Tag: Bethesda - Page 13

  • News Fallout 4: Far Harbor Ran So Bad on PS4 that Bethesda's Actually Re-Released It

    You can download the new version now in North America

    Wait, what? Last week, Bethesda stated that it had sent a Fallout 4: Far Harbor update to Sony for approval. It was apparently going to fix the add-on's serious frame rate issues, but the supposed patch still isn't available to download on PlayStation 4. Quite the mystery. Except there may have...

  • News Expect a Fallout 4: Far Harbor Performance Improving Patch Next Week on PS4

    See through the fog

    We were kind of hoping that Bethesda would be able to get a patch out earlier in the week to address Fallout 4: Far Harbor's serious frame rate issues on PlayStation 4, but it sadly didn't arrive in time for the weekend. However, over on its official Twitter account, the developer has confirmed that a fix is incoming. "We've...

  • News Just How Bad Is Fallout 4: Far Harbor on PS4?

    Pretty damn horrendous

    We got a lot of stick for our Fallout 4: Far Harbor review this week, with many criticising reviewer Robert Ramsey for taking the title's framerate to task. However, a Digital Foundry investigation proves just how bad the expansion runs on Sony's new-gen system, with the rele

  • News Fallout 4 Mods Set to Arrive on PS4 Next Month

    So close yet so far

    Fallout 4 mods are arriving on Xbox One at the end of the month, but Bethesda thankfully hasn't forgotten about the PlayStation Nation. After announcing a release date for mods on Microsoft's machine, the developer followed up by saying that mod support is "still on track for next month" with regards to PlayStation 4 players...

  • News Bethesda Actively Working on Improvements for Fallout 4: Far Harbor's Framerate

    Fog of war

    Our review of Fallout 4: Far Harbor went live this week, heavily criticising the add-on's performance on the PlayStation 4. Many argued that we should have given the expansive expansion a pass considering the quality of the content contained within, but we believe that critical framerate issues such as those encountered in this instance...

  • Review Fallout 4: Far Harbor (PS4)

    Fogging hell

    The fog of Far Harbor is to be feared. It inflicts radiation poisoning on those who dare to trek through it, it gives birth to horribly slimy creatures of the deep, and it does an admirable job of obscuring your view of the fiends that stalk the wilderness. The island's residents have a right to fear the mist: it keeps them penned...

  • Hands On Fallout 4: Far Harbor's Frame Rate Is Unacceptable on PS4

    Come on, Bethesda

    What a disappointment this turned out to be. Fallout 4 is easily the best performing title that Bethesda has ever released on a PlayStation platform, but its first big expansion, Far Harbor, is in a real state right now. We're just a few hours into the highly anticipated add-on, and we're honestly finding it difficult to keep...

  • Review DOOM (PS4)

    Leviticus 26:7

    It wasn't until Wolfenstein: The New Order that we noticed how homogeneous first-person shooters have become over the past decade. The genre's certainly made strides forward, but from a big picture perspective, we've spent the past decade or so taking cover and performing pot-shots to reach our objectives. However, MachineGames'...

  • News New Fallout 4: Far Harbor Trailer Will Get You Hyped for Tonight's Release

    Down to the depths

    Far Harbor, Fallout 4's first true expansion, releases tonight on PlayStation 4 at 00:01AM wherever you are, and it's safe to say that many fans of Bethesda's open world role-playing game are excited. If the hype bug hasn't quite bit you yet, though, you may want to take a look at the add-on's new trailer, which features members...

  • News Fallout 4: Far Harbor Gets a Midnight Launch on PS4

    Come on in, the water's fine

    Bethesda's planning on getting Fallout 4's first big expansion, Far Harbor, into your hands almost as soon as the clock strikes midnight on the 19th May. The add-on will be available to download on PlayStation 4 at 00:01AM no matter where you are. Technically, this means that Europe will be able to get stuck in hours...

  • Video Should You Buy DOOM on PS4?

    Hell's respawn

    We've been to Hell and back – and all you're getting is this lousy DOOMvideo review. While reviewer Joey Thurmond is still busy thoroughly investigating every last crevice of the underworld, yours truly has returned from Hades with a tale to tell. Watch on as we walk you through id Software's unashamedly old-school FPS – and come...

  • Hands On Dispatching Demons in DOOM on PS4


    DOOM wastes no time setting out its stall. There a pentagram, a pistol, and one of Satan's soldiers. Pew, pew – off we go. Extremely late review copies mean that we've only just managed to get our hands on id Software's key card collecting sim – but does this unashamedly old-school FPS make a strong first impression? We're about three or so...

  • Feature Is Survival Mode the Best Way to Play Fallout 4?

    We got ourselves a bleeder

    Launching on PlayStation 4 earlier this month, Fallout 4's update version 1.06 finally brought real survival to the Commonwealth. The title's revamped survival mode changes how the game's played on various fundamental levels, forcing you to eat, drink, and sleep in order to live through your post-apocalyptic adventure...

  • News Here's What You Can Expect From DOOM's Action-Packed Single Player Campaign

    No guts no glory

    DOOM's out in just a couple of days on PlayStation 4, so it's nice of Bethesda to release some new gameplay footage while we sit here waiting for our review copy to arrive. Snark aside, we're hoping that the shooter's single player campaign is up to snuff, because what we've seen of it so far has looked promising. In the game's...

  • Rumour Cancelled Open World Sci-Fi Title Prey 2 Could Be Revived at E3 2016

    Close encounters

    Those of you with good memories may remember a game called Prey 2, which was announced for the PlayStation 3 back in 2011. A sequel to the original Prey - a first-person sci-fi shooter - Prey 2 was supposedly going to be a pretty big deal; an open world action game in which you played as a bounty hunter, tracking down aliens and...

  • News Don't Expect DOOM PS4 Reviews Any Time Soon

    Review code not being sent until launch

    We're really looking forward to DOOM here at Push Square Towers, but if you're still sitting on the fence, then you may need to wait a little while for reviews. Bethesda has confirmed to IGN that it won't be sending out copies to critics ahead of release, because the title's online servers won't be switched on...

  • News Fallout 4 Far Harbor Trophies Emerge From the Deep on PS4

    Let's have a look-sea

    Due to release on the 19th May, Far Harbor is Fallout 4's first major expansion, and takes place on an irradiated island that's apparently one of the biggest add-on areas that Bethesda's ever crafted. The downloadable content got an official trailer earlier this week - which you can watch through here - and now the expansion's...

  • News Out Now on PS4, Fallout 4 Patch 1.06 Brings Real Survival to the Commonwealth


    Fallout 4's survival mode patch has finally arrived on PlayStation 4. Available to download right now, update version 1.06 weighs in at around 2.4GB, so you may want to get it downloading if you're planning on exploring the Commonwealth this evening. As hinted, the patch adds the highly anticipated, revamped survival mode to the...

  • News DOOM's PS4 Launch Trailer Needs More Double Bass Pedal

    Dub dub-dub-dub dub

    Even as an avid Taylor Swift fan, this author readily admits that sometimes – just sometimes – one needs a little heavy metal in their life. This all-new DOOM launch trailer, with its squealing guitars and muddy basslines, is the perfect tonic to an afternoon spent listening to bittersweet bubblegum pop, then – but where's...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Crawls onto PS4 This Friday

    Limping to the finish line

    The Fallout 4 news is coming thick and fast this afternoon. Following the reveal of Far Harbor's release date and official trailer, Bethesda's reiterated that it still expects Update 1.5 - which includes the long awaited revamped survival mode - to launch this week on PlayStation 4. The publisher says that the patch will...

  • News Fallout 4's Huge Far Harbor Expansion Harpoons a Release Date on PS4

    And a creepy new trailer

    Far Harbor is Fallout 4's first big expansion, and it's out in just a couple of weeks. Emerging from its vault, Bethesda's unleashed the add-on's official trailer, which we've embedded. It's only a short video, but it seems pretty clear to us that Far Harbor's going to adopt a darker tone compared to the main game...

  • News Dishonored 2 Gets Stabby This November on PS4

    Business end of the blade

    Dishonored 2 is going to be out in time for the holidays, meaning that you can spend those cold wintry nights brutally murdering guardsmen and nobility. Bethesda's announced that the stealthy sequel will be on show at E3 next month, promising a world gameplay première during the publisher's press conference. Unlike the...

  • News Fallout 4 Survival Mode Set to Irradiate PS4 Next Week

    Pack those stims

    After a long wait, Fallout 4's revamped survival mode will be coming to PlayStation 4 next week, Bethesda estimates. The punishing new setting does away with privileges like quicksave and autosave, forcing you to eat, drink, and sleep in order to survive the dangers of the Commonwealth. Survival mode's been in a beta testing phase...

  • News The Elder Scrolls Online's Dark Brotherhood DLC Writes a Release Date in Blood on PS4

    Sweet mother

    The Dark Brotherhood's been skulking around in the shadows for a few weeks, but now we know when it's finally going to strike. Following on from the Thieves Guild expansion which launched earlier this month, everyone's favourite band of murderers will be sending out bloodied invitations to PlayStation 4 players on the 14th June. The...

  • News The Dark Brotherhood Teases Bloody Murder in The Elder Scrolls Online

    We know, we know

    The Dark Brotherhood is coming to The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited at some point in the next few months, and the cult's keen on reminding you of its dark and sinister presence courtesy of a new teaser trailer. Admittedly, the clip doesn't show much, but it might just be enough to get you in the mood for some stabby...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Update Is Coming to PS4 Very Soon

    Third person camera also improved

    Fallout 4's survival mode is finally out of its own beta and, er, into another. The new mode is available right now on PC as part of the game's 1.5 update beta - and that means a console version of the patch can't be far off. If we had to guess, we'd say that it'll probably be available to download within the next...

  • DLC Review Building Deathclaw Arenas in Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop on PS4

    Are you not entertained?

    Unlike Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Fallout 4's second slice of downloadable content, doesn't feature any quests, stories, or new characters. It's very much an add-on pack in both name and nature, providing you with a load of new settlement crafting options and not much else. However, for its relatively low price tag,...

  • News You Can Get Your Oily Hands on Fallout 4's New DLC Starting Tonight


    Fallout 4's second downloadable offering, Wasteland Workshop, is due to release on the 12th April - but as with Automatron, you'll actually be able to nab the add-on when the clocks strike 12:00AM tonight. That's midnight across Europe, taking into account respective time zones, and midnight EST in North America. In case you haven't been...

  • News Fallout 4 Named Best Game at 2016 BAFTA Game Awards

    The wanderer returns

    In case you missed all the chest-thumping on social media, the 2016 BAFTA Game Awards were held earlier tonight. Fallout 4, Bethesda's latest open world blockbuster, staggered out of the nuclear haze clutching the show's most prestigious award - probably much to the disappointment of editor Sammy Barker, who'll no doubt by...

  • News Bethesda's Already Hyping Its E3 2016 Showing

    Dishonored! Fallout! The Elder Scrolls!

    Surely it's not time to start thinking about E3 2016? We suppose it's just over two months until the big show now, which means that we're pulling out the Push Square oxygen masks in preparation for any impending panic attacks. Bethesda, it seems, is not really bothered about the encroaching nature of the...

  • News DOOM PS4 Open Beta, Post-Release Plan Revealed

    Should make the game a little beta

    DOOM, the next iteration in the original FPS franchise, is getting an open beta from 15th April to 18th April, which will contain the Team Deathmatch and Warpath – a king-of-the-hill-type mode in which the target territory moves around in a circular pattern – modes as well as the Heatwave and Infernal maps...

  • News A Fresh Fallout 4 Patch Has Snuck onto PS4

    Weighs in at 2.4GB

    There's a new update out for Fallout 4 on PlayStation 4 - but don't get excited just yet. According to Bethesda, the latest patch is only an incremental update - in other words, the developer's just bringing the game up to speed with other platforms. Apparently, the patch adds in Trophy support for the upcoming add-on, Wasteland...

  • News Fallout 4's Next DLC Scavenges a Release Date and Trailer

    Working the wasteland

    Fallout 4's second slice of downloadable content, Wasteland Workshop, will add a ton of new settlement options to the open world game. It'll allow you to capture and tame deadly Commonwealth monsters, create flashy new homes, and even set up your own sick and twisted arena that sees unarmed men go up against wild beasts. Well,...

  • News Here Are the Full Details on Fallout 4's Survival Mode

    Wasted in the wasteland

    Fallout 4's incoming survival mode is sounding more and more like a rather drastic gameplay overhaul as opposed to a new difficulty setting. Currently being beta tested on PC, the new mode makes living in the wasteland a much more realistic and brutal experience, and Bethesda's gone ahead and detailed everything that you can...

  • News Fallout 4's Far Harbor Expansion Sounds Bloody Massive

    Making waves

    Fallout 4's already stuffed with content, boasting one of the most dense game worlds that we've seen in quite some time - and it sounds as though it's about to get a heck of a lot bigger. The game's third piece of downloadable content, titled Far Harbor, is set to be a more traditional expansion, introducing a fresh location that...

  • Review Fallout 4: Automatron (PS4)

    Robots rock

    Fallout 4: Automatron is a logical step for a game that puts so much emphasis on its expansive crafting system. Allowing you to build and customise your own robotic partners, Fallout 4's first add-on has the potential to breath some new life into a dusty old save file, but don't expect its main quest line to keep you occupied for more...

  • News Sony Revokes Free Fallout 4 Season Pass Purchases on PS4


    You win some, you lose some – but you've always got to try. Sony accidentally listed Fallout 4's pricey Season Pass for free late last week, leading many to believe that they'd nabbed all of Bethesda's post-release content at a complimentary fee. However, it's since revoked access to the DLC, so you'll need to stump up if you want...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Isn't Too Far Off on PS4

    Best stock up on InstaMash

    Fallout 4's overhauled survival mode was confirmed weeks ago, but it's still yet to scavenge a concrete release date. The tweaked difficulty setting will require you to eat, drink, and sleep in order to survive, while healing happens over time, and ammunition has weight. Basically, it's going to make the game more of a...

  • News You Can Play Fallout 4's First DLC at Midnight on PS4

    North America has to wait, though

    Fallout 4's first slice of downloadable content, Automatron, is set to launch tomorrow on PlayStation 4, but Bethesda's revealed that European vault dwellers will be able to get stuck in as early as midnight. According to the publisher, the expansion will go live at 12:00AM across the Old World. However, you...

  • News Fallout 4's First DLC Looks Crazy, Launches Next Week on PS4

    Gotta build 'em all

    Automatron is shaping up to be the perfect excuse to jump back into Fallout 4, and we have to admit that we're intrigued by the add-on's official trailer. Judging from the clip, a lot of effort has gone into the main element of the download: robot customisation. The video shows off a load of different ways to build your...

  • News Fallout 4's Automatron DLC Comes Equipped with 5 New Trophies

    Risky robotics

    Bethesda still hasn't issued an official launch date for Fallout 4's first slice of downloadable content, but we know that it's due to release this month. Titled Automatron, the add-on sees your vault dweller repel robotic forces from the Commonwealth, collecting their parts in the process so that you can craft your very own...

  • News Fallout 4's New PS4 Patch Preps the Game for DLC This Week

    Atom bomb baby

    Update 1.4 for Fallout 4 will arrive on PlayStation 4 this week, according to Bethesda. The patch doesn't do anything overly exciting - unless you're a fan of making Super Mutant settlements - but it at least paves the way for the game's upcoming downloadable content. The first add-on, titled Automatron, is still set to launch at some...

  • News DOOM's Multiplayer Beta Boost Jumps to PS4 This Month


    Pull on a Megadeath tee, throw us the horns, and prepare to head bang your way through some breakneck rounds of Team Deathmatch: the DOOM closed beta is coming soon to the PlayStation 4. Bethesda's announced that those who bought Wolfenstein: The New Order and redeemed the bundled code will be able to go hands-on with the bloodiest shooter of...

  • News The Elder Scrolls Online Thieves Guild Story Trailer Sneaks into View

    Quietly does it

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited's third downloadable content pack, the Thieves Guild, should be another solid add-on for fans of the massively multiplayer online title. The DLC's latest story trailer details the state of the guild and puts some fresh gameplay on display as thieves set about the new location, robbing...

  • News This Guy Won $1 Million Playing The Elder Scrolls Online

    Lucky bugger

    You may recall that back in December we reported on a big opportunity for players of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Basically, if you hopped online for a spot of adventuring over a certain period, you'd be automatically entered into a prize draw to win $1 million. A tempting proposal indeed. And hey, someone's only gone...

  • News Don't Like DOOM's Crap Box Art? You Can Vote for a Better Design

    Blown away

    So, DOOM's box art is shite. We've said it, you've probably said it, and the Internet seemed to ramble about the issue for days on end – but now, there's a beacon of hope. The official DOOM Twitter account wants you to vote on a reverse cover for the upcoming shooter, and there are two available options. Option A is a bit arty, but...

  • News Want Fallout 4's Season Pass? We Suggest Getting It Now

    The price explodes tomorrow

    Consider this a friendly reminder that the season pass for Fallout 4 will jump in price tomorrow. In other words, today is your last chance to grab it for the more reasonable cost of £24.99/$29.99. Bethesda announced that the pass would be increasing in price earlier this month, following the reveal of the title's first...

  • News DOOM Should Run Like a Bloody Dream on PS4

    "The best-looking game at 1080p, 60fps"

    Gotta love the team over at id Software, eh? The developer's lead project programmer, Billy Khan, has bigged up DOOM's engine ahead of its release in a few months, stating that it'll run at 60 frames per second in 1080p on PlayStation 4. "We want players to wonder how DOOM and idTech 6 games can be so...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Takes Things Way More Seriously

    It's a tough old world

    If you haven't already heard, Fallout 4 is getting a survival mode in a free update relatively soon. Much like Fallout: New Vegas' hardcore mode, you'll need to eat, sleep, and keep yourself hydrated in order to survive - but we could have guessed that this would be the case anyway. Nevertheless, Reddit's data mined some more...

  • News Todd Howard Says Fallout 4 DLC Is 'Pokémon-Esque'

    Gotta scrap 'em all

    Who doesn't love an easily exploitable quote, eh? Speaking to Game Informer, Bethesda creative director Todd Howard has spilled a little more information on Fallout 4's upcoming downloadable content. As you may already know, three add-ons have been announced so far: there's Automatron in March, the Wasteland Works