
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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rest of this month and in June I'm going to be busy with these shows

Smallville Seasons 5, 6 and 7 for DVD
Babylon 5 Season 3 on Tubi
either South Park Season 5 or X Files Season 6 for DVD



@JohnnyShoulder It's not bad, I've watched 3 episodes so far. Certainly shows a side of Ray-man never seen before!



This could be the best thing ever or worst.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder It is certainly the most interesting Marvel project currently on the docket (besides the proper Spider-verse sequel).



@JohnnyShoulder I've had very low general interest in comicbook/superhero/MCU related stuff over the years, but between the actor and the setting, this does look interesting to me.



@FuriousMachine @Malaise Yeah I've fallen off the superhero tv and film stuff over the last few years, with only the Spider-verse and The Batman films that I've enjoyed (and the TNMT animation if that counts).

I'm quite pessimistic about most things these days, but thisnat the very least has me intrigued regarding how it turns out.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Finished X-Men 97. I feel like there is plenty you could be critical of (especially when it comes to pacing), but I just think it is so cool this show even exists. I feel like even ten years ago we wouldn't have got an adaptation quite like this. It is the one blessing of the Marvel content machine, their need to constantly pump out content means they're willing to greenlight riskier projects like this to keep the slates filled. Some will write this off as nostalgia bait, but I think this is genuinely one of the best Marvel related things we've had in years.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


binging through Smallville Season 5 for DVD this weekend.

then next week I'm going to be busy with Smallville Season 6 for DVD and Star Trek Discovery Season 3 for DVD the rest of this month



Doctor Who was much much much better this week. I mean sure, it was a Moffat episode so they were always great under Davies but yep, another great one. Funnily enough, a companion piece to the Iraq critiques of the Eccleston era, just going after war profiteering rather than the politicians. I still have issues with the green screen making everything have the same artificial depth to the scene and the general lack of extras making the sets feel empty but at least this one justified that, being a bottle episode. Feel a lot more positive about the series’ spirit being intact after this one, it’s always had a radical edge to it and the Whittaker ones tended to slant a bit sorta weirdly right-wing in its upholding of the establishment, so to have The Doctor actually critical again is a good sign given its Disney money.

Edited on by nessisonett

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


just started rewatching/binging through Smallville Season 6 for DVD earlier today. show has more action during that season onward because of the addition of Green Arrow



I've never seen a Dr. Who episode in my life, but I've always been curious about it. I was considering tracking down the 2005 version with Eccleston, but seeing as it's considered a continuation rather than a reboot, will I be completely lost if I haven't seen the earlier stuff or is it a good place to jump in?



@FuriousMachine That is where I started after a few decades of not watching it. I only had a passing interest in it as a kid.

I got all the way through to the last couple of episodes in the Peter Capaldi run, before completely falling off it, and never seen one since!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I watched the revival long before I ever saw a single episode of classic who and I never felt lost.

Born too early to explore space and born too late to explore Earth, but born just in time to explore memes.


@FuriousMachine A couple years ago I tried watching it for the first time and I went back to the beginning, as that seemed the best place to start. I made it through about 3-4 episodes before giving up. It was really corny and I couldn’t tolerate the outdated effects and low budget feel to it. People told me some better points to jump in, but the franchise was already soured for me. If you like older TV, your mileage may vary.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


To be honest, I kind of miss the Flash TV show. I got so into it, but over time it got worse, and I was so disappointed to see one of my favorite shows go downhill.
What do you guys think about this TV show?

Current Level - 55

PSN: wR_sixtee6


Just finished season 2 of Outer Range last night and enjoyed the hell out’ve it tbh. The missus and I both commented that while we both remembered that we somewhat liked season 1 a couple of years ago, that we weren’t prepared for how crazily awesome and awesomely crazy season 2 would go down. If you haven’t seen it, think something odd and mysterious like… Twin Peaks maybe but crossed with a modern day western (involving all of the tropes associated with the genre). My fingers are firmly crossed for a season 3!

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Glad to hear it! I only recently watched season 1 as it was recommended to me and I was told it was reminiscent of both Twin Peaks and X-Files, both shows I absolutely love to death.
I was somewhat disappointed with s1. I thought it was a bit to slow and ponderous for its own good, but I am ready to give s2 a go as I've heard they've ramped up the weirdness a bit



@FuriousMachine yeah I’m pretty sure that I felt similarly to you at the conclusion to season 1 (although my memories of it are very sketchy tbh)… but yeah the show just goes all in during season 2 ratcheting up the weirdness up to 11! 👍

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!

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