
Topic: Gaming Resolutions for the New Year of 2023

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1) At least a third of the games I play next year should be either visual novels or independently developed games (A ton of cool-looking indies released in 2022, and I ignored them all in favor of my usual mix of first-party Nintendo titles and AA Japanese titles like Triangle Strategy and Monster Hunter Rise. Not that I regret my choices, but, next year, I'd like to give indies more of my time. Ditto with visual novels, which I often love to play, but which I also ignored pretty hard last year.)

2) Catch up with the Fatal Frame series (Simple enough. I'll have to emulate the second game, but I borrowed a copy of The Tormented from a friend, own Maiden of Black Water, and will be buying Mask of the Lunar Eclipse)

3) Play and finish more games than I buy (I think this will become a mainstay on my lists, as it helps to control the accumulation of the backlog)

4) Play and finish Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (I've bounced off this game so many times over the years; time to finally sit down and just git er done)

5) Collect at least three platinum trophies in the Playstation ecosystem (Don't expect to be spending a TON of time playing my PS4 or Vita, but I do like trophy hunting, and I bought a few games on Black Friday, so this seems like a natural fit)

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


I really hope to reduce my current backlog of games in the new year. Think I have around 60-70 games currently installed on PS4 and another 10-15 on PS5. However I think my main problem has been I am just a sucker for sales, buying plenty of stuff I like the look of but never get around to playing.

So my resolution is to complete at least three games for every new one that I purchase. And by complete I mean at least finish the main game/story more and hopefully see the credits roll.

I think this will prove to be a test of my resolve so wish me luck.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


I’m gonna take a load off next year as my missus has taken a conscious step back in her work and I want to meet that with far more of my time dedicated to her and ‘us’… as cheesy as that sounds. Having said that, I want 30 plats, resulting in plat #150 in December 2023. Not totally settled on what #150 will be… but currently circling The Witcher 3.

Apart from that… backlog, backlog, backlog. I will play the odd new game release I’m sure… but baby got back! 😎

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I like how your “taking a step back” is to accomplish a platinum count in one year equal to what I’ve done in the last five years. 😂

But it’s good of you to consider the wife and make sure she’s well cared for first. The games will always be waiting whenever you want.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Finish off all of my already started games. Some I play local co-op with my bro when he's around but apart from that I'll just go how I fancy. Feeling a bit burned out to be honest so I think gaming will take a bit of a back seat whilst I readjust.

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. – Seneca


colonelkilgore wrote:

I’m gonna take a load off next year as my missus has taken a conscious step back in her work and I want to meet that with far more of my time dedicated to her and ‘us’… as cheesy as that sounds. Having said that, I want 30 plats, resulting in plat #150 in December 2023. Not totally settled on what #150 will be… but currently circling The Witcher 3.

lol wtf

@sorteddan Sales are the worst, man. Especially when games get low enough that it feels like a missed opportunity not purchasing stuff you're vaguely interested in, even if you know you won't get to it for months years after the fact... by which time such games are usually going even lower in sales.

It didn't use to be like this on consoles. You had some sales, sure, but not thousands of games heavily discounted. It's like every platform is running steam sales multiple times per year now.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


Has anyone said for all games to be in 4K yet?

Shall I get my coat?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


For me, I need to actually play something narrative, having spent the last year doing nothing but racing games. I have several titles queued up to choose from:
The Outer Worlds, Death Stranding, Horizon Forbidden West, Far Cry New Dawn, Far Cry Primal, Ghost Of Tsushima (restart) and Cyberpunk. But probably I will kick off with Spiderman on PS4.

Additionally, I would like to replay (and possibly capture) Mafia 2 and Red Dead Redemption, two of my absolute favourites from the 360 era.

But I'm a racer at heart, so I'll be diving into Grid Legends quite a bit, as it actually feels like a genuine successor to Autosport - which I totally adored!

Happy New Year all 🥂🍻👍🏻


6 month update

1) ’Get good’ at Fighting Games.
Not gotten around to anything yet. Maybe with the current SF6 hype I’ll finally start up the SF collection & work my way through the series.

2) Beat more games than I buy.
So far so good.
Beat 9. Bought 1.
3) Finally beat Kingdom Hearts 3.
Not yet, but I do have it slated in this year. Probably sometime in September.

4) Get 5 Platinum trophies for the year.
Well on my way. I’m on 3/5 for the year. Reckon my next one will be Dragon Quest XI. Still have some TellTale games in the backlog if I want to cheat it😅.

5) Give an online game a chance.
Well & truly checked. I started efootball23 at the start of the year & have long surpassed 1000 hours of game time. Looking forward to the end of year ‘Wrap Up’ just to see how much it’s taken over.
I’ve also dabbled in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Masters & jump in every now & then, but it’s not that great. I much prefer Legacy of the Duelist.

I reckon I can get everything ‘checked off’ by years end.

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


My main resolution would be to clean up the backlog that I’ve accrued over the past year. I never used to really carry one, usually playing one main game with an indie or smaller game on the side at a time. But there have been so many great indie games released this year, and the likes of Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarok, Assassin’s Creed Origins, Horizon Forbidden West…being such colossal games that I’ve been left with quite the collection. Also want to say it’s pretty cool to see folks rightly prioritizing the relationships in their lives. Anyway, Happy New Year and wishing you all well in your resolutions!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


RogerRoger wrote:

1) Play Less
Yeah, I know, but I'm convinced that my recent "Am I still a gamer?" wobbles have been partly caused by oversaturation. I was treating gaming like a series of tasks to overcome, rather than a hobby to be enjoyed, and some games became a chore as a result. I don't need to play every game under the freakin' sun, and I should have plenty of time to get around to those I do wanna play, so chill out, me.

2) Don't Buy Random Games
Along comes a sale, click click click, suddenly I've got seven games for a tenner and that's great, but did I really wanna play five of 'em? So did I really save any money, or did I just waste slightly less of it than I could've done? A couple of eternally-untouched games in my Library might be proof of the latter.

Preach. I did something similar a couple of years back and have not looked back. It was getting me down a bit, thinking about all the games I've yet to play. I feel so much better about gaming now that I'm not caring so much about my backlog and not buying so many games.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I'll try and fail to cut down on the current gen backlog and to spend less on retro stuff. Same as every year, really. This past year I did knock a few long timer titles off my wishlist ("Radiant Silvergun" on Saturn was a biggie) so that's something, I suppose.

Edited on by LN78



RE: backlogs, one way I could suggest to approach cutting down on the purchases would be to just add games you’re interested in to your wish list and then only look to pick them up when you get the ping to say they’re on sale.

I also download them straight to my console so they’re sat there staring at me until I do play them!



RogerRoger wrote:

1) Play Less
Yeah, I know, but I'm convinced that my recent "Am I still a gamer?" wobbles have been partly caused by oversaturation. I was treating gaming like a series of tasks to overcome, rather than a hobby to be enjoyed, and some games became a chore as a result. I don't need to play every game under the freakin' sun, and I should have plenty of time to get around to those I do wanna play, so chill out, me.

2) Don't Buy Random Games
Along comes a sale, click click click, suddenly I've got seven games for a tenner and that's great, but did I really wanna play five of 'em? So did I really save any money, or did I just waste slightly less of it than I could've done? A couple of eternally-untouched games in my Library might be proof of the latter.

Same here. They are not so much resolutions for me as they are necessities that have been occurring naturally.

Play less - I just have less time and less mood at the moment. I'm not sure how long that will last.

Buy less - well I have less money. I still wouldn't mind loading another ton on to my Nintendo account so I can get a bunch of DS games on the Wii U (just in case) before the shop closes but I really don't know if I'm going to be able to do that

In terms of games I want to play. I think I want to play more of the games I own rather than "ticking off" ps plus games or hitting up the "leaving soon" on game pass.

A few games on my shelf/in my digital library that have been catching my eye lately:

  • Dragonball Z Kakarot (I may wait for the free Series X upgrade)
  • The first Ace Attorney game (I bought the Turnabout collection on Switch recently)
  • Astral Chain
  • the platinum games TMNT/Transformers games (picked these up in CEX a little while back)
  • Spider man DLC and also miles morales
  • I started fist of the north star a lil while back as well so I should probably finish that even if I don't feel like playing it very much

I might (but not definitely) have another play through of the splinter cell games this year. I've been buying up the Xbox (because they have the FPS boost on that system) versions when I see them in CEX using the meagre credit I've attained from clearing out my DVD collection (overcoming my hoarding is probably a non gaming resolution as well)

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


I'm also tempted to play a couple games from my Wii library that I bought really cheap not long after release but never played. A Shadows Tale and Pandora's tower. Mainly because they have accrued significant value over the years and as I have no personal attachment to them, I am thinking of selling them on. Should probably play them through first though! (Both are unsealed but PT is the collector's edition with the steelbook)

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@Thrillho I usually see if there is a similar game already in my library that I yet to play or finish. Most of the time there is. Or I just avoid looking at the sales altogether on PSN for the most part.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


If I read this topic I see a lot more people struggle with the buy a lot in sales and having a huge backlog problem. My resolutions for 2023 will be

1) Buy less games.
This one is pretty simple. My backlog is huge. I'm also subbed to both ps plus and gamepass so with everything combined I can play games for years without replaying a single game. I especially should buy less new games, since they will still be here in a few months or years and a lot cheaper than on day 1.

2) My backlog has to shrink
This should happen when I take rule 1 seriously. A new game isn't always better than a game I already own or is on a service. There is enough fun stuff I can play already.

3) Care less about platinums but enough about game completion.
There were periods in 2022 that I was only looking at games which had an easy platinum instead of games I really want to play. I already started this change since my last game I platinum ed was over 3 months ago. I still want to be sure I finish my games though. At least see the credits if I enjoy it and if I don't enjoy it just drop it.

4) Trying out games from genres I don't generally like.
Last few years I became a fan of jrpgs and turn based games which I used to never like. So I want to try some more games from genres I generally don't like. For instance platformers or rogue likes.

Let's hope I can finish some more backlog games and find some new gems in them.

PSNid: Lavalera


Finish every game I start this year. Not platinums, but actually beat every game I start. That obviously doesn't count games that aren't story based like WWE 2K22 or something like that.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@Lavalera Same here with the sub services, I feel it is pointless being subbed to them if you are still going to rinse the sales. I still buy the odd game here throughout the year, but it is nowhere near as many before I was signed up to Extra.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Ralizah if you don’t mind I am going to join you in the completion of XBC1 goal - I got 30 hours into the 3DS version, 50 into the DE edition, then 20 hours into another play through of the DE edition. I just can’t stick with it somehow, but maybe XBC3 has given me a new appreciation. And it seems a shame to leave it unfinished while having 2 and 3 under my belt.

Best to keep it simple and try and actually stick to one of these gaming resolutions for once, so that’s it!

Clear XBC DE in 2023!

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987

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