There are many possibilities

The upcoming launch of PS Vita is starting to generate a fair bit of buzz, with the new handheld's substantial feature-set coming into focus. To take advantage of this, Sony is currently releasing regular 'Inside PS Vita' videos to show-off the functionality of the device and its potential.

One of the latest videos shows off Cross Play, which will allow select games to be played between a Vita and PS3, allowing direct multiplayer between the two: WipEout 2048, in particular, is featured. Interestingly, developers that appear in the video talk about possibilities for remote play, as well as potential for the Vita to serve as a 'sub-display' of a PS3 game: this would bring obvious opportunities for alternative viewpoints in co-op games. A lot of this functionality is remarkably similar to what's expected in Nintendo's Wii U, so Sony is clearly staking an early claim to these gameplay opportunities.

What do you think of Cross Play? Do you think this is a feature that will be used a lot? Check out the video below and let us know what you think.