Author Profile

James started his career in video games as News Editor on Nintendo Life. Since leaving in 2012 to join Nintendo of Europe, James has risen through the ranks to become NoE's Senior Product PR & Corporate Communications Manager.

1,049 (43 reviews)
First Article
Wed 1st, September 2010
Avg. Review Score
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  • News Sly Cooper Steals into Europe in Early December

    Cooper trio next month

    The Sly Collection, or The Sly Trilogy in Europe*, is already out in North America but it won't be too long until European gamers can get their claws into it, as the game's launch kicks off on December 1st. Gamers across continental Europe can grab the game from Wednesday December 1st, antipodean fans receive the title the...

  • News EA's Create Wants to Move You Next Week

    Make it work

    If you fancy dabbling in a spot of make believe, EA might just have the game for you. Create is set for release next week across North America and Europe, and EA is hoping it'll strike a chord with Move users everywhere. Create is a new spin on the puzzle game that asks players to solve conundrums in innovative ways, whilst also giving...

  • News Beat Sketcher's November 23rd Release Draws Near

    Rock and (paint) roller

    PlayStation Store download Beat Sketcher is on the way to North America in just two weeks, dated for release on November 23rd. A demo of the music and painting title is already available on the PlayStation Store and worth a go, as Beat Sketcher shows off the precision tracking of the Move controller in impressive fashion. To...

  • Review SingStar Dance (PlayStation 3)

    Bust a Move

    When you’ve been the leading karaoke title for the past six years, how do you keep the experience fresh? That’s the rather fortunate problem facing SingStar, and this year has seen two significant additions to the formula, first in the form of SingStar Guitar and now with SingStar Dance for PlayStation Move. Rather than hold a Move...

  • News John Daly's Gets Seasonal Price Drop Across the US

    Only $29.99 to play links with the Lion

    John Daly's ProStroke Golf is a fine golf game for Move users, limited though it may be, and now there's good news for everyone who thought "I might get that when it comes down in price." The good news? It's gone down in price. Already available in the UK for around the £24.99 mark, O-Games has just...

  • News LittleBigPlanet 2 Special Edition is Gonzo Gonzo Gonzo

    Disney and Muppets characters headline

    Got over the sting of LittleBigPlanet 2's delay to early 2011? If not, the content in the game's sweet collector's edition ought to do the trick. Ignore the fancy steelbook packaging that looks like Sackboy's furry torso and the five exclusive PSN avatars you'll receive – the downloadable costumes on offer...

  • News PlayStation Store Under Siege from December 8th

    Get tactical next month

    Seed Studios' customisable RTS Under Siege is on the way to the PlayStation Store next month, the developer announced today. The game is expected to reach Europe first, beginning its pillaging on December 8th for €14.99/£11.99 before moving on to North America the following week where it'll cost $19.99. You can read our...

  • News Get a Sneaky Advantage with The Fight: Lights Out DLC

    Leading the charge in this week's US update

    So you've bought The Fight: Lights Out and you're finding it a bit tough – why not download some extra content from the PlayStation Store to give you a fighting chance? For $0.99 a pop you can buy yourself the ability to wriggle from grapples, extra stamina and harder punches, amongst other combat...

  • News Get Down to PlayStation Move's Manhattan Lounge

    On Madison Avenue

    From San Francisco to New York, PlayStation Move continues to touch gamers right across the States, with the latest PlayStation Lounge setting up shop in Manhattan today. Hosted at 550 Madison Avenue, the Lounge will be your chance to get your hands on new Move titles including The Fight: Lights Out, as well as stand a chance of...

  • Out Today Tuesday November 9th 2010 (North America)

    A string of titles to delve into today

    Whether you're into singing, dancing, fighting or stealthing, there should be something to tickle your fancy this week as a trio of Move-enabled titles land on North American shores. Of course, we'll bring you full and honest reviews of these games shortly. Will you be picking any of these titles up? The Fight:...

  • News Deadstorm Pirates to Swash PSN Buckles in Europe This Month

    Pirate shooter ahoy!

    It's already been first mate in the shooting compilation Time Crisis: Razing Storm and now Deadstorm Pirates is set to captain its own course towards PlayStation Store this month. Retailing at £15.99 or €19.99, the game will feature all the two-player blasting action of its Blu-ray release as well as online leaderboards...

  • News PlayStation Move By the Numbers Offers Up Facts and Figures

    But do they add up?

    "Numbers never lie" so goes the age-old axiom, so this chart from the official US PlayStation Blog is a big dollop of fact for you to take in. As well as counting up the numbers of games already available for the system – 24 apparently, though our review archives currently hold 25 reviews, oddly – it also gives...

  • News Sony Right to Target Core Gamers with Move, says Analyst

    The brilliantly named Billy Pidgeon

    If Kinect is for casual, Move is for more accomplished gamers, with M2 Research's senior analyst Billy Pidgeon backing Sony's strategy in selling the motion controller to regular gamers. Speaking to IndustryGamers Pidgeon emphasised Move's appeal to enthusiastic gamers thanks to solid titles such as MAG, Heavy...

  • News PDC Darts Includes Two Wizards and a Matador

    Six new players make their débuts

    If you thought professional darts was a murky world about beer, blokes and bad shirts, you'd be selling the sport short: it's also about daft nicknames and crisps. This latest trailer for upcoming title PDC World Championship Darts Pro Tour shows off the local multiplayer modes you'll be able to enjoy come November...

  • News The Sly Collection May Be an Appetiser for Sly Cooper 4

    Trophies hints at further raccoon adventures

    The Sly Collection is a HD, 3D-enabled, Move-compatible collection of Sly Cooper's three PS2 adventures, but what we all really want is a brand new adventure for Thievius Raccoonus. The good news is that the collection's trophies hint at a possible future return for Cooper's clan. The Platinum trophy...

  • Review The Shoot (PlayStation 3)

    Lights, Camera, Action!

    The Shoot is that simplest of creatures: the arcade lightgun game. If you’ve played any on-rails shooter in the past 20 years you’ll think you know what to expect, but The Shoot makes enough subtle additions to be worth a look even for jaded shooter fans. Setting the scene with a brass James Bond-style theme, The...

  • News Learn Some Dirty Tricks for The Fight: Lights Out

    Practise your elbows and headbutts now

    The Fight: Lights Out just landed in Europe with a North American release on Tuesday, but if you want to prepare yourself for the upcoming bout you might want to check out this video from Sony's official PlayStation blog. As well as detailing the character customisation available to let you craft a fighter in...

  • News Tons of Great Third Party Games Out Next Year, says Sony

    Hoping to redress the imbalance

    You need only look at our PlayStation Move games list to see that the lion's share of support for the controller is coming from Sony itself, with no fewer than 26 games either released or officially announced. Sony's line-up accounts for nearly half of the currently-known Move titles, but that's not always going to be...

  • Interviews Lightning Fish Games - Get Fit with Mel B

    Get Answers with These Qs

    Get Fit with Mel B is the first fitness game for Move, although there's been plenty of sweat poured out in Sports Champions. We had plenty of questions about how Move was used in the upcoming workout title, so we collared developer Lightning Fish Games and demanded answers. Movemodo: First of all, please introduce yourself...

  • News Coldwood Interactive Sheds Light on The Fight

    Transparencies, first-person view and more

    Full body motion fighter The Fight: Lights Out is set to launch in Europe tomorrow with a North American release following on Tuesday, but previews have raised some issues with the game. One such gripe raised is the lack of transparent characters, making it tough to see what your fighter is doing from the...

  • News Sony Launches £14m Advert Campaign to Counteract Kinect Effect

    Will have sold 500,000 Moves in UK by Christmas

    With six days before Kinect for Xbox 360 lands in the UK, Sony has kicked off a high-profile advertising campaign for its own motion controller across the country. Sony's spending £14m to reach three major audiences: families, social players and core gamers. It's formed partnerships with Channel 4,...

  • News Sorcery Mysteriously Absent from Sony's Coming Soon List

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    Magic wand-wielder Sorcery is undoubtedly one of the most exciting titles on the way to Move, promising a completely accurate motion-based method of casting spells. Whilst some retailers have it listed for a release in the first three months of 2011, the official US PlayStation Blog recently posted up a list of games on...

  • News EyeToy Retrospective Video Makes a Good Case for Buttons

    "People like holding things"

    You may already be aware that PlayStation Move started on PS2, but this nifty video from Dr Richard Marks and the team at Sony is a neat look back at the legacy of the original EyeToy. It also contains a few thinly-veiled digs at Microsoft's Kinect sensor as Dr Marks talks up the importance of buttons, precision and the...

  • News John Daly's ProStroke Golf Demo Available Now in Europe

    Take on the Lion for free

    We were pretty pleased with John Daly's ProStroke Golf's fine motion controls, though less so with its presentation, and now anyone who's been putting off getting to grips with the Lion can get a slice of the game with a free demo, available across Europe today. The demo offers several single-player modes, with nine holes...