What's the Best Fara 83 Loadout in Call of Duty: Warzone? Another fairly new kid on the block is the Fara 83, an assault rifle that was going underused until some buffs placed it firmly into the current meta. It's now up there with the Krig 6 as one of the best of the best. In this Warzone beginner's guide, we're going to reveal the best Fara 83 Loadout, including what attachments to equip.

Warzone: Best Fara 83 Loadout

Call of Duty Warzone: Best Fara 83 Loadout Guide 1
  • Muzzle - Gru Suppressor
  • Barrel - 18.7" Spetsnaz RPK Barrel
  • Optic - Axial Arms 3x
  • Underbarrel - Spetsnaz Grip
  • Ammunition - Spetsnaz 60 Rnd

The Gru Suppressor is essential for this Loadout build as it stops the enemy from detecting you on their radars and also increases damage range — a double whammy of good stuff there. The 18.7" Spetsnaz RPK Barrel then sorts out any recoil troubles and increases the weapon's damage range, while the Axial Arms 3x scope will allow you to place those shots at a distance much more accurately. The Spetsnaz 60 Rnd magazine rounds out the build, ensuring you have enough bullets to take down multiple enemies before having to reload.

With the Overkill perk equipped, we recommend pairing the Fara 83 with the following SMGs:

Can you think of a better Fara 83 Loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone? How have you performed with the attachments listed above? Check out our Warzone Beginner's Guide, and let us know in the comments below.