PushSquare Looks Rad On The PS3 Browser By The Way. Just Sayin'.

It's often a broken, slow and clunky experience - no doubt about it. But we'd be lost without. When the computers are all switched off, we're in the middle of a game, and we need to quickly get an update on a story or something happening around the web — the first port of call is the PS3's web browser. It gives you a leg up, it tells you what you need to know, and most importantly - it works.

So when XBOX's Aaron Greenberg decided to criticise the PS3's web browser, describing it as "a nightmare", we're not quite sure of the point he's trying to make. On one hand, we agree: it could absolutely be a better browsing experience.

But surely it's better to have that browser option on your box, rather than not? Even if you only use it once a week to check the football results on BBC.co.uk.