Friendly fella

“That’s not Ezio,” we hear you cry. To which we’d respond: where have you been these past few weeks? Assassin’s Creed III is a brand new entry in the acrobatic stealth series, meaning it boasts a fresh protagonist and setting.

The backdrop is the American Revolution, and the new hero is Connor. His real name is Ratohnhaké:ton, but, for reasons we don’t think we need to explain, Ubisoft decided to give him a second moniker with less than five syllables.

You can get a good look at the new character below, in addition to all his Templar bashing goodies. He’s got tomahawks, pistols, hidden blades and more – we reckon even Ezio would be impressed by this guy’s arsenal.

For more information on Ubisoft's latest sneaky smash-hit, check out our Assassin's Creed III First Impressions.