
Topic: Showcase 2023 Predictions & Rumours

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Right so as mentioned in a recent comment here. Iam a bit confused why so many people seemed to have had such high hope on this showcase. I mean its only May. I am quite glad that we got some game announcements and trailers. Given that its only May it feels like Playstation could have more in store for us in the coming months. So I feel like its a better idea to be a bit patient and wait.

Edited on by oliverp



@oliverp I can’t speak for everyone obviously… but I had high hopes as it’d been 20 months since Sony’s last Showcase, when we’re used to at least one a year (occasionally two). Sony also have a rich history of outstanding shows… so the short answer to your question would be… history I guess 😉

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!



Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@oliverp I’d understand it only being may if they had an awesome showcase in December, but they did not - it’s been a long while. It is what it is, and you are probably right, there will be more to show later this year.

The worrying thing is that Sony seem to have not anticipated this response, which makes you wonder if they are asleep at the wheel. It’s really the best they could come up with? And if so, they could have softened the blow by setting some expectations or just a standard SOP. They didn’t do that, so people thought they’d be getting an E3 level announcement (and then some, since they completely skipped last year).

I mean imagine them not showing up to E3 in 2015, and then going with that for 2016.

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Yeah, I think if people knew that another showcase was coming soon, they'd be less anxious about the lack of interesting first-party reveals here. The larger anxiety is being caused by Sony's own ostensible unwillingness to share its plans with its player base, as evidenced by how long it has been since players have been waiting (and arguably are still waiting) for another proper showcase. Because I can't imagine they don't have good stuff in the works.

It's sort of like with Redfall and the fallout from that. If Microsoft had a semi-consistent release schedule for first-party titles, or even just notable exclusives of any sort, it wouldn't have been a big deal. But they've gone so long without decent first-party releases now that the importance of each is magnified.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


These are the games I'm looking forward to, that were shown at yesterday's PlayStation Showcase.

Final Fantasy XVI (PS5) - June 22, 2023
Assassin's Creed: Mirage (PS5) - October 12, 2023
Alan Wake II (PS5) - October 17, 2023

TBA 2023
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Fall 2023
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 (PS5) - Fall 2023
Granblue Fantasy: Relink (PS5) - Winter 2023
The Plucky Squire (PS5)

TBA 2024
Cat Quest: Pirates of the Purribean (PS5)

Dragon's Dogma II (PS5)
Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater (PS5)
Phantom Blade Zero (PS5)

My Anime List | My Video Game Collection

Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan

PSN: KidRyan89 | Twitter:


@KidRyan Nice to see some rays of light 👍 I’m really looking forward to having almost all the mgs series on modern hardware, perhaps mgs4 will make vol 2? We can dream. I’m only just playing Assassins Creed for the first time on xb at the moment so Mirage has suddenly become a lot more appealing as it looks like it might be a more definitive version of 1. Alan Wake II looks great although it’s only a cg trailer, i have faith in remedy! Have a great day.

Edited on by AgentCooper

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


One thing from the showcase was Jimmy boy saying we’re now in the third year of the PS5.

I know I generally wait until games are on sale before buying them but since I’ve had my console (April 2021) I’ve played maybe two purely PS5 exclusives I think? (Returnal and R&C).

There have been plenty of games that have managed still be cross gen and multi platform but it really is mad how few dedicated games the console has had.



@Thrillho I think that has been mostly due to the scarcity of being able to get hold of a console. It has only been fairly recently that it has been easier for a regular consumer to get hold of one.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder oh absolutely but being this far into the console’s lifecycle with only a handful of exclusives and Spidey 2 the only big name coming up? Yeesh.



@CaptD Kyle Bosman is the only thing in games media better than Hookshot!



@kyleforrester87, @colonelkilgore Well given this information I see your point. That said we at least got the announcement of the Metal Gear remakes. That was like something that was enough for me and something that made me super happy to say the least. Speaking of which I wounder that what game engine the remakes will use (Its nothing that I have read anything about).

Edited on by oliverp



@CaptD yeah nice to see Bosman feels similarly. The only part where I differ to his take is on Spider-man 2 but I get his concern in terms of the narrative i suppose (i was just very impressed by the technical leap forwards more than anything).

**** DLC!


Skill ups take has just gone up too… haven’t watched it yet but just in case anyone is too lazy to open YouTube:

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I just watched that video before checking in here. A really good summation and measured response to the showcase. Skill-Up pretty much always does well articulated and explained videos, his reviews of Redfall and Gollum are probably more entertaining than the games.
@CaptD Despite knowing of the guy I haven't really ever seen any of his channel. I gave it a watch and like @colonelkilgore I agree with it all except the Spider-Man concerns/potential concerns.


PSN: leejon5


@colonelkilgore Did you notice how Skillup said free to play for a number of those Sony gaas titles, ha ha no way will they be free to play. Either way I won't be playing them except for maybe the Helldivers one because who doesn't like the Starship troopers scenario plus seems pve rather than pvp.
Also both cat games are sequels which came out before Stray



@CaptD I did notice the cat-gaff in particular 🤣. Yeah I am keen for Helldivers 2 in fairness but obviously the big Sony GaaS that I’m pretty much as excited as I would be for a big first party single player blockbuster is The Last of Us: microtrans*F*actions, really hope that Naughty Dog pull off something special with that one. Still can’t believe they didn’t show it off on Wednesday!

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I'll be interested to hear his take because he tends to be more open minded when it comes live service titles



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