Author Profile

James started his career in video games as News Editor on Nintendo Life. Since leaving in 2012 to join Nintendo of Europe, James has risen through the ranks to become NoE's Senior Product PR & Corporate Communications Manager.

1,049 (43 reviews)
First Article
Wed 1st, September 2010
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  • News Plenty of Move Videos and Themes in This Week's Store Update

    Head on in to see what's up

    A bumper crop of Move content this week, with trailers, videos, a patch for PAIN and even a full game to download. Sports Champions gets a reverse disc golf course, High Velocity Bowling gets a digital compendium of all content and TV Superstars themes jump up and down screaming "pick me! Pick me!" in a manner...

  • News Patched for Move: PAIN (Free)

    Shake to ooch

    If you're a fan of PAIN – the game, that is – you can now grab a free update to let you use the Move controller in game. It seems from the official description that you won't be able to use Move in every level, but it compensates by adding new stages and gameplay modes. There's more information over at the official PAIN blog. We'll...

  • News Only PlayStation Move Does Augmented Reality Justice, says Dev

    Kinect delay ruins experience

    PlayStation arguably brought augmented reality into the home, with the PS2's EyeToy games getting further refined into EyePet: Move Edition, Start the Party! and more on PlayStation Move. Now Dana Jan, director at PlayStation masters Ready at Dawn, has spoken out about how Move has the edge in augmented reality gaming...

  • News Get More from Your Workout with Mel B's Accessories

    Workout mat and weights

    Get Fit with Mel B is out now in North America, but any UK-based readers with one eye on making the most of their fitness experience might want to check out these performance-enhancing accessories available from Blaze. Officially endorsed by both Mel B and Fitness First, the BLAZE Fitness First Wrist & Ankle weights are...

  • News Now This is How You Sell Move in Paris

    With spandex and coloured dots, of course

    We've seen Move lend itself to some crazy costumes already, particularly the Move Men featured in this Norwegian advert for the controller, but this neat ensemble seen at Paris Games Week might take the cake. Sony's motion controller had a big presence at the show, with practically every Sony-published Move...

  • Review TV Superstars (PlayStation 3)

    A real turn-off

    TV Superstars is a minigame collection that hinges on the concept of being contestants on a range of reality TV shows, so it’s fitting that it ends up being a shallow and forgettable experience. It all starts off well: you use the PlayStation Eye camera to snap three photos for your contestants’ head, record a short sample and...

  • News Pachter: Move Could Make Publishers Billions

    We're talking big money

    Kinect vs. Move, Move vs. Kinect – who will win? Everybody's favourite analyst Michael Pachter is being uncharacteristically cagey about who he'll be backing, as he reckons both systems can shift over 10 million units before the end of 2011, making half of those sales before the current financial year ends in April 2011...

  • News Move Starter Pack and Controllers Sold Out at Amazon UK

    Purchase limit imposed

    It's not just Kinect selling out at Amazon – Move is also in short supply on the major retailer's site, resulting in price increases and stock limitations. At the time of writing, the Starter Pack is only available through Amazon sellers rather than the website itself, at

  • News Start the Party's Japanese Box Art is Truly Amazing

    Check out the other updates

    Whilst we Western PlayStation owners sometimes get a raw deal when box art makes the trip from Japan – just ask anyone who picked up an American Ico – it's not always a one-day street, as evidenced by this amazing Start the Party! box art from the Far East. The remainder of Move software fares significantly better,...

  • News Step to the Oche with Top Darts on PlayStation Store

    "Better than any darts game you've ever played before"

    PDC Darts is coming to PlayStation Move next month, but it's not the only corkboard title on the way to the controller, as Devil's Details has just announced Top Darts is on the way to PlayStation Network around Christmas time. Whereas PDC World Championship Darts Pro Tour is aiming for a more...

  • News Move Launch Helps Sony Post Profit in Q2 2010

    Software and hardware sales up

    Sony's PlayStation division reported a profitable Q2 in the current financial year thanks to increased sales of PS3 hardware, software and PlayStation Move. The latest Sony financial report puts PS3 hardware sales at 3.5m worldwide, up from 3.2m last year, with 35.3m units of software shifted, a huge improvement on...

  • News PlayStation Move Off to a Good Start in Japan

    Four titles in top 20

    PlayStation Move launched in Japan a week ago, with some encouraging performances from launch titles. The Japanese chart from the 18th to 24th of October put the PS3 2,000 units down on the previous week, shifting 20,128 across the seven day period, but Move software fared well overall. Beat Sketcher reached the heady heights...

  • News Microsoft Pays Move Another Back-Handed Compliment

    "It's a great product but..."

    Microsoft's Phil Spencer recently said he owned a Move but preferred Kinect, and now Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has thrown his hat in the Move vs. Kinect ring. Speaking to Eurogamer, Greenberg initially attempted to dodge the question with the old reliable "there's room in the marketplace for both" line, but...

  • Out Today Friday October 29th 2010 (Europe)

    Four titles inbound for Movers

    Today is one of the biggest release days of the calendar across all formats, so it's no surprise that PlayStation Move is also receiving a bumper crop of titles, with a stack of motion controlled games making their way to retailers across Europe. Televisual party game TV Superstars arrives alongside televisual shooting...

  • News Learn the Ropes in New Aragorn's Quest Move Trailer

    Swing, slash, parry!

    Tomorrow Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest finally completes its trip to Mt. Doom – well, Europe – so it's the perfect time to find out how the game's Move controls work in practice. Pretty much as you'd expect, actually. Swinging, thrusting and swiping with your Move all executes different moves, hopefully providing Move's...

  • News Killzone 3 a Sure Bet for Most OTT Special Edition of 2011

    Three little words: giant Helghast helmet

    If the current Killzone 3 beta has you so excited about the upcoming shooter you're willing to spend anything to get the best Killzone experience possible, you're about to be very happy indeed. Sony has just announced the ultimate edition of Killzone 3, known as the Helghast Edition, which will retail with...

  • News Sly Cooper Collection Unmasked for November 9th US Launch

    Move minigame screenshots inside!

    If you had a PS2, and you didn't play any of the Sly Cooper games... let's just say you missed out on some fine entertainment. It's okay though, you didn't miss out completely: Sony is bringing The Sly Collection (The Sly Trilogy in Europe) to PS3 later this year, and it's coming equipped with PlayStation Move...

  • News Crafts & Meister Busy Crafting PlayStation Move Game

    Japanese team working on motion title

    The name Crafts & Meister might not mean much to you – a small development studio set up in 2004, it's yet to release a game for home consoles, its only title so far being arcade brawler Super Dragon Ball Z, although Wii adventure Earth Seeker is set for release soon. Studio director Noritaka Funamizu, a...

  • Review Buzz!: The Ultimate Music Quiz (PlayStation 3)

    Pretty fly

    Buzz! has been around for what seems like ages; released in 2005, there have been no fewer than 18 releases in the Buzz! series in those short five years. Now the latest outing for the be-quiffed host arrives in the form of Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz, and it’s brought a few Move rounds with it. If you’ve never played a Buzz! game...

  • News Patched for Move: High Velocity Bowling (Free)

    At long last, it's here

    Up until now, only PlayStation Plus owners have been able to use the Move features in High Velocity Bowling, leading some to speculate that the update would cost non-subscribers. The good news is that the update hit in yesterday's PlayStation Store update and is absolutely free. Other content available in the Store now...

  • News The Fight Steps Back to November 9th Release

    Slight delay for fighter

    If you've been looking forward to Sony's The Fight: Lights Out since you first picked up your Move, the bad news is you'll have to wait a little longer to smack your friends in full 1:1 control. The game has been pushed back in North America to November 9th, with a UK release date set a few days earlier on November 5th. No...

  • News Konami Announces No More Heroes for PlayStation Move... Again

    Travis touches down

    The official US PlayStation blog gets plenty scoops – it is the official PlayStation blog after all – but not always. Cast your minds back to the early days of Movemodo – our first day of operation, in fact. We brought you news that Konami was bringing No More Heroes to PlayStation 3, and today Konami has announced it's...

  • News Microsoft VP: "I Own a Move, but Kinect is Far More Immersive"

    Technologies "fundamentally different"

    Move and Kinect are two totally different technologies, offering widely varied gameplay experiences: we know this, you know this. Microsoft Game Studios vice president Phil Spencer knows this too, talking up his company's motion sensor ahead of its US launch next week. Whilst Spencer claims to own a Move...

  • News Kinect Control is "Cumbersome", says Creator of Move and EyeToy

    Withering comments from Dr Richard Marks

    With all the excitement surrounding Kinect's North American launch next week, not everyone is on board with the idea of controller-free gaming, particularly one of the idea's founding fathers, PlayStation's Dr Richard Marks. The man behind PlayStation Move as well as its predecessor the EyeToy, arguably...