
  • Review Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PlayStation 3)

    Sibling Revelry

    Renowned for developing first person shooters, it may surprise some to discover that Starbreeze Studios are behind this charming indie adventure. Whether they choose to continue developing titles like Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is unclear, but they’ve certainly proven that they’re more than capable of expanding their scope...


  • Review Terraria (PlayStation 3)

    Building blocks

    Terraria is a strange title. Its 2D world suggests simple fun when compared to the gritty realism that most games portray, while its quirky styling and audio lead to an often comedic atmosphere. Don’t be fooled by the aesthetics, though – this is a release that demands your time and effort if you want to get the most out of it...


  • Review Sniper Elite V2 (PlayStation 3)

    Not a bad shot

    Sniper Elite V2 is a pretty single-minded game, when all’s said and done. The Rebellion-developed remake has grand plans of being a stealth action title with tactical frills, but in reality it’s much more content with being a profoundly simplistic shooter. With a limited arsenal and even fewer gameplay distractions, the success of...


  • Review Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted (PlayStation Vita)

    Breakin’ bones and genres

    Modern fighting bouts are glamorous events these days, but it hasn’t always been this way. Fighting for honour, societal positioning or for the unadulterated brutality and adrenaline rush, the warriors of Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted are so highly trained in the art of fighting that their bare hands are lethal weapons...


  • Review Rugby World Cup 2011 (PlayStation 3)

    A collapsed scrum

    HB Studios is no stranger to rugby union, having created EA’s last-generation rugby titles, although these were merely decent at best. After a four-year hiatus the studio's returned to the field with its latest offering, the officially-licensed Rugby World Cup 2011. Given its previous experience with the previous console...


  • Review Grease (PlayStation 3)

    The one you might want

    Grease Dance (or just Grease) has clearly been designed with parties in mind and, as the summer nights fade to make way for the festive season, it’s come at the right time. With a host of famous songs from the 1978 musical at its command, plus plenty of past experience developing music games of varying nature, developer...