
  • Review Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PlayStation 3)

    World at war

    Picking up the epic arc of events in Infinity Ward's blockbuster Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the much-hyped continuation of the near-future storyline. Modern Warfare 2 crafts a darker, grittier plot than Call of Duty 4, but it's also less grounded. Set roughly ten years in the future, you'll play as...


  • Review DJ Hero 2 (PlayStation 3)

    The sequel to last year's dance, hip-hop and pop rhythm alternative; DJ Hero garnered a following with the crowd yet to be lulled by Guitar Hero's heavy-rock focus - those searching for a video game equivalent of club culture

    It both succeeded and failed — while the original DJ Hero's track-listing was a breath of fresh air, the game suffered from...


  • Review Singularity (PlayStation 3)

    As Captain Renko, a modern-day military operative, you're sent by the US to investigate an unusual Russian Cold War-era research island known as Katorga-12

    It's clear bad stuff is going down there, because after a pretty brutal helicopter crash, you find yourself warped from the ruined propaganda-laden halls of the island in the present day, to the...


  • Review Transformers: War For Cybertron (PlayStation 3)

    Transformers: War For Cybertron is set years before the events of the original cartoon series, commonly referred to as Generation One

    Fans of the franchise will know that it's at the start of said series where the Transformers take their fight away from their native land of Cybertron to the energy-ridden plains of Earth. War For Cybertron, as the...

  • Review Blur (PlayStation 3)

    Blur is the sum of a combination of games

    At its very core it is Project Gotham Racing: take to the circuit with semi-sim, semi-arcade car handling and earn "fans" (as opposed to kudos) by racing creatively. But there's much more to Blur than its PGR inspired core. The power-up racing concept is very much a Mario Kart staple, though here...


  • Review Wolfenstein (PlayStation 3)

    It's kind of ironic that Wolfenstein should fall victim to an overcrowded genre that it created

    You step into the shoes of BJ Blazkowicz, a chirpy super-American with the chiseled looks of an overweight Nathan Drake. Once again the Nazis are being general douchebags, digging up some bonkers historical element known as Black Sun Energy. For time...