
Topic: Gaming Resolutions for the New Year of 2023

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I’ve got 1 platinum this year with Fell Seal- so I’m 1/5th of the way there.
I’m not sure where the next platinum will come from. Maybe cleaning up trophies in Spider-Man, but I don’t to go back to games.

Not bought anything this year. So I’m good. I’m not buying a PS5 until I clear everything.
Unless Uncharted 5 gets shadow dropped like tomorrow.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Fight_Teza_Fight Careful with that last line, buddy! That's how internet rumours get started, and suddenly you'll have a hundred Twitter accounts tweeting their disappointment when tomorrow comes and goes without an Uncharted 5 announcement!

Unless you know something we don't...? Darn, now I'm gonna keep an eye on the headlines all day!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I wish! I’ve got a good friend that works for Rare in Art, but he works for the wrong platform😅.

If I ever become an insider you’ll be the first to know- or you won’t as I casually drop hints in my comments.

I’m not an insider & much more like the surprise. Also I really want UC5

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


So my resolution was to not buy any new games until I make some meaningful progress on my backlog. My current backlog looks like this, in no particular order:

A Plague Tale Requiem, Darkwood, Deathloop, Deaths Door, Narita boy, Norco, Outer Wilds, Paradise Killer, RollerDrome, Salt and Sacrifice, Sifu, Stray, Sonic Frontiers, The Ascent, The Quarry. And I’m about 70 hours into Horizon Forbidden West.

…I don’t think it’s gonna happen 😂

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Weirdly all of your backlog games that begin with the letter D are also in my backlog! (As well as The Ascent and Outer Wilds). If you bought nothing and played only what was on this list when do you think you would be finished by?

I thought reached a point where I realised I that even if I could complete a game every week (unlikely with some longer ones) I would still have enough to play for a couple of years.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Better then expected. Have so far having a blast with the games that I have decided to play. Which was one my goals for this year. Or more specially to mostly play games I enjoy.



@sorteddan I’d guess I could easily spend around 180-200 hours on this list which, depending on how life goes, would likely take me into late summer/fall. The problem is, I’m getting very tempted by the likes of Hogwarts and Wo Long, not to mention the rest of the year (Final Fantasy will be a must play at launch for me). Ah well, just gonna keep plugging away. Once I’ve wrapped up the massive Forbidden West, it’ll probably feel like I’m making meaningful progress again. Do you have any particular system or strategy in dealing with your backlog?

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer Man, that is a tame backlog. I could probably subsist into my 40s purely on all of the Steam games I've bought in sales.

You have at least a few 10 - 20 hour games in that list which shouldn't take too long to knock out. It's easy to get bogged down on completion goals if you focus on RPG epics, though.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


I somehow missed this new thread back in January but my resolutions would probably look a bit like this:

1. Horizon Forbidden West
This was in my backlog all last year and I really should have played it by now. Undecided on whether I want to go for the platinum.

2. Suikoden remasters
These are the biggies for me this year. Platinums for each, of course. I probably won't play them back to back, mind. Maybe the first game at release and Sui II in the autumn.

3. Astrobot Rescue Mission
Got a VR for the kids at Christmas and I haven't had a look-in yet. I can probably throw Moss in there as well.

4. Replay Elden Ring with a completely different build
On the rare occasions I do replay a FromSoft game, I fall back on the same old katana based dexterity build. I want to revisit this game with a completely different character from what I'm used to, like a heavy-drinking archer, or a bodypopping wizard.

5. Firewatch
Bought this last year and then immediately started something else, so this needs completing ASAP, before it winds up on PS Plus for free and I hold an irrational, burning (no pun intended) grudge against it due to buyer's remorse.

Good to see everyone with such varied gaming plans for the year ahead!

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Ralizah Well, that makes me feel a little better! For someone who never used to carry one though, it feels a little overwhelming. I hadn’t even thought of other platforms! Thank goodness I only purchase on one.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer Your back log seems so achievable! Last time I checked I had about 80 - 90 games I've yet to play. But I've long given up caring about that lol.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder I’ve got a pile of claimed plus games and the like that I haven’t included in there. Maybe I should have called it ‘backlog that I aim to actually get through!’

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer Yeah that's what I want to do as well. Go through my entire library on the systems I play and categorize it. So I'll have a list of games I really want to play first , games when I'm in the mood for it and games that are highly unlikely to be touched.
That way I'll consider the games I really want to play as backlog and the rest i consider my library. So something to pick from when my backlog is gone.

Edited on by Lavalera

PSNid: Lavalera


@Lavalera Yeah, at the very least, it should at least make one feel better about their backlog. Let us know how that comes along!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Match Update

Ralizah wrote:

1) At least a third of the games I play next year should be either visual novels or independently developed games

Still holding pretty good with this one, as two of the four games I've started recently have been independently developed

2) Catch up with the Fatal Frame series

Nada again, although more by design, as a 'new' entry releases in less than a week, and I intend to play it immediately

3) Play and finish more games than I buy

I've fallen off with this goal a bit. Have bought six games to date, and only beat five. I have several games near completion, though, so it'll rebalance itself soon enough

4) Play and finish Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

I've made SIGNIFICANT progress on this goal in the last month. I'm now 50+ hours in and in the late-game stages of XCDE

5) Collect at least three platinum trophies in the Playstation ecosystem

No progress yet again

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


I think I need to have a little accountability. It’s been over two months since my last check-in and I don’t think I made much progress.

Th3solution wrote:

1. Play at least 3 of the 2023 releases.

  • 1 out of 3 so far

2. Watch at least 4 video game related cross-media TV shows or movies (either live-action or animated)

  • 1 out of 4 so far

3. Play at least 6 indies.

  • 2 out of 6 so far

4. Take at least 1 screenshot from every game I play this year (Vita games excluded, unfortunately)

  • 100% so far

5. Play a “simulator” style game.

  • None yet.

I have to remind myself from time to time what I wanted to attempt this year. The year is close to 30% over.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution "The year is close to 30% over."

please don't say that



April Update

Ralizah wrote:

1) At least a third of the games I play next year should be either visual novels or independently developed games

5 out of the 9 games I've played this year have been indies, and I'm currently playing through a visual novel as well. Doing really well with this goal so far.

2) Catch up with the Fatal Frame series

Working my way through Fatal Frame 4, but that's it.

3) Play and finish more games than I buy

I've technically bought nine games this year, but am only counting six of them, since three of them were digital purchases that my nephew wanted and I agreed to share the cost on. So definitely pulling ahead on this goal. Even if we counted those purchases, though, I'd still break even, so to speak.

4) Play and finish Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

I beat the main game, so I'm counting this, but I also plan on going through Future Connected soon as well.

5) Collect at least three platinum trophies in the Playstation ecosystem

No progress yet again

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


6 month update

1) ’Get good’ at Fighting Games.
Not gotten around to anything yet. Maybe with the current SF6 hype I’ll finally start up the SF collection & work my way through the series.

2) Beat more games than I buy.
So far so good.
Beat 9. Bought 1.

3) Finally beat Kingdom Hearts 3.
Not yet, but I do have it slated in this year. Probably sometime in September.

4) Get 5 Platinum trophies for the year.
Well on my way. I’m on 3/5 for the year. Reckon my next one will be Dragon Quest XI. Still have some TellTale games in the backlog if I want to cheat it😅.

5) Give an online game a chance.
Well & truly checked. I started efootball23 at the start of the year & have long surpassed 1000 hours of game time. Looking forward to the end of year ‘Wrap Up’ just to see how much it’s taken over.
I’ve also dabbled in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Masters & jump in every now & then, but it’s not that great. I much prefer Legacy of the Duelist.

I reckon I can get everything ‘checked off’ by years end.

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


Having passed July 2nd, the halfway mark in the year is behind us. Less than 180 days remain. How are we doing?

Th3solution wrote:

1. Play at least 3 of the 2023 releases.

  • 3 out of 3 so far. Proud of my efforts here. Those games are Hogwart’s Legacy, Tchia, and Jedi Survivor (still not complete yet), not to mention I started and played a couple hours of FF16 also. I’m killing this goal.

2. Watch at least 4 video game related cross-media TV shows or movies (either live-action or animated)

  • 2 out of 4 so far. I watched HBO’s TLoU (which was great) and I’m cheating a little but I’m counting Across the Spider-Verse. (Hey, it’s video game adjacent 😅). I also just started season one of The Witcher. So make that 2.1 out of 4.

3. Play at least 6 indies.

  • 3 out of 6 so far. Although that’s going by the strictest definition of “indie.” The 3 so far are Tacoma, Tchia, and The Stanley Parable. I also played The Pathless and am playing Stray both published by Annapurna but developed by small studios indie-type studios, but I couldn’t find anything saying whether Annapurna helped fund the games and owns the IP’s or not. So I’ll not count those 2 for now.

4. Take at least 1 screenshot from every game I play this year (Vita games excluded, unfortunately)

  • 90%. I missed getting a screenshot in Tacoma. And by the time I thought of it I had the platinum and had deleted the game. Ah well. I’m 100% in all my others though.

5. Play a “simulator” style game.

  • None yet. Still mulling over which of these to try.

So far, so good. I’m mostly on schedule.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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