
Topic: The Art Thread

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Asked my kid to make me some cover art over the summer for my copy of tlou2 (i hate the way the steelbook holds the discs so i moved the discs to an empty case). This is where they've gotten so far as my requests usually don't get as much attention as whatever they actually want to draw. Plus I have no way to print atm so I asked it be hand drawn which also makes it a tad more difficult.

Still, it's coming along. Thought I'd share.


PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@Kidfried I'm assuming you're asking my kid's age and I guess the word kid is deceiving because they aren't some artistic child savant if that's how it comes off lol. They are in college. A technical adult if not one in practice. Shamelessly plugging their art Insta now: dumbdiddlydoodles

@Zuljaras these are neat. followed you on youtube. been meaning to for a while now. what type of game is it? are these pieces for a board game or something animated?

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@zupertramp The game is metroidvania. I LOVE Castlevania so I decided to start developing my own game. Those sketches above are designs for bosses inside the game.

Right now I am trying to make a demo of the game with 3 playable areas and 2 bosses.


@Zuljaras Which IDE and language/framework are you using?

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett I started the game on Game Maker 8.1, Then I ported it to Game Maker Studio and last month I posted it to the latest Game Maker Studio 2.

The language is GML (proprietary game maker language) but it is extremely similar to Java Script with hints of C#


@Zuljaras I honestly can’t really get my head around a lot of GameMaker so props to you for sticking with it! My personal favourite for now is MonoGame, which is a pretty near framework by Microsoft to replace their old XNA stuff that was used for Xbox Live Arcade back in the day.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Never heard of it., probably because I sticked with Game Maker for so long as you said

I also bought a separate software called Spine 3D so I could make those awesome moving object with many parts.

Here is a video of a Test golem object that moves with real steps + the played able to hop on it and move with it. That was a hard thing to figure out!


@Zuljaras That’s honestly impressive, my limited experience with GameMaker did my head in with the way they work out gravity and such!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Gravity in GM is optional. You could write your own gravity if you want and not use the built-in function. I use it because I knew how to work with it and I even use in my underwater movement

When I started GM I did not know anything about coding but with time you learn little by little. Also it helps to learn some real programming languages after that!

My next engine after this game will be Unity for sure. Right now I am starting to learn C# so I can get into the coding part


@Zuljaras Unity’s not bad at all. My favourite part is that they’ve integrated Ink support, which is a scripting language used for writing narrative-based games. It was created by Inkle, who made the Sorcery games and 80 Days.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Recently I've been very inspired by this artist I have been following her for a long time. I love her tutorials and reviews. Thanks to her, I found amazing art supplies from I try to draw too, but I am just a beginner. Now I'm trying to draw with acrylic markers on stones and wood and it seems that this is what I really like. And I plan to start my blog

Edited on by maryeddington

I'm Mary and I love painting, plants, and people.


@maryeddington Really. Thanks for the recommendation of the store, I found many interesting options. Not to say that I like to draw a lot, but I always look for markers to buy.



Guys I have entered the LRG Castlevania art contest with my 2 pieces! One is sculpture I made from polymer clay and the other is drawing in Procreate!

Simon Belmont vs Skeleton

Time-lapse of the whole process!

And this is Death from Super Castlevania IV!


Video of the sculpture with Simon's Theme ofc!!!


@Zuljaras Fantastic work! Best of luck in the competition!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987

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