Still missing key content

SCEE gets a lot of stick for delaying downloadable games that release on-time in North America. One example is Trine 2, which is still yet to launch in Europe despite hitting the US around Christmas time.

As part of today’s PlayStation Store update, Sony’s Jawad Ashraf has attempted to shed a little light on exactly what holds up the European releases of anticipated games:

Licensing, market and a host of other business and non-business decisions all play a part. What is often forgotten is the EU consists of not just one or two countries – it includes a variety, meaning a lot more localising must be done. Certain games also retain licenses only in certain territories or have expired rights. There’s generally so many factors that can often lead to games being delayed or totally cancelled for specific regions, and sometimes this cannot be helped.

Ashraf continued that the publisher can’t simply share details about when games pass the QA process in Europe because this is “highly confidential information”.

Of course it still doesn’t clear up how XBOX manages to pull off worldwide digital releases so seamlessly. Indeed, Trine 2 is currently available in Europe on Microsoft’s platform and has been for months.

We don’t envy the challenges that face SCEE, but we’re not convinced this statement will quell the criticisms coming from impatient fans.
