant it. The remastered version for PS4 still looks and plays great.
It would be a much more interesting proposition to me of it was priced at £40, rather than £70.
I believe naughty dog is making the last of remake because of the upcoming 📺 tv show.but i will buy it again.but dead space and the callisto protocol will come first.word up son
Of course it's unnecessary, but I do believe that Naughty Dog is putting in the work and that it'll be a solid remake... once the price is lowered
@Jey887 absolutely
I proudly spent my $90 on it...and this will be a sales success, further solidifying more higher price tags for other games to scream and tear their hair out to. Makes me giddy. High-priced games are here to stay and I plan to further ensure it happens with my purchases.
Unless the “new” combat drastically changes how you can approach things, it is a full next gen price ripoff. Same great game with the same ***** pacing
It depends on how you define the term “cash grab”.
If a cash grab is something that is designed to make money then yeah, no sh*t, this as well as practically every game made is a cash grab whose purpose is to entice you to pay for it.
But if we’re talking cash grab as in a lazy effort with minimal work put into it, then anyone who honestly thinks that doesn’t have much experience playing Naughty Dog games. The last thing they can be accused of is phoning it in.
I've just worked it out, yes it's pretty expensive, all new games are. So if people buy this as a new shiny game i.e people who haven't played it before, or haven't played it for ages and want this version, fair play the price was right all along.
But people who are getting angry and saying it isn't necessary, or it's stupid, or wrong, or there's no reason for it, that doesn't make sense to me. What this smacks of to me is "I actually really want to play it but it's too expensive so I'm going to have a moan about the validity of them even creating it, instead of just waiting" which is also fair, just be honest about why you're having a moan this passionately.
Like... People that have no interest in it, or don't want to play it aren't going to be moaning about it in every article, or social media post, right? Why would they care? (Okay, apart from the fact it's 2022)
The price will drop, it won't be £70 forever, and soon enough it will be on Extra/Premium anyway
Also, a show about the IP is a great reason to modernise it, capitalise on the momentum and make big sales. I don't see how this is being used as negative argument. And it's not cash grabbing if the company genuinely thinks it's customers will be satisfied with it. And right now I trust ND believe in it enough for that to be the case.
People will buy it and be happy with it. A cash grab, to me, would be a game that people will buy and be upset that they spent their money on it because it has been made with a lack of technical competence and passion and the ONLY reason they bought it was that nostalgia, or current trend. So there is a difference.
Demon's Souls Vs GTA Remasters is a prime example. One was made with love and passion, and a desire to sell a bunch of units, and one was made to sell a bunch of units...
I think we all agree that Naughty Dog is absolutely making the best, most definitive version.
The sensible points against this are that it's too expensive (cash grab!), re-released for a 3rd time (in gaming circles, in a relatively short timescale), and it's "wasting" Naughty Dog resources.
Fair points to be sure, and you can easily argue for or against!
I personally sit in the middle (splinters,ouch!
). I won't be buying until it comes down in price, but I do see the value in this
For LOU fans that absolutely must support either the game or Naughty Dog. And most importantly for NEW fans that will be coming in to this experience for the first time, not just PC, but most definitely from the in-coming series.
It's honestly the first time I can recall that Sony is pulling it's entire force in one direction, gaming, television, music, marketing, etc so I think the memo from above will be that this NEEDS to be a success if Sony are to continue down this path.
As a gamer, on a dedicated gaming site, I'm split because selfishly I only really care about the gaming aspect...
But if Sony do pull this off, it could be huge... A big USP over it's nearest 2 gaming rivals.... And more money means better games???? Right???
can't believe you're actually doing this.
@DeepSpace5D you said what I came here to say, but much more streamlined 😁
I agree, the worst thing about this story is that push square thought it was necessary or useful to those of us who come here.
Im beggining to regret coming here so often for my news if this represents the direction the editors wish to take the site.
There is far more intelligent discourse to be had on these subjects, but seems like push would prefer to encourage the angry mob.
I'm pretty sure this whole remake is just to slap an unrecognizable face model with a blonde looking doctor that just so happens to be someone's father.
@Titntin, I agree the options could've been wider than the 2 black and white polarising options, but the majority of responses have been thoughtful and we've both replied!
I do think they'd get as much feedback, if not more, if they "trusted" us with sensibly chosen options...
I’m not a great fan of the series, but it’s understandable that they’d want to show everything at its best given they may soon have a new group of people interested in the games due to the TV show. It’s important for the reputation of the franchise.
I think it is unnecessary as the remaster is just fine in my opinion. I'd have to question the sanity of people who bough the original, the remaster and now this at full price each time. If someone is coming at it fresh or after playing the PS4 version from a sale or the PS Plus Collection then crack on.
What does “cash grab” even mean? Nobody is forced to buy this game. Those who are excited about it will. Those who don’t care won’t. If it sells well it will do on its on merits. It’s almost as if some gamers feel obligated to interact with this game just because it exists. Why people are obsessing over this is so baffling. People need to get a life. There are so many games to play. It’s is a complete non-issue.
Clearly everyone who thinks this is a cash grab has never looked at the new releases section of the PSN store.
Ultimately, I think the price is the main problem. But people need to remember... The price will come down - and fast. Look at uncharted: legacy of thieves its been around £20-£25 for some time now and it launched in January.
I think we can expect something similar maybe even less from part 1 as it's an even older title and it's only one game, not two.
Personally, I'll wait on this. Ultimately if you've already played the game there's no point in buying it day one.
Man if people r really angry and upset and calling this a cash grab, you really need to go donate to a charity, hit the gym, eat healthy, do something else; but you need to find another way to validate yourself.
You have no right to tell someone whether the work and hours that they put in over months or years is worthy or not.
If you feel its not what you would spend 80 dollars on, Dont buy the game, and move on.
They still work 8 hours a day on the product. its still work man. like, this is just unbelievable. People are really to much these days, no wonder all we get is live service games, its all we deserve.
How can anyone say its not!
@Gelly 8 hours a day? Some people work double that for alot less money! It's definitely a cash grab people are struggling to heat their homes games should be free!
@Milktastrophe, Amen lol! Jumping Burger/Taco/Doughnut AND hyper versions anyone :/ Each to their own!
Great minds and all that. But I thought you brought up some very good additional points as well.
I’m not sure it’s “unnecessary” but at the same time I’m personally not sure it’s worth it. We see every generation that developers take time getting used to the new hardware and often chuck out a game or two before they really start getting the most out of the hardware. I’d suggest this is going to be a good test run for naughty dog on PS5 meaning that their first proper game on PS5 can be even better for it. Hopefully the fact that this is coming out so early in the PS5 life cycle means we won’t be waiting until the very end of its life for the new naughty dog hotness!
This wouldn't even have a cloud of negativity If it was priced accordingly considering everything is basically already there and they didn't need to rehire voice talent, stunt actors, story directors, etc.
Also for the people saying "well Sony is going to make lots of moneys anyways u haters lololl" I pray you're at minimum an accountant at Sony or Jim Ryan's favorite nephew 🤦
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Shadow of the Colossus, FF7R, Yakuza Kiwami, Resident Evil 2, Xenoblade Definitive Edition, Mafia 1. All remade while adding new things to the game that warranted the price.
The Last of Us Part 1. Does nothing other than change the gameplay and polish the graphics while adding nothing new & Naughty Dog charges $70 while the shills do a poor job of defending it.
The Last of Us part one .. the search for money
it a cash grab sony been trying to cut development time by reusing assets or doing a freshen up of the base game .. miles Morales was the same map and half the enemy types had the same animations ... now this
this game came with a multiplayer mode the last time... they charge you more money for less content
if they updated both games and charge 70 bucks or bundle it Factions 2 .. it would be less exploitative of the base
Also it apparently needs to be noted based on some of the comments here suggesting this is somehow justified as a test run designing for the new hardware.
This is not some sort of gaining PS5 experience for the developers Project here. This is using an engine made to run on the Ps4. With a large majority of the design foundations being reused... Again.
Look what they did with the re-release of uncharted on Ps5. It was just a minor graphical improvement along with framrate options yet still running at a sub 4k resolution. They are merely cash grabbing the other IP.
That's all this is, it's a Ps3 game already remastered on the ps4, so now they can only justify the cash grab by reselling it again exclusively on PS5 and this time calling the remaster 1.5 a remake.
One subtle factor overlooked, to use Japan itself as an example, you often hear of the "social contract", a somewhat unspoken mutually agreed upon standard between people and how they behave among themselves, and between business, and the unspoken contract of equity between business and the public, and the workers.
Similarly, on a less visible scale, most industries/business have a form of social contract with their consumer base. A line in the sand, on a looser scale, about pricing, value, practices. We don't consciously think or talk about that contract, and it's not as rigid as what Japan has, but it's present in consumer relationships with every industry and the products and services we buy.
A big part of what we're seeing in the gaming industry, and a source of a lot of angst emerging is that the business side of the gaming industry has seemingly abandoned the existing unspoken social contract with it's consumers. It's gone headlong into raw opportunism, profit maximization, exploitation, and cast aside any existing cadence of price, value, and practice with its consumers. We don't even conciously conceive of it in terms of a "social contract" with an industry, as Japan does, but a lot of underlying anger emerging with many recent business practices stems from this. For over 30 years there's been an underlying cadence and contract as a governing undercurrent in the relationship between the gaming industry and its consumers. And in the past few years, that contract has been torn up and burned by the producer side of the arrangement. This particular case is just one of the most starkly visible resulting bonfires.
@BigBirdy More money usually just means happier banks and fund managers at investor meetings, pressure from investors to grow the return yet further, then layoffs, departmental consolidation, and cost cutting, with low risk starting from a position of industry strength and consumer appeal, to maintain and grow ROI. Success often means worse products.
Yeah it is, the first is showing its age now but the remaster is still very good looking and perfectly playable. If this was a Demons Souls or RE2R style remake i might be more warm to it but so it just looks like a fancy remaster and little else, Sony are milking it now and really its no better then GTA V or Skyrim at this point except of course the PS5 versions of them weren't $70.
All I know is that I'm definitely not paying 70 quid for an 8 year old game released twice before, no matter how good it is. I did buy GTAV again for PS5 but that only cost £10.
I personally don't see the need for this remake or whatever it is unless there are technical limitations with the PS4 remaster that they can't work around. That said what is the REAL goal of this? The PS4 version can be played on PS5 and is 60 fps. A part of me says cash grab while the other part of me thinks they're really doing it for PC. Specifically making the TLOU2 engine Windows compatible for future releases
This is so frustrating because I can see both sides. On one hand, I have no doubt Naughty Dog is putting as much work into this remake as any other new project they'd be working on...on the other hand, not only does it feel entirely unnecessary (especially at that $70 price point), but it kind of comes off as incredibly masturbatory (and, a small aside, ever since Neil basically took over ND, I've felt the air around them has been incredibly self congratulatory) and sets a precedent that could be worrying.
They're remaking the original in the sequel engine, that's all well and good, but what happens when TLoU3 comes out? Surely they're going to make some major upgrades to the engine for that title, so are they going to remake the first two games in that engine...and so on and so forth, to keep parity across games? It's a super slippery slope and, to me, just feels like a huge waste of resources and ND's considerable talent.
This isn't an FFVII Remake situation, where it's using the basic setup of the original as a jumping off point to tell a new story. It's not a Resident Evil Remake situation, where the available tech at the time wasn't up to the task of realizing the actual vision of the devs like the new hardware can. It's not even a Shadow of the Colossus or Demon's Souls situation, where the originals are beloved and still widely available but haven't aged as well because they were AAA ideas produced on A or AA budgets.
I don't know...sure, the sequel plays and looks better than the original, but not SO MUCH better that I feel the original necessitates a full, ground-up remake. The whole thing just rubs me the wrong way.
@UltimateOtaku91 Skyrim being re-released all the time is a meme and is constantly mocked, fun fact though the PS5 version is a free upgrade and you can get a massive jump in visuals with the free mods on PS4/PS5, my modded PS5 version of Skyrim is like night and day difference to the un-modded version for instance. End of the day most remasters don't charge as much as full price games and those what do usually do because its more then one game or is a proper remake. TLoUR so far from what we have seen is just prettier visuals, its basically visual mods being added to the game. Maybe if the first game never got a remaster it would be different but it did so this feels like a remaster of a remaster.
This is a toughie..obviously nd want the best version of their flagship game out there..the ps5's power and tech gives them this chance to do this but does it really have to be £70? I can see why this could be seen cynically as a cash grab by pretty much everybody..what i dont get is how pushsquare feel the need to ask these questions when the previous article of this game had pretty much all the answers in the comments section..so is this article a unnecessary attempt to just stoke the fires up again?
It would've been different if the remastered version didn't exist
Of course it's a cash grab!!!!!!! It's just like GTA V coming to PS5/ Xbox One X
There is no new material in the game, it's just a glorified graphics/ frame rate buff, all voice acting is from the PS3 version, recycled assets from the last of us 2............. Sony have green lighted this.......... So it can go to PC so they can make even MORE money.
If they expect full price for this.......... I will pass
@WallyWest skyrim wasnt really a free ps5 upgrade though..you had to purchase a particular version of the game to get it and from what i recall it wasnt that cheap either so technically i wouldnt class that as free..
Cash grab or not, I can say it’s certainly creatively bankrupt.
Is it a cash grab? What a weird question. EVERY game that’s released for purchase is a cash grab. The point is to make money. Sony is a “for profit” business.
Is it unnecessary? Of course. I can play the remastered PS4 version right now on my PS5.
Is it a waste of money? No, not necessarily. Technology has changed a lot in the 10 years it’s been since it first released. Video games are a medium that can always be upgraded, enhanced, improved and even downgraded. Re-doing TLoU is no different than Sony updating Uncharted 3 & 4 and re-releasing them as a package deal on PS5. And, TLoU is something the competition CAN’T offer on XBox or Switch. That, in and of itself, makes it an exciting release for those who haven’t yet experienced it.
@Gelly I work out and stay healthy and still say it’s a cash grab, that’s allowed isn’t it? I don’t need to validate myself or whatever you were on about.
@WallyWest i see it was the special edition you required..it was £15.99 to upgrade to the anniversary edition..sorry my bad i got confused with all the different versions of every game ever released lol..
@GreatAuk I will pay 70 gladly not only for this generation but also for any future console generation remakes. Because I know Naughty dog will keep making great games with the money they earn from this game. If you want cheap go get game pass and play their cheap mediocre games while I will enjoy this remake of a Masterpiece. Nobody forces you to buy this game. Naughty dog is not a charity organization and need to get paid for the work they put into developing and remaking and remastering games.
I wonder if it will be £50 after a month.
@naruball it is absolutely in the actual meaning of the word “cash grab” a “cash grab”
Because they simply remastered a remaster even more for the latest gen with a premium price tag when it is not actually necessary. It’s definitely a nice upgrade for some but overall I personally feel they could be doing better things? But cash grab carries negative connotations but business wise it’s a good thing it makes money for the company. I’ve personally never played either game and don’t know much about it, but I’m not that into games where I have to play as a little girl which is why I won’t play the 2nd one the story just does not grasp me at all. It’s like any game where I have to play as a female like horizon I just don’t find that immersive.
All these rehash at full price are "cash grabs"
Some just make excuses depending if the logo says Sony, Nintendo or whatever company (or IP) they have an illogical attachment with.
But if people want them, cant blame them for making them. It is a business for profit in the end.
As long as we also get real "New" games constantly, it is fine with me.
They put in the work and decided this is the value of the game, thats allowed isnt it ?
Its not your job to determine what the value is. You determine whether its valuable to you and only you. Not all of the people who put in their years of work.
You also have no understanding of game development at all. Just because its the same story that youve played doesnt mean that building a game from ground up in the same engine doesnt take time and work.
I figure you dont care though and you’ll complain anout something else next week.
Short answer: Yes. But then again, what did you expect? This is business nowadays.
I look forward to this poll being posted again a month after release. Once we've all had the opportunity to either play it or have seen what others think of it via YouTube etc.
I have pre-ordered it because I believe that it will be bang up to date to what we already have in TLoU 2.
It's incredible the number of people commenting on these TLoU1 posts saying that it's a cash grab. The very same people that will be glued to YouTube on the 2nd September, or thereabouts, to justify their comments.
The price is $69.99/£69.99. I have pre-ordered it for £57 because I believe that it will be worth the price (to play it early). If I don't like it, but I 100% believe that I will, I'll sell it on. But I trust in Naughty Dog. You know, that studio that asks for just a tenner to upgrade Uncharted: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Such a bunch of winers. Just don't buy it. Jeez...
@Gelly lolwut. Wym that’s all we deserve? If they’re charging $70 then we need to be getting $70 worth of additional content.
@Gelly you’re right it’s not my job but I can have an opinion and my opinion is that this is a cash grab. I can form that opinion on other factors such as remasters we’ve had before and their price, or games that have had next gen upgrades for free, imagine that, they mustn’t do any work according to your logic. I don’t need to know the ins and out of game development.
Also I will probably complain about something else next week thanks, maybe even sooner than that, we’ll see.
It's not a cash grab, but it's not worth it either.
I think it's unnecessary, but I will still probably get it.
@BadPlayerOne You are talking to a person that has endlessly defended Sony increasing prices to $70.
I have no problem with you buying this game at $70. In fact that point is irrelevant. You can buy it at $100, it won't make a difference to my point that it costs significantly less to remake a game that already exists than to begin from scratch.
So to charge the full $70 for this remake is most definitely much higher than the typical spread between production costs and sale price of a new AAA game and will create a much larger profit per sale than is usual for the publishing studio.
It would be like a new AAA game being released for $90 or even $100 when all other new AAA games sell for $70.
@Northern_munkey @WallyWest The Skyrim PS5/XSX patch was a free upgrade to anyone that bought the PS4/X1 remaster named "special edition" (which sells for $40, often less on sale. I don't remember the original launch price years ago, but I want to say $50.) but was not free for the PS3/X360 version owners. A comparison to TLoU1/remaster/part1 is actually illuminating in the difference.
The $15 "anniversary" upgrade was not necessary for the visual remaster that was free. The anniversary edition upgrade is for a ton of paid DLC from the Creation Club for a low $15 fee.
TLOU Remastered still plays well, looks great and the online is still fun and its regularly goes on sale for $10 or less if you aren't getting it as part of Ps Plus Extra.
I'm a huge fan of the game but will likely get it used. Beat it again and then sell it again as it inevitably comes onto PS Plus Extra in a year
What it mostly boils down to is if you haven't played the game and own a PS5, you have 2 options
1. You buy the $70 version since you didn't originally buy the PS3 or PS4 version
2. You can save money and get the PS4 version that offers a near identical experience and is compatible with the system
For those of us that have played it, we also have 2 options:
1. Pay full price AGAIN
2. Skip it since we played the original games and can wait for a sale or for it to even be a free game via ps extra or a ps+ essential free game
Why not remake a game that actually needs it like the first Uncharted? I mean, the Dead Space remake feels absolutely essential compared to TLoU.
As it is full price I consider it a complete cash grab, no matter how much work has been done to it. Sony need to stop this with this price point and hopefully people will use this game as an example and not buy it.
@NEStalgia i already corrected my original comment about skyrim's upgrade but cheers anyway👍
It seems a lot more work is going into this than tlou remastered for PS4, and there wasn't a huge amount of complaining about that. In fact it sold millions, arguably the game that kickstarted last gens landslide of previous gen remasters.
As for skyrim, forums were begging for that to come to ps4/xbox one long before Bethesda announced it.
I don't know what's changed to make the voices against remasters louder, fatigue of them I guess?
I’ll be buying it day one. So no, I don’t think it’s a cash grab (unless “cash grab” now means “a way for a for-profit entity to make money.”)
The difference between 2014 and 2022 is that everyone wants everything for free or half price these days. Entitled moaners. So the 2014 TLoU remastered which cost 60 new is not a cash grab and has far less work done to it than what this remake is having. Honestly the hypocrisy is on another level
umm, dont buy it then ?? R u being forced to buy it or something ?
Its not like this is ps plus and u need it to play online or something. Just dont buy the game. Its simple.
Do you just walk into expensive restaurants and say “if im paying 60 dollars for shrimp i need 60 dollars worth of shrimp”. No… thats the price they value their cooks at. Its how a capitalist society works. No one owes you anything. dont buy it and go do something else.
@KundaliniRising333 Remakes have been a part of media production since the beginning of human existence through the form of storytelling around campfires and cave drawings on walls. Movies, songs and the written word have all been remade and republished at brand new price levels countless times for profit both by original artists, as well as cover artists. This is nothing new. When accounting also for the indie market there are probably more unique video games with higher production values made today for a cheaper price both in real dollar terms, as well, as accounting for inflation than any point in history, and we have unrivaled access to them. We just have micro transaction games and their ilk added to the mix. But unless you have some kind of study conducted on video games with graphs illustrating the decline in unique video game production then you're just complaining like every other person in history has when something is remade. And you're point about reusing assets—are you at all familiar with how the television and movie industry works? They literally use the same props and sets in different productions. There will always be reused assets in every creative industry both for practical and monetary reasons.
I for one only beat the first game once. I even bought the remastered version of 1 and still only ever beat the game once.
I also never played the DLC for the first one so I dunno, for me this is a good thing and I’m happy to buy it a third time for that price. It’s going to be a great update to an already great game. If this was just a remastered version of the remaster, well, I’d have some negativity towards it but they already said they redid a lot of the game. This isn’t some kind of upscaling bandaid job. It’s a quality game, made with love, from a very high quality studio we all love.
I voted no as I'm extremely excited to get to play what should be the definitive The Last of Us game. The best parts of the first (story and characters) and the second (much improved gameplay) in one game.
I will say sites such as this help fuel the debate though by bringing it up at least once a week, even if the intention was to try to defend the release.
So many comments on here confused at the meaning of "cash grab". It is a product designed primarily or solely with the intent of generating profits or money. Some will give the inane response to that statement that "well aren't all games cash grabs then?" To which I will respond "No". They have already released this game twice and now they expect gamers to be excited a third time because they promise some additional bells and whistles? This is what Capcom did with RE4 back in the day as well as SF4. I was one of the dumb gamers who bought every version expecting something special each time. Lesson learned. Don't be fooled. Vote with your wallets so this trend dies out once and for all.
At the moment I don't really have anything to judge it on, sure we know the cutscenes are the same but look a bit nicer, we haven't seen any gameplay though.
Still this is a perspective thing, if you're new to the game or a die hard fan then it's probably worth it. For someone like me who liked it and thinks it's fine as it is, I have no desire to buy it at full price, maybe on a sale one day but I don't really care about playing it again unless it's dramatically different
I dont think it will be a cashgrab, but i dont think its worth it either.
It's just not for me. I olayed the original and it isnt that good (for me) to play it again.
I can imagine new ps players would like it.
But we will see how it sells.
@Colour The League of Gentlemen.
It’s funny how some people (fanboys mostly) are trying to justify this price but its very simple. If the game is not a 85-100% new story then the game is just a remake/reboot/remaster…whatever you want to call it and it is just a grab cash thing. Please stop trying to justify that ugly price tag by saying things like; its bc it has new graphics, slighly changes on mechanics etc… ITS THE SAME GAME! from years ago! c’mon guys its not that hard.
I'd say the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Of course it's too early to tell yet, all we've got to go on is screenshots. Selling it as a full price $70 is definitely not the way to go though.
Of course if it comes with the multiplayer I'm sure some people would be happy to revisit those glory days.
@RBRTMNZ Oh is that so or is that something you believe?
@Qu1n0n3z I cant say yet it isnt released. There is a expansion along with the game so i would really like to see what it is before calling it a casbgrab.
PS3 game, for £70... I deal with this stuff being a Wii U and Switch owner. I saw the roasting daily.
Now Sony's doing it and all of a sudden it's okay in their eyes.
@Crumbytweak Thats kinda weak the second part of the game is awsome and made me a big Ellie fan. The second part of the game has some heavy stuff in it.
@eltomo Yeah you are right its not so bad on Nintendo how many times can you rerelease a Zelda game. Or make a digital game of Mario difficult to get its totally the same.
Yes, it's a cash grab, no it's not necessarily a bad thing. I just think in this case a remake was very unnecessary as the remaster for PS4 still holds up well, can be played perfectly fine on PS5 and I'd rather see Naughty Dog working on something new. But, it is what it is. I don't have to buy the game, no sense getting worked up over it.
@eltomo Thats exactly the reason Im not a Nintendo fan even I own the console…feel u
@Balosi the PS4 isn't BC with PS3 so the remaster was necessary for it to be playable on modern consoles plus the game came out right at the end of the PS3 gen so the PS4 version was more than likely already being developed alongside the PS3 version
I think it's a cash grab, my reasoning is because the current "remastered" version is still playable on current hardware, other remasters say Bioshock were not on PS4 so a remaster of them for PS4 makes sense, but TLOU does not.
@Would_you_kindly the many people (let's face it prob most ps3 owners) who bought the ps3 version did not complain in mass about being charged full price for the PS4 version though, at least not on the forums I inhabited at the time.
If anything you get more choice now, buy the new version or stick with the old one. Yet there is more uproar.
@Balosi Gamestop had a deal where when you trade in the PS3 version, you got half off the PS4 remaster. That's the only reason I have the PS4 copy.
@Balosi I think it's more about them going back to this particular game that's not that old & is already playable on ps5 when they could've done something else like a jak & daxter remake (yes the ps2 version is playable on PS4 / ps5 buy it really shows it's age) I know that would've cost alot more to develop but atleast it would've been worth the £70 price tag
It's Groundhog Day....again!
State of some of the comments. Some people should find something else to play if they're not interested in buying the remake, and they ought to stop with the self-righteous attitude and hailing themselves as the gatekeepers of gaming or some such nonsense.
Honestly, all this hobby of ours seems to do is make so many people mad. Maybe, I don't know, take up something that doesn't cause you such distress and angst.
I think the real bummer is that we haven't seen anything new from Naughty Dog since the PS3 days.
@Northern_munkey If you owned Skyrim on PS4 then it was free on PS5, the only cost was the Creation Club content what was optional.
@Flaming_Kaiser Nah, it's just a fact of life. Corporations make AAA games to make money. They don't give a ***** about the art. They only care about the money. Now that's not to say games are not made by people who care about the art. It is just to say the people who get to decide which games get greenlit only care about money. To believe anything else would be naive.
@Col_McCafferty PushSquare asked a question so people are giving there answers, sorry people aren't giving the answers you want but not everyone is Pro Sony who will defend everything they do.
@WallyWest exactly
@WallyWest ha, whatever mate.
Seems like a waste of time worrying about this. There's plenty of new games being made, buy one of those instead and forget about TLoU or any other remake.
@Balosi There's uproar for some good reasons but mine is mostly the fact that I like the work this studio does so I'd rather see/ hear of them firing on all cylinders to bring something new to all of us rather than this attempt to entice a new crowd and fleece the old.
Is it a cash grab? Yes!
Will I get it? Yes!
Do we need it? No!
Will it be amazing? YES!
It's not exactly a cash grab, it's just unnecessary
@RBRTMNZ You work for fun money has to made but that does not mean everything is a cash grab. And i really believe tons of developers love their work. But if you look at the amount of detail there goes into games it takes money to fund that. Plus if i look at Sony do many of their games have no additional funding aka MT's.
@carlos82 A sensable respectfull response i like that.
Completely unnecessary imo. Unless if you are gonna get it on PC.
The last of us 1 is one of my top three favorite games ever, and this is definitely a cash grab, especially at 70 dollars.
You telling me this wouldn't be profitable at 40 or even 30 dollars?
@Flaming_Kaiser but you understand that Sony is not doing that out of the goodness of their heart right? They have just determined that the best way to grab your cash is to sell $70 games without micro transactions. This enables them to sell a ***** load of consoles and gain market share for third party releases from which Sony makes billions of dollars through micro transactions. And now they are pivoting to online service games to boost the money they make from micro transactions because at the end of the day Sony's mission is to grab your cash.
Sell at full price for a couple of months and then put it on PS+ extra imo. Win win for everyone.
@Nightcrawler71 sony ain't gonna put the game on ps plus
It is a cash grab because they ND/PS are charging AAA prices for a game we've already bought and paid for previously. It looks a bit better. Okay, so tonnes of extra content then? Oh, eh no extra content. Good that it comes with the very short DLC though. I expect it has updated voice acting fro... Oh, you didn't need to bring in Troy or Ash... So, what, only charging £29.99 as you already have the design, the base mechanics, already paid the cast. Just a few tweaks here and there so a bargain at... . . . £69.99!
@WallyWest again i've already pointed out my error..you are just repeating yourself now and pushsquare are asking a question you are correct but its one they already would know the answer to had they bothered to pay attention to the already rather heated discussion in a previous article about this game..they just love to keep controvesy alive for the sake of it..
@Col_McCafferty i get you bud...seems some dont or want to...
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@RBRTMNZ Not... exactly.
There are companies that only make games that are most likely going to be profitable and companies that also make games that are more risky. They may perform decently, but they're not a "sure thing".
Sony used to do that. 6/10 of their games were not profitable, yet they still made them. The rest that were well performing made enough profit to fund new concepts/games like Puppeteer.
Someone from the TV Channel Fox once said that shows like American Idol were so successful that they could afford to keep less successful shows, like Fringe.
I don't know if Sony still works with the same mindset, though.
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@DETfaninATL Look at it now.
@Crumbytweak "it is absolutely in the actual meaning of the word “cash grab” a “cash grab”
Because they simply remastered a remaster even more for the latest gen with a premium price tag when it is not actually necessary."
1. No idea what you mean in the first part.
2. As for the second, there is a huge difference between a remaster and a remake. This is a remake with what appear to be significant changes.
@z0d15g0d "So many comments on here confused at the meaning of "cash grab"."
That's actually really funny. What makes you think you know better than others? At least some consulted dictionaries to look up its definition. Not that those are always trustworthy, but it's better than "you're wrong and let me tell you why I'm right by basing what I'm about to say on my opinion and offering no evidence to support my claim".
If anything is clear from this thread it's that people interpret a "cash grab" differently.
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@Ravix It's a cash grab because they already have a working version on PS5. They are charging premium for a game that isn't even 10 years old and has no substantial additions. Oh they added TLOU2 combat engine? So the gameplay are now only 10 years out of date rather than 15, amazing. These resources could have been used for a side story or other project with TLOU universe. They have set up a world where individual stories of survival, redemption, hope, love, anger, and hate can be explored in new and interesting ways. I have no intention of buying, I wouldn't even add it to my hard drive if it's offered as a PS+ game, I already own the game. There's no reason to get it again. Also for the hypothetical fan who played 2 and not one, that's on them fir buying a sequel before experiencing the story. The ps4 version has been around since 2014.
@Gelly This mentality is why we have live service games. Don't think just consume product and get excited for next product. Who gives a s**t if they've spent years working on this (hint: they haven't)? Just because you 'work hard' doesn't mean you are free from criticism. This coddling participation trophy nonsense is absurd.
@WallyWest I'm looking to push my ps5 version of skyrim, what mods do have installed for visuals?
@BadPlayerOne That's a stupid take. Games pass has a litany of great titles and gives me the opportunity to try games that aren't in my budget atm. Playing the Zero Escape games via games pass or Lost in Random or replaying Fable 2 for the millionth time, games pass isn't mediocre, you're just being a pony. I've been fortunate enough to own both consoles so I have no dog in that race. This remaster is still a cash grab and games being $70, especially for a game that released in 2014 at 50 is bull.
I did not discuss the "M" word..i made a comment which is a very different thing..comments not allowed now either?
No, it's not a cash grab. Why would it be a cash grab, given how awful people were with Part 2? The market for this game is lesser than it would've been and Sony/Naughty Dog will have known that.
There's no two ways about it. The only reason they're remaking the game is cause they want it to coincide with the TV show, so in my opinion it's already unnecessary as a release.
But to then charge 79.99€ for it instead of 29.99€ or 39.99€, to keep it short, is totally a cash grab
I really don't understand the backlash. It's a REMAKE of a great game therefore it is full price. I didn't see a similar backlash at the remake of Demon Souls (great btw). If you don't like the price your not forced to buy it upon release. How many times does a Dev have to say its a REMAKE not a remaster? I know in person some of the 'cry babies' that don't like the launch price but are happy to buy COD and FIFA year after year at full price for the same mind numbing multilayer game launched months before!
@naruball I assumed those reading comments on here were intelligent enough to know or at least verify that a comment has some research behind it rather than responding with bile for their own purposes. In case you haven't figured it out, my description of the term "cash grab" was from the dictionary. Interpret an already defined definition all you want but the facts were in my comment also. Seems like you still don't get it. This will be the 3rd time they will be releasing the same game and in a short span of time. It is not considered a labor of love nor is it new and from a company who have established themselves as a dominant force for story driven content. Taking those factors into account makes it the very definition of the term.
That mentality is far from why we have live service. You think you are woke and thinking when really u r not, you do literally the exact opposite. Business will still run as a business. They spend money, they need to make money. When you whine and complain about everything business’ actually do the opposite of what you want them to do. They stop investing because its too much of a risk to spend so much money to have people complain about something so small and lose that money.
its far from coddling. I just dont coddle people like you anymore who complain about spending money, complain about what games u get on ps plus, complain about every last thing like a spoiled brat that i end up having to defend companies.
No one said they are free from criticism.
What u do isnt really criticism. You havent even seen the full changes yet and obviously completely ignore game development and lack understanding of remaking a game from the ground up in a new engine, and what any dev has said about its detail.
Youve just played the story already so you want to pay less. Thats not crictcism. Its self centered.
Wait for a discount or dont buy it and leave.
Thank god your silly thought process is only a tiny minority.
They removed the best bit.
Sony to Naughty Dog:
Do you want to remake one of the greatest PS titles as a tribute to its legacy, or just make it a cash grab:
Naughty Dog: A resounding yes.
I don't think it's a cash grab, but I do think it's completely unnecessary. So what do I vote? This poll is kinda bad.
I mean it is a cash grab,but it is going to be good, just wait till its on sale or added to the Ps Plus line up if you dont want to buy it for (the absolutely ridiculous) full price
@Qu1n0n3z does this mean you're not a Sony fan as they're doing it now?
@Polybius84 the backlash stems from the fact that this is the 3rd version of the game which is something i personally am not bothered about as i have little to no interest in it and it looks like its going to hit a premium price point for the 3rd time with no upgrade path at the mo...demons souls was remade once and was never given the remaster option..maybe things would have been different if demons souls was on its 3rd version and at a premium..i think that sums up the issue..
If you don't want to pay for the PS5 remake and is still happy with the PS4 version, go for it then. Me, I love this series and will most definitely play it on PS5! I'm super amped!
Cash grab is an emotive word but I'd argue it isn't necessary.
TLOU Part 1 is a game that is avaialble and has been available on 3 generations of consoles. It plays well. TLOU2 can play on 2 generations of consoles. It also plays well.
To compare with Demon Souls, that game was only available on a previous generation, was expensive to buy second hand and also slightly janky in comparison to modern titles. It was also a niche title that remained unplayed by many genre fans. A ground up remake was a great idea.
In one respect, tinkering and making Part1 look and feel more like Part 2 sounds sort of ok but really, no one was really crying out for it. Add the price point and the fact that it will then have a PC launch to coincide with the TV adaptation and it makes it even more pointless.
Yes the game looks more realistic, but realism doesnt mean its better looking, the enviroment looks great but every single character looks worse and more generic, they got rid of art style to make way for ***** more realistic models.
TLOU still plays great, runs amazingly on ps4 and ps5 as it is and isnt designed around the gameplay style of part 2.
so yeah, this is a pointless effortless cash grab.
Its literally sony saying "here's nothing new, give us your money, more than last time, oh and btw when the multiplayer mode that we cutting from this version releases, you'll also have to pay for that seperatelly"
gamers should hold themselves to higher standarts than this, companies are making idiots out of them and they're just eating whatever they are spoonfed.
@Gelly with all respect I disagree, as fans and consumers not only we have the right to like something, we also have the right to criticize that, I'm a huge naughty dog fan but I want to see them making something new, other than graphics there is literally nothing new on this version of the game. if we can criticise sports games for being the same every year I dont see how its a bad thing for a company to do minimal ammount of work and charge full price for minimal changes to something that was already made.
the games industry is a market, and if the ones making the product dont want to listen to feedback from the people who buy their stuff, well, then they'll just keep getting worse and worse.
£60-£65 for a game wow a remake of a remake i hope it looks super enhanced for that price.
Sony (and all the rest) can resell, rerelease, repackage, re-issue whatever they want, whenever they want, in any shape or form they wish. And charge whatever they want for for it.
We either buy it or we don't. That's the only part of the process we are invloved in.
Arguments and diatribes like the one around this just tell us more about the nature of people, and their entitlement, than it does about Sony.
I'll buy this because I want it. If you don't want it don't buy it. It's not rocket science.
Well, this is a totally a different argument. And I agree with parts.
No one says you dont have the right to criticize, but they have the right to do whatever they feel is creatively stimulating for them. They are still people. Just because theyve built up a reputation doesnt mean they have no rights anymore.
Feedback is great, but it doesn’t mean they have to do whatever you tell them. Thats not how life works; thats just entitlement. They can do what they choose to do.
Also, building a game from the ground up in a different engine is not “a minimal amount of work”, it is not the same as sports games. But maybe this part is their fault for assuming that people would understand how game development works.
Great game.. played it twice. Will forever be a pillar in the PS world.
Is this necessary? No..is it a cash grab... IMO yes. There's no way this isn't a cash grab....and given the price of this that just ensures it is lol... what a joke.
There was no need for this.
I'd love to see a new IP from NG.
@LordOfTurnips "gamers should hold themselves to higher standarts than this, companies are making idiots out of them and they're just eating whatever they are spoonfed."
Very well said about the general issue, not just with this specific title, that's at play.
And it's an extension of the scalper market, a copy of the bizarre sneaker market, that these companies are eying and cashing in on. There's something very wrong about a portion of the market in the gaming industry that I can think of no parallel to in any other industry, except to an extent, the gambling industry, and the exception of the highly scalped "collectible's market." A strange phenomenon of a captive market that responds to ever more exorbitant and out of line pricing with a compulsive reaction to possess the object no matter the cost. I don't know what it is about the games market, but it's a personality flaw that seemingly runs exceptionally deep in the consumer base of gaming and almost no other market. But the industry has, unfortunately, taken notice and decided to exploit that instead of ignoring it and continuing to serve the market at fair value. And I don't see that trend reversing as long as that compulsive element of the market remains. The games market has become something different, rapidly. While "retail science" (an industry that acts as mostly consultants for retailers) is certainly an exploitative and manipulative approach to traditional retail, aimed at using people's own minds against them to encourage them to spend, where the gaming industry is going is something far more devious and manipulative. Nobody should feel good about what we're seeing. So many people in this thread are missing the point it's not about this title. This title is merely a bold representative of a much larger issue.
I mean it can be a cash grab and an attempt to generate some software, the PS5 has very few exclusives present.
Wait is it coming to PC?
@naruball I don’t know how else to make you understand lol yiu said English isn’t your first language so I won’t waste my time explaining to you
@Gamer83 I said the same thing but some people on here seem to read everything in their own context. Reading and comprehending for some people on here seems too difficult. It is a cash grab, and it’s not a bad thing for the company but you right it is unnecessary.
@Gelly This is laughable as a reply. So just shut up and take it is your argument? I've been a consumer advocate for 10 years now, because the continuing trends of the industry continually fail the consumers and bleed them more everyday. Actually you are wrong. When consumers complain and it begins to affect the bottom line of a product businesses often pivot to what consumers actually want. The reason we get live service games is you shut up and take it mentality. I don't care what's offered on PS+, the last couple of months have been lackluster in my opinion but I'm not griping about it. It just gives me more reason to not renew it in the future. Why support something I personally find lackluster? Also don't defend companies, they aren't children and will never acknowledge your 'contributions'.
Actually what I am doing is criticism. Charging MORE, not just full price, especially when the PS4 works flawlessly on PS5 is morally bankrupt. The full changes are TLOU2 combat mechanics in the game, that's it. Unless they are going to change the story, which is bull. I don't want to pay less for it because I'm never buying it. I refuse to give Sony the money telling them it's ok to upcharhe the customer for a game they probably already own. It's actually not that hard to remake this, it wasn't from the ground up. They used most of the base framework in the PS4 and ported it to a new engine, one that isn't exclusive to PS5. It's a cash grab. I'm not waiting for a sale because I can still play the first one, this is unnecessary.
@naruball You're describing tent pole releases. Tent pole releases make a ton of money that funds both profits and additional projects. They allow the companies to fund less profitable or more risky projects that could become very profitable. What this doesn't do is allow corporations to fund unprofitable projects solely for the sake of art. The shareholders would never allow that. Every project that gets greenlit, even the projects that do not end up making money, was greenlit for the sole purpose of making money. Even in those extremely rare instances where a corporation funds a money losing venture they are not doing so for the art, they want to raise their prestige so that more people buy the tent poles. Sony is not your friend and they are not artists. They are a corporation that exists to make profits. That doesn't mean it's wrong to enjoy their products, it's just what it is.
@Luna-Harmony "wow a remake of a remake"
It was remade before? When?
@Crumbytweak thanks for the laugh.
@naruball lol your a catty one aren’t you.
Definitely a cash grab (for me) when the same game is made several times over & asking for a full AAA price tag. If you never experienced the game before maybe it's not. Bought the OG + remastered version (and a big ND fan) but the €80 is to steep for me
@naruball if you look at the thread your getting emotional and replying to several people who are not arguing with you. Maybe look in the mirror, self awareness is a great thing to have 🙂
@NEStalgia idk, feel like you could release a boxed set of star wars movies every 5 years and people would buy it. think you're making gamers out to be more unique than they actually are.
This Poll should have a third option. In my opinion, it is unnecessary but it is not a cash grab neither. The third option may be "It is unnecessary, but not a cash grab"
@zupertramp I think "Star Wars" and "gamers" has a substantial enough market overlap that the implied disparity may not exist. Both are aimed at the same type of customer, and generally speaking, the same exact customers.
@Foreseer117 preach
@Gelly Actually Naughty Dog does owe me and everyone else. If they’re charging $70 for a game I could get for $20 and aren’t adding anything new to the story or additional modes while also taking away multiplayer, you’re damn right I’m going to complain. That’s a blatant rip-off.
It’s the exact same story, same characters. This isn’t a re-imagining or side story. They could’ve given us a Joel side story the way Ellie got one, but nope. They know most of their fans are suckers and will buy anything they put out. I’ve followed different remakes throughout the past few years and none of them have faced as much backlash as TLOU Part 1. Wanna know why?
Xenoblade DE was $59.99, not only did they upgrade the graphics but they added a new story thing to go alongside it. Resident Evil 2 was full priced as well, but it was a re-imagining of the game that felt like a totally new experience. Crash & Spyro were also remade but didn’t charge an arm and a leg because they didn’t add hours worth of content & just made it more modern. I could go on about remakes that didn’t rip off their consumers.
@Akurusu That's what I'm here for brother.
@NEStalgia right but star wars was just an example. another would be the Harry Potter books. There's some new edition every year it seems like. Same books, new covers/art/binding. And sure overlap there as well but how much really? Or take funkos. There's a Funko for everything. Machine Gun Kelly has a Funko. And often there are several different for the same character. Or artificially scarce limited ones... for really no real reason. Or the way people will buy all 5 different variant covers for the same exact comic.
I mean, I take your point, I do, but a desire for trinkets seems pretty universal. At least for first world folks with nothing better to do with their money (myself included).
@zupertramp I think you're highlighting the same market without realizing it. That's kind of my point. That collector's market from comics to sneakers to Harry Potter to Funkos.....this is really all the same market that has a compulsion to possess anything deemed limited, artificially scarce, or "updated" due to FOMO, no matter the cost. All of these things are describing the same general intersection of consumers. I think gaming happens to coalesce that intersection of behaviors well because of the nature of gaming itself tends to involve "collect all the things". Feathers, dragon coins, missing pages, DLCs, trophies, rare drops, etc. The behaviors in gaming sate that impulsive craving among those prone to have that impulse, and thus all those markets all coalesce into gaming. It's one and the same. It's one big interconnected market.
What's new is that the gaming industry has abandoned established fair practices and has leaned hard into fully exploiting that character flaw of it's customer base to its full benefit in the same manipulative/exploitative/predatory way you expect a casino to do. The games industry is behaving more and more like the "vices" (tobacco, gambling) more than other consumer goods.
The mass market does not seek artificially scarce limited trinkets. That's a market segment that is baked into gaming, as well as these other properties (comics, collectible toys, SW, HP) you mention. It's an absolute personality flaw that is overwhelmingly common among those attracted to those markets. For gaming it's obvious why, the games themselves serve that personality flaw. For things like SW, HP, etc...it's a bit more vague as to why there's that appeal, but it seems common among "nerdy" things, and makes one wonder if "nerdy" is related to a predisposition to that flaw.
I don't absolve myself of being prone to that as well, of course. I probably wouldn't be here if I weren't, we all are to some extent, but some can rationalize it more than others that are aware of it (and when it goes into angered denial, you know there's a problem...) Much like gambling addictions themselves. When you start to notice all the compulsive behavior occurring in these "nerdy" markets, and how extensively manipulated it's rapidly become, it becomes increasingly uncomfortable even associating with it all.
In gaming, the collector's editions like the $100 joke edition for this title dives really deep into that. But helps fuel FOMO and compulsive need to possess even the entirely non-limited but egregiously exploitative priced digital edition.
But the more people justify and rationalize value, not just of this, but a variety of such things going on in the gaming industry the more it feels like calling a gambling help line for tips on which horse will win.
@Northern_munkey By the same standard as demon souls this is the first REMAKE of THIS game. Why do people not understand the difference between a remaster and REMAKE. Demon souls was charged a premium price just as the dev will do with this. They have been REMAKING games for decades as technology advances its not like its suddenly just appeared. I cant wait to play this game again and I am dissappointed to hear many on here are very vocal about this is not what we want please do not speak for me. If you dont want it move on. The term cash grab is such a loose term to throw around. Isnt anything sold for a profit a cash grab by the very definition?
@Polybius84 not sure exactly what your issue is with me..i wasnt speaking for you so dont take that tone with me sunshine..i was only saying what peoples issues were..lighten up or maybe take a valium..
@naruball english isnt your first language? Wow and i say wow because you actually speak (well type technically) a whole lot better than most english people i know and better than most on here..👍
@NEStalgia I give you credit for the insightful write up. I actually wouldn't disagree with the way you describe this overarching "market" but I'd probably still disagree gaming (or gamers) serve as the lynchpin to that market. "Nerd culture" market seems a more accurate label, whereby gamers are definitely in there but just one piece of a very lucrative pie.
My sense is that other things are like this, though - susceptible to fomo style marketing (guns, cars and their accessories, household tools, other manly stuff) but as those aren't typically products I'm interested in I can't provide examples. But I could be off the mark there. Just seems like I'm sometimes around other people who appear to be constantly buying some particular good (in these other markets) just to have it and not because it's particularly useful.
Worth 70$? No. It's a Remake of a Remaster, not a new game, no matter the quality of the polish... it brings no important new content.
Would have been more acceptable with a price of 40$-50$ tops, like many other remakes or remasters? You bet.
@Shinnok789 I’ve never seen a remake with this much outrage behind it. Naughty Dog fans think they can do no wrong so they assume it’s just people hating on PlayStation instead of looking at the logical reason that paying $70 for a remake with little to no additional content (compared to other remakes) and does almost nothing to reinvent the experience is ridiculous.
“its hard to win an argument with a smart person, but its damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person”.
Im going to take bill murrays advice here and back off, because you obviously have no clue how game development works.
And, they do not owe u anything. no one owes you anything. A person doesnt owe you s*it just because you like them. thats not how the world works. Maybe when you grow up a little bit that will make sense to you.
And my advice, you should go buy the game that you clearly said is already 20 dollars. You said you can buy it right ? so… why dont you ? its there ! same story same characters, 20 bucks. everything you’re complaining about can be fixed in a second! and you wont be so angry ! buy that one ! youll be so much happier.
Don’t. Buy. it. That. simple.
the reason people will still buy the game is because no one gives a rats ass about your, ill informed, uneducated, opinion.
Some people are getting way too deep into this issue. If you dont want it dont buy it. Why not have issue with the devs of games like COD and Fifa/madden. They Churn out the same rubbish every 10-12 months just with a re- arranged menu with different colours and an updated database and still charge full price year upon year. At least ND are passionate about bringing TLOU to us in the best possible way. Upon release it will be the 3rd time I have visted the game and I am excited and all it will cost is the equivalent of just over 2/3 of a tank of Diesel! Bargain?
@Northern_munkey Grow up. Its a conversation.
@Gelly Dude, you need to relax 😂 you’re calling me stupid and swearing like a sailor all because I called out Naughty Dog and want more as a consumer? I do have The Last of Us Remastered. And how was my opinion uneducated or ill-informed? Did I miss something? Because all I heard was that they’re re-doing the gameplay and graphics. I didn’t hear anything about additional content that fleshes out the characters more (Resident Evil 2) or adds a few hours worth of playtime.
I had a good laugh reading your comment, but you’re the one who needs to grow up.
I have no issues with the game, other than the full $70 price.
I'll happily play it once I see it on sale for $20 New in a few years.
@Polybius84 if you want a conversation change the way you interact with people..i wasnt having a go at you when i originally responded to you but you got all defensive and antagonistic..me grow up? I dont think i'm the one that needs to grow up here fella..lets put this behind us and move on and maybe have a better discourse next time out 👍
It's so funny seeing fanboys tripping over themselves to move the goalposts further and further in order to justify splashing 70 (insert currency here) for this completely unnecessary remake, which costs more than the other two (!) already existing versions cost at launch, without even including the multiplayer.
"It's not a cash grab because it's Naughty Dog and they make polished stuff!"
"No, ALL games are cash grabs cause they exist to make money!"
"Wait...EVERYTHING is made to make money, therefore everything is a cash grab!"
Never change 😂
I think the tone has been misinterpreted here. Apologies, It wasn't intended a response to you just a mere call to the collective if it seemed direct. It was not my intention to imply to you alone or have an issue with you neither was it intended to be defensive or antagonistic which to be fair is a bit of a stretch. Anyway, I appreciate the response.
@naruball They would not have made those games if they knew they would lose money. Those games were a gamble that they hoped would make money.
@naruball It was a PS3 game then Remade on PS4 Now on PS5 again so that will be 3 generation.
@Americansamurai1 until you stop whining over a game no one is forcing you to buy I'll say take your medication 💊
@Luna-Harmony remastered on ps4 not remade
@Mega-Gazz did you forget when Sony said ps5 game's will be $70 or you have amnesia
@Sakai sweetie you a joke shhh
@Zombiechris who's whining I'm stating the obvious why would anyone buy a game without seeing gameplay. Stop being a fanboy.
@Americansamurai1 so if a company doesn't show gameplay in there game's before it's released you not gonna but it and it's a bad sign? This child right here still crying and whining about naughty dog
@Zombiechris I won't buy any game unless I see gameplay. I'm not a blind fanboy like you. I've moved pass last of us, I guess your still stuck on it. Who even cares really if games are all you think about maybe you need to get a life.
@Americansamurai1 sure jan
@DETfaninATL look again
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