
Topic: Is it me or does Cyberpunk 2077 suck?

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So. I really tried, I really did.

I started playing CyberPunk2077. I really forced myself to like it over the first ten hours. Once it got about 11 hours into the game, it just became a blur. The storylines were all over the place, it got progressively harder to the point where it just wasn't fun anymore.

I have been on a roll of playing some very good to great games (Far Cry 6, RDR2, TLOU, God of War). This is very disappointing. It seems like these items you pick up are worthless and you keep having to sell, or these cyber warriors never die, you die too quick in a group of like three villains.

I'm no pro in FPS type games but I've played enough to know what I like and what I think is a good game, even if I suck.

Is it only me? I mean, should I sell it, put it down for a bit and try something else and come back, or stick it out... I've tried to become better with games since I got a PS5 and wanting to finish a game before I play another one, but this hurts.

Edited on by LiamCroft



Try this game. Very easy game. ๐Ÿ˜Ž



@Anti-Matter I mean I like the challenge but I feel this game is just so all over the place I am losing the "want" to try to finish this.



You can try some easy to play kids games on PS4 / PS5.



@nyXhc420 I had the same exact problem until I found out what the problem was. The city is cut up in neighborhoods which all have their own difficulty without really showing it, the only way you can see it is looking at the icons on the map, if they say very hard the area is to high level for you. I had to start looking for the normal description with side activities and then the game became a lot more doable. It certainly tempered my enjoyment of the game and did finish it but didn't end up liking it as much as I thought I would. So my advise would be, look at the side quests in zones and which difficulty they show and go do side stuff in areas that say normal or easy instead of hard and very hard and then you see the game isn't really that hard at all. Because this way you level up slowly to the other areas levels

Edited on by Lavalera

PSNid: Lavalera


If itโ€™s too hard you can always lower the difficulty. I just finished the game last week and I absolutely loved it. It was one of those games that I would think about at work:


PSN: Bentleyma-


It's subjective to the individual, so yeah, it's you. Not a bad thing or a diss, just move on to a game you like. You can always come back, and it might click or not.



Removed - trolling/baiting



For me, it's very slow and very dull. I gave Cyberpunk 2077 20 solid hours and it's pretty disappointing.



If you haven't you may see how playing on easy works, even the easiest setting. Higher than normal is meant to be unbalanced for the challenge. However even normal with some games can feel unbalanced. That is bullet sponge enemies armed with better weapons than we have, thus we die fast and often.

I have not played Cyberpunk but if levels work like in Borderlands games then you may need to level up before taking on some enemies and quests.


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