Broadcast yourself

Soon you’ll be able to keep track of your favourite online personalities on the move, as Sony has announced it’s adding a free YouTube app to the PlayStation Vita in June.

The download will be available for free from the PlayStation Store, and will feature many of the functions from the full video sharing website. You’ll be able to search and add comments to videos, all via the handheld itself.

Sony’s Don Mesa said:

PlayStation Vita was developed with the idea of creating and delivering compelling content for all of you gamers. With the recent announcements of applications such Paint Park, Treasure Park and Wake-up Club, and Skype, we're continuing to build out PS Vita's portfolio of applications.

As we move further into 2012, we look forward to introducing you to more unique, social and immersive experiences only available on PS Vita.

Obviously this isn’t world shattering news, but we’d prefer to have the option to watch YouTube on Vita rather than not at all.